InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Any time a woman wants to tell me how we men can't comprehend the pain of childbirth, I share with them my story of getting my balls caught in the gears of a copy machine. Yeah honey, I fully understand extreme pain!
Oh God, that's awful. Made me sick to my stomach a little.
I've had migraines that were worse than giving birth. TBH
Oh God, that's awful. Made me sick to my stomach a little.
I've had migraines that were worse than giving birth. TBH

It's actually a pretty funny story told live with gestures and all. It's a wonder I haven't killed myself yet by doing dumb shit. I've also lit myself on fire when a fart that was trapped in my long coat ignited when I snapped my Zippo closed on my thigh, and damned near drowned from a garden hose.
It's actually a pretty funny story told live with gestures and all. It's a wonder I haven't killed myself yet by doing dumb shit. I've also lit myself on fire when a fart that was trapped in my long coat ignited when I snapped my Zippo closed on my thigh, and damned near drowned from a garden hose.
I feel like there is more to this story...Especially the second part about the hose.
I feel like there is more to this story...Especially the second part about the hose.
They are all separate incidences. The hose is the least humorous. I had filled up a waterbed with a garden hose, had both ends in my hand and walked down a flight of stairs. I am fully aware of fluid dynamics, but had a momentary lapse. As all the water started rushing down the stairs and coming out of the hose, me not wanting to make a mess in the house, stuck both ends of the hose in my mouth. Needless to say it filled me up pretty quick and I had water shooting out my nose. Yep, I'm a dumbass. In the end I still had big mess to clean up.
They are all separate incidences. The hose is the least humorous. I had filled up a waterbed with a garden hose, had both ends in my hand and walked down a flight of stairs. I am fully aware of fluid dynamics, but had a momentary lapse. As all the water started rushing down the stairs and coming out of the hose, me not wanting to make a mess in the house, stuck both ends of the hose in my mouth. Needless to say it filled me up pretty quick and I had water shooting out my nose. Yep, I'm a dumbass. In the end I still had big mess to clean up.
I'm so full of emotion. I'm laughing, I'm crying. Your horrible stories are so funny. I'm sorry! Lolol.
I'm so full of emotion. I'm laughing, I'm crying. Your horrible stories are so funny. I'm sorry! Lolol.

They are meant to be humorous, yet true. I've thought about doing an open mic night and a stand-up routine out of them.
They are meant to be humorous, yet true. I've thought about doing an open mic night and a stand-up routine out of them.
Dang! You have enough for material!?! Lol.
Thanks for alleviating any guilt I may have had for laughing at your misfortune. Sounds like I'm only slightly less danger prone than you are. #stayinalive
Highya Shed,

You're back. Yea!!:yahoo: I hate getting sick. I'm so glad it's not very often!

Could you train your puppy to get rid of rats? Might be fun for him/her.

I never would have had the focus to do this when I was younger or the time when my kids were. I probably hit this growing thing at the exact right age. Won't be too long before I can't schlep the plants any more!
Oh, NO. Don't say that! I'm hoping to grow until a ripe old age!! Don't even want to live if I can't grow! Glad you're back. Cheers
They are all separate incidences. The hose is the least humorous. I had filled up a waterbed with a garden hose, had both ends in my hand and walked down a flight of stairs. I am fully aware of fluid dynamics, but had a momentary lapse. As all the water started rushing down the stairs and coming out of the hose, me not wanting to make a mess in the house, stuck both ends of the hose in my mouth. Needless to say it filled me up pretty quick and I had water shooting out my nose. Yep, I'm a dumbass. In the end I still had big mess to clean up.

It's like a beer bong netti pot of sorts.

I bet you looked like one of those wind sock puppets in front of stores.
I have to ask. How the F does one get his balls caught in the gears of a copy machine lol.

So...I'm about 18 years old. My parents owned a flower shop and greenhouse. My dad is off somewhere one day, which puts me in charge. In walks a copy machine salesman. He starts in with his pitch on how we should have a copy machine. I tell him we don't really have a need for one. He's very insistent. "Tell you what", he says, "I've got a small desktop copier I'll leave with you for 2 weeks. I'll come back for it in 2 weeks and you can decide then. But I bet that you'll see how much you will use one if you have one.". So guy leaves the copier. I find a spot for it on a small desk we had. A week goes by. Noone has used the thing. I'm working late one night, all by myself, doing some bi-monthly billing on the computer. Well, I'm 18, young brash and stupid. I decide I'm gonna put my junk on the copier and make a copy. Mind you, noone has yet to use this thing. So I get up on my tip toes, lift the lid, put my junk up on the glass, and push the button. Much to my surprise, the copier starts moving like and old fashioned type writer where the platen moves. Most copiers the little light bar moves, not this one. The light stays stationary and the rest of the copier moves instead. Not wanting to smear the copy of my Johnson, now I'm tip toeing along with the moving glass. I did pretty good on the way down, but coming back, my sack got caught in the gears. I mean it stopped it cold! So here I am, on my tip toes, sack stuck, and no real way to get them free. I can't see it, the top of the copier is blocking my view. So my only option was to forcibly jerk the top of the copier back in the direction from whence it came. Laid my sack open about an inch. Never went to a doctor because I sure as hell wasn't gonna explain that. Taped everything up as best I could and it healed just fine. The next couple days was rough. Still worked and had to lead on like everything was ok. Oh, and the salesman? My dick was the only copy made in that 2 week stretch.
So...I'm about 18 years old. My parents owned a flower shop and greenhouse. My dad is off somewhere one day, which puts me in charge. In walks a copy machine salesman. He starts in with his pitch on how we should have a copy machine. I tell him we don't really have a need for one. He's very insistent. "Tell you what", he says, "I've got a small desktop copier I'll leave with you for 2 weeks. I'll come back for it in 2 weeks and you can decide then. But I bet that you'll see how much you will use one if you have one.". So guy leaves the copier. I find a spot for it on a small desk we had. A week goes by. Noone has used the thing. I'm working late one night, all by myself, doing some bi-monthly billing on the computer. Well, I'm 18, young brash and stupid. I decide I'm gonna put my junk on the copier and make a copy. Mind you, noone has yet to use this thing. So I get up on my tip toes, lift the lid, put my junk up on the glass, and push the button. Much to my surprise, the copier starts moving like and old fashioned type writer where the platen moves. Most copiers the little light bar moves, not this one. The light stays stationary and the rest of the copier moves instead. Not wanting to smear the copy of my Johnson, now I'm tip toeing along with the moving glass. I did pretty good on the way down, but coming back, my sack got caught in the gears. I mean it stopped it cold! So here I am, on my tip toes, sack stuck, and no real way to get them free. I can't see it, the top of the copier is blocking my view. So my only option was to forcibly jerk the top of the copier back in the direction from whence it came. Laid my sack open about an inch. Never went to a doctor because I sure as hell wasn't gonna explain that. Taped everything up as best I could and it healed just fine. The next couple days was rough. Still worked and had to lead on like everything was ok. Oh, and the salesman? My dick was the only copy made in that 2 week stretch.

Teenagers. Smh
You did the right thing by telling us. Lol
Choosing pain over unending ridicule was probably the smart decision.
I was just thinking about the young, brash, and stupid thing. I've been there as I'm sure we all have. Just wish I could grow up out of that stuff!!! Cheers
So...I'm about 18 years old. My parents owned a flower shop and greenhouse. My dad is off somewhere one day, which puts me in charge. In walks a copy machine salesman. He starts in with his pitch on how we should have a copy machine. I tell him we don't really have a need for one. He's very insistent. "Tell you what", he says, "I've got a small desktop copier I'll leave with you for 2 weeks. I'll come back for it in 2 weeks and you can decide then. But I bet that you'll see how much you will use one if you have one.". So guy leaves the copier. I find a spot for it on a small desk we had. A week goes by. Noone has used the thing. I'm working late one night, all by myself, doing some bi-monthly billing on the computer. Well, I'm 18, young brash and stupid. I decide I'm gonna put my junk on the copier and make a copy. Mind you, noone has yet to use this thing. So I get up on my tip toes, lift the lid, put my junk up on the glass, and push the button. Much to my surprise, the copier starts moving like and old fashioned type writer where the platen moves. Most copiers the little light bar moves, not this one. The light stays stationary and the rest of the copier moves instead. Not wanting to smear the copy of my Johnson, now I'm tip toeing along with the moving glass. I did pretty good on the way down, but coming back, my sack got caught in the gears. I mean it stopped it cold! So here I am, on my tip toes, sack stuck, and no real way to get them free. I can't see it, the top of the copier is blocking my view. So my only option was to forcibly jerk the top of the copier back in the direction from whence it came. Laid my sack open about an inch. Never went to a doctor because I sure as hell wasn't gonna explain that. Taped everything up as best I could and it healed just fine. The next couple days was rough. Still worked and had to lead on like everything was ok. Oh, and the salesman? My dick was the only copy made in that 2 week stretch.
Class! Fucking.... straight class!

Love it! :rofl:

....did you need to zoom? Or just want to zoom? LoL

It's either one or the other brother!
Class! Fucking.... straight class!

Love it! :rofl:

....did you need to zoom? Or just want to zoom? LoL

It's either one or the other brother!

I often wonder what the service tech thought that cleaned it before it went back out on the road, with a mushroom stamp on the glass and pubes in the gears.
I often wonder what the service tech thought that cleaned it before it went back out on the road, with a mushroom stamp on the glass and pubes in the gears.
Like a fingerprint.. but more personal!
LOLOL! OMG y'all are hysterical :). I've got nothing today as the morning was busy and I'm still working at less than half-speed, so :thanks: for keeping this place jumping!

I did manage to make two doctors' appointments for next week, and my home computer HD crashed, so that's an expensive proposition even with somewhat recent backups.

I saw a spot of mold on the Sour G this morning but the fan seemed to have kept the rats out from under the tarp. I'm kind of ready for this entire grow to be over, probably because of my low energy level and the sheer effort it takes to keep it all running. Maybe I'll speed a couple along once the shed is free. If I tie up the IIP I might be able to fit it in the shed. That one really needs to be done soon so it doesn't completely rot first.

You will go hempy first.
Casters second.
My plants already tip over when they're dry, how's that going to work with the substrate weighs less than buds? If I grow indoors though, hempy looks attractive. No casters needed then!
I'm so full of emotion. I'm laughing, I'm crying. Your horrible stories are so funny. I'm sorry! Lolol.
Highya Shed,
You're back. Yea!!:yahoo: I hate getting sick. I'm so glad it's not very often!
Could you train your puppy to get rid of rats? Might be fun for him/her.
Oh, NO. Don't say that! I'm hoping to grow until a ripe old age!! Don't even want to live if I can't grow! Glad you're back. Cheers
My puppy would have to be out all night, so that won't work. I think the rats are building a nest under the ramp to the shed though. Time for some warfarin packets :).

I can grow until a ripe old age if I change the way I'm growing. Assuming my son moves out at some point and my wife then refuses to move the plants for me (she's younger than I am ;)), I will probably have to shift the grow indoors.

Either way I'm scaling back the number of plants, even re-thinking having three this winter. One sounds just fine right now...
Hey that look of the DTF brother! You are doing it justice my friend!
Thank you Van! I'm trying to do the breeder proud :thumb:
So...I'm about 18 years old. My parents owned a flower shop and greenhouse.
No one would believe a screenplay of your experiences farside! The copier, the hose, the lighter...
Time for some warfarin packets
Mix that with a little peanut butter,and soon you can make yourself
a nice pair slippers out of rat pelts...or a coat if there's enough of 'em... :)
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