As far as I'm aware, organic taste is a myth.
actually it isn't. wine depends on flavours derived partly from the soils and environment the vines are grown in. it can even vary year to year. there's a fancy french word for it -
the major part of wine flavour is from - you guessed it - an expression of terpenes. the cannabis terpene wheel, a tool used to describe weed flavour, is a direct adaptation of the wine flavour wheel, which has been around a couple hundred yrs.
the bottom line is the plant brings the possibilities, and the environment adds or helps to promote certain ones, or give some of it's own. this is true whether organic or not. same as the wine industry.
(iirc) the organics buds had higher terpene levels and greater THC percentage. Overall yields were greater for synthetics.
a lot depends on if the synthetics are using growth hormones.
if they are then yes, you can get bulk with a big helping of meh.
so much depends on the grower. at the outset of hydro in the late 70's early 80's, everyone went gaga to try buy the stuff here. you could get an extra $20 -$60 bucks a half just by calling it hydro.
the reason was it was better than indoor soil stuff at the time. soil was fair to average, if you wanted the good stuff it was always imported. there wasn't a lot of support for the growing industry until hydro came along. the indoor soil stuff was all grown in whatever garden stuff guys could scrape together and amend. the quality reflected that.
when hydro happened it was a game changer. hydro shops themselves were not illegal, and there was finally an outlet for the industry. hydro growers had more control over the nutrients and environment, and the result was reflected in the product.
at the time hydro always had higher thc counts.
since then, the whole growing industry has evolved - again because of the shops. the environmental control is now better for everyone, indoor at least. there is far more access to better products , and loads of information available to all growers.
the result has been now it really depends on the grower and how well they are dialed in to their style and method of growing.