Indoor Critical Kush - Outdoor Afghani

Maybe the smoke will put people sideways too!! :) the frost is really coming along as well, how far along is she?
Ha ha unjust made her sound pregnant ha ha!

here is one I snapped when the lights went off, I had my zoom lens on so it is the only pic I could get to focus.
the spider mite seen to have froze in their tracks from the sns 217. I can still see them but they do not move anymore. I am going to apply again in a few days at least to the underside of the leaves even if I got to put it in a cup and use a paint brush, it is a labor of love right.

its funny how they attacked the most indica looking of the four phenotypes, and the damage was gradually better in the more sativa leaning ones.

and also the indica is in the shadiest part of the grow space. and the pot was not as light as the other 3 so maybe was over watered which weakened it, or maybe it was just inevitable and was going to happen that way anyway lol im stoned and just making notes.

pic update when light go out.
Nice plant, you look to be doing something right. I have critical + clone i have been using for a year and just love the smoke. Never tried critical kush. Think its the next strain in mind...
thanks guys! look I got a gallon of soul synthetics bloom and a gallon of soul synthetics PeaK im in the middle of week 4 and the plant is plenty green. I think I am going to use the bloom for the next week then the Peak the following week then just RO water for week 7-8. if anything sounds wrong let me know. I have been giving them house and garden soil a and b base nutes, fulvic acid humic acid rhino skin cal/mag and earth juice micro. I think im going to cut all the other stuff out except the fulvic acid, rhino skin cal/mag, the soul synthetics.
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