InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Got a puppy today!
Omg Shed, I s*** you not, I was just randomly thinking about you and the family (Mrs S) earlier today. I wondered if getting a pup would be right for you guys yet (some people need more time, etc.). Must be linked on to your signal or something? Maybe it’s a West Coast thing? Lol
Anyhow, congrats on the puppy! I wish I could see :love: but I get it. Can we at least get to know the name? Boy, girl?
Def a West coast thing :).

My wife was ready for a new dog to love so she has been looking for a week or two. First ones she saw went to other people but she visited another place yesterday and spent an hour with this one and it was settled in her mind.

She just needed my and my son's okay (my daughter is sadly out of the country, and she feels left out). My son was on board to adopt her and I was won over by her. It was earlier than I thought we'd get one but my wife really needed her.

And now she's ours and we're hers. But we will wait for our daughter to get back before giving her a name!
Finally caught back up on the thread after time off for vacation. Congrats on the pooch. We've never managed to go too long after loosing one before we've gotten another. For us at least, it helps ease the sorrow.
Congrats on the new pup! I'm sure it's now one of the luckiest puppies in SoCal. :circle-of-love:
Congrats Shed. Enjoy your new bundle of joy!
Thanks VG! She's lovely :)
Finally caught back up on the thread after time off for vacation. Congrats on the pooch. We've never managed to go too long after loosing one before we've gotten another. For us at least, it helps ease the sorrow.
She already has changed the feeling in the house...the smell as well :laugh:. I've been cleaning poop and spraying Nature's Miracle for two days now.
Congrats on the new pup! I'm sure it's now one of the luckiest puppies in SoCal.
Oh she definitely is, and she hasn't even gotten to clean the dinner plates yet. A few months before she gets any people food.
How sweet. I’m really happy for you all. The house really isn’t the same without a puppers around. Congrats :love:
When my daughter gets home tonight we'll be a full house again :).
Congrats on the new kid buddy!!!!
Thanks Chris!
Puppy Heck yes !! Mine jumped and broke her leg when she came down on it wrong?! 4 weeks now damn cast ,1700- later and NOT done at least 2 more visits at around 200 a click 9 months old German Shepherd , female what else .
Oof! After our first dog we went for insurance.
Great stuff Shed! Glad to hear that. I lifted my leg and peed off the deck in honor of the new arrival. Here's to many year's of doggy bliss.
Thank you MrS. Squatting would have been more appropriate but probably not your style!


:thanks: to all for your well-wishes on the canine addition to the family! Weekend update currently in the works...

Oh, and speaking of dog food, if you know anyone feeding their dog "grain free" food, send them this link:
I've been cleaning poop and spraying Nature's Miracle for two days now.
Nature's miracle is amazing. Do you create train? It made training my little guy super easy.
Thanks for the article on the brain free food. I'll give it a look, my pup is brain free.

Lol. Sometimes the autocorrect is right on the money. Obviously grain free.
Nature's miracle is amazing. Do you create train? It made training my little guy super easy.
Thanks for the article on the brain free food. I'll give it a look, my pup is brain free.
Lol. Sometimes the autocorrect is right on the money. Obviously grain free.
LOL! We are crate-training but it's obviously early days. She sleeps in it with the door open so that's a good start!


Happy Monday all and welcome to the first update of the month! I got nothing plant-related done this weekend because we had so many people over to see the new puppy that there wasn't any time to do anything except all the watering. I wanted to do the post stretch de-larf (#nolarfclub - thanks double H) but that's going to have to wait. Maybe I can do one plant each morning this week since the puppy wakes me up early anyway.

Anyway, I took some shots of the flowering three this morning (flip day 22) so we can see what's happening. Let us begin...

First up, Berry Bomb:

And the undercarriage:

This is the order in which they come out of the shed by the way.

Next up is the AK-47:

And finally, the plant that makes me lose my balance when I try to set it down...Bedroom Cookies 2.2:

You can see from the undercarriage shots how much work I have to do down there o_O .

In other news, I gave away one of the 1-gallon BC clones to a friend of ours who will transplant it (I told her to buy Osmocote+) and leave it outside in the sun to flower. We'll see!

Happy Canada day to all you many many Canadians eh! And I hope those in the states are gearing up for July 4th. Someone in my family will not be going to the parade or the party, as the puppy needs company. She can't leave the house until her third round of shots at the end of the month. She doesn't know what leash is yet anyway :).

I ask because my outdoor one is growing upwards nicely, as opposed to downwards. It's around node 7-8 and the lower nodes are starting to stretch away from the main stem nicely now. I'm wondering what I would actually supercrop if I don't top. Seems it just wants to keep growing upwards. Never let a plant go without topping so it seems kinda weird to me right now.
I feel I want to do something to her, like dinner and a movie, but not so sure that will make bigger buds.
I've never grown one from seed so I don't know the structure from scratch. So when I say "topped" I don't mean an apical stem, I mean I have probably pinched off a few of the runaways. I'll see if I can trace the apical stem on this and see where it comes out.

I do know I get a much bigger harvest from the wide "spaceship" shaped plants (thanks @RETRIX) than I did from the one I let grow straight up. If I were growing one from seed with a long veg, I'd top it, spread it out, and start bending. The other option is to sc the apical stem.

I want all my AKs to be identical in shape :).
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