Indica God’s Gift From Seed, DWC, 1100W LED Actual, 5x5 Tent In Sealed 10x5 Room, CO2, Quadline: My First Personal Indoor!

Yeah, those look nice. I wonder what they use to keep'm stuck together? Could be agar. I've been meaning to experiment, make my own from coco and agar. Got lotsa both.

I buffered 100litres of coco yday/today, then mixed 80L 55/45 with perlite. I did so much perlite b/c my coco is very fine, very 'peaty' and because I'm doing sub-fertigation, no water from the top, nor any ferts in the matrix. Then I mixed the coco mix 30/60 with Sunshine#4. I'm setting up my 17 gallon SIPs, two of 'em to start, and grow 2 plants in each, in another tent. Not abandoning DWC, just want to do both. and use my homemade ferts in the SIPs.

Got my medical grow extension approved (to like, hundreds of plants) and the gov't voluntarily wiped my 2 possession charges away without my even applying to do so. I found out after the fact. Feels good I hafta say. Hey, I'm trying to focus on the positive and keep moving forward.

I'm keeping the S^$#*head seed seller's ID close to my chest at the moment because it's the only leverage I have and I'm still trying to get them to sharpen up and settle me out. Otherwise, watch this space. A%$#les. Sorry, I think the word "seeds" and my brain explodes into blue fire.

I need some animals around this place. Super-stoked you have Howie.
He is sound asleep beside me. :green_heart:
We had my buddy Chewy when we moved in, in August.
But he had a stroke. :oops:
I refused to get another dog after that, it still makes me well up.
Then Stacey came home with Howie and I'm so happy she did.
He keeps me smiling.
I understand about the seed seller, fekers.
I have to send in my renewal, thanks for reminding me.
Not sure what holds the cubes together,
I'll get back to you on that.

Stay safe :cool:
Well we certainly failed to launch multiple ways multiple times! I had root plugs severely contam’d that killed off 5 Gods Gift, then sub 50% germination from non-sponsor seedbank. Pretty sure I know what I'm doing there, germed thousands of seeds in my life ... some were tiny obviously infertile and didn't even split after over 25 hr soak.

With my last 5 seeds I had great germ and a few days of strong growth until I deviated from the original plan seemingly innocently but instead killed all five.


I had made some willow tree solution for the auxins, brewed it into a ferment that was high concentrate. Mixed with 50% water it tested at 3500ppm!

Remember I hit my head and had a good excuse, uh, I mean, concussion...?

For some reason - see above - I applied it as though it were a, comparatively weak, tea. Some stupified voice in my head was getting me into all kinds of trouble at that time. I even used a hypo needle to get the “tea” down to the roots directly. Sizzle. Bye bye.

I did recover, however, strangely, I woke up with a huge goose egg on the back of my head today and that awful straw knocked out feeling with nausea was back.

I do sleepwalk, and have fallen from it, but it always wakes me up, in fact I wake up mid-fall. They say don't freak out a sleepwalker by waking him, well your gonna wanna avoid waking up like that, 2/10s of a second before hitting the deck.

But that wasn't it last night. I know I didn't sleep walk. Take my word. So whatever, I share because it impacts my efforts on 420 and my grow. And I'm a 48 year old shut in who has few other opportunities to socialize! No pity, please, I'm fine on the inside for the most part so long as I can do this and run my new grows.

This was the ‘explanation of my absence’ post. Upcoming is a brand new start with brand new genetics and I'll tag as many of you as I can. Thanks for listening.
So, I'm going to reset the table. Take a wide shot and then pull in tight.

A long awaited project has been completed and it is designed to support my grows with a separate lab space away from the grozone where I can experiment and develop methods of bacterial culturing, mycorrhizal culturing, store equipment, make repairs and even has a small antiseptic room for working with agar and other general basic mycology techniques to support my magic mushroom grows. Check it out! Won't let my upload more pics this post
More new lab pics

Yeah this is still occupied with some storage but not for long. Hadda paint the whole room, pull up the carpet and install shelves but took me a couple months due to, well you know. Below is a pic where I've dumped all my junk and am starting to sort it what will go where...
I got a new magnetic stirrer with a hot plate. This is for super charging my inoculations. The day before inoculating my DWC res I dump the bugs in a jar with distilled water (yeah one of those in my new lab too!!) and poss some carbohydrates. I don't use sugars if for DWC which I always strain, but this ‘mini tea’ increases your microbe inoculation populations by many orders of magnitude. Do you want to send 5 tired guys over the boards on a line change, or 50 fully rested and keen players? You want this, saves tons of money. I can brew up a 4x minimum dose of hydro guard with 1/4 the original hydro guard rec’d dose. At 90$/quart that's a no-brainer.

We're going to learn together to culture many microbes during this grow journal, I look forward to any and all engagement with you on it. I'm not a scientist let alone microbiologist, but, I can read and listen, and that’ll get you pretty far.

We’re going to culture our own top shelf mycorrhizal strains here too, ready for use, exceptionally fresh, and faster acting than anything you can buy. For pennies. For real!

A bacterium I'm eager to isolate, culture, and have at the ready for growing quality weed is ‘Azos’ (I'll share full names later) This little guy uses witchcraft to convert atmospheric ammonia into nitrogen that companion microbes make avail to the plant. Free nitrogen! And you have control, able to stop process during if desired.

This piece of equip only cost 45$ because I was cool with it taking the slow boat from China. I like to put a timer on it and just run it 24/7, adding to a brew or starting new ones. I built a new veggie garden out front this year but the dirt was really basic and deep. needs building. No prob, that was the plan so lots of worm teas (I have a 45 gal brewing this minute) and specialized combos from my heater/stirrer. It uses a small elongated magnet you drop in the beaker, flask, jar and it spins at the speed you set.

Below is another DIY that will be deployed on this thread. Inspired by Korean Natural Farming, JAdAM and folks like Azimuth, Bill284 and damn, I'm sorry... the fella in the UK who has the goonies guys for Avatar. Ugh, so sorry but I want to credit where due, even if lamely.

These are homemade fertilzers fermenting away, some can be used now, some will wait another cycle. These use local (my leaf compost pile and my vermicompost) microbes to break down certain special plants that accumulate the many elements canna plants need.

I was also sure to transplant a few of these plants from the neighbouring wilderness park all around the front this year as I redid the whole yard (with family help) removing all the grass, creating a couple permaculture food forests and a 3 Ft high raised bed made from cardboard boxes. Sorry, I love saying that and you may find it tedious one day.

Those 100litre totes, a grow formula with seaweed, comfrey, nettles and horsetails will be mixed 750:1 when they’re ready and will support the vegetative stages. They also have a small amount of worm castings, soldier fly frass and as much sugar by weight as the plants.

One 100 liter is a Bloom formula, containing 5 gallons compressed rhododendron, 1 gallon other mixed flowers, some cocopod meal I dug up and some brackish riverbed silt full of minerals. As well as the ever-present leaf mould and home made worm castings. All these elements were just laying around.

One of the smaller is a fish based fermentation similarly prepared with sugar and rice flour to feed the ferment etc.

Another is a root based formula full of willow tree auxins and some silica from horse tails.
We’re gonna catch up a bit and show you a few more canna garden related developments while waiting for the seeds.

I’m investigating the aquaponics potential here in my little pond. There are only sticklebacks in there but I dump 100 feeder goldfish every year or so but sometimes we get hit by the local otters who come up that brackish estuary in the background. Cleaned me out last year.

Once someone stored their prized koi here against my dire warnings but he was in a spot. Otters cleaned him out within a week.

There could be some seedling potential here or just lettuce, but I need some data first so we’ll check it out.

I’m gonna share some pics of my front yard project because many of the plants here will be supporting canna grows and my ultra-deep raised beds are really soil factories in disguise.

Lots of perennials, permaculture techniques and approaches, and food. Cont next post.

Grapes grapes and more grapes. Planted around 2005 a mere 3 vines, unpruned produces a few hundred pounds of fresh grapes. I make jelly and eat tons fresh but I’m going to start making wine. I have a whole freezer of ‘must’ from last year.

I have everything I need now including the air lines that will be routed in to my Tents and delivering Co2 during fermentation to support the tanked Co2 system. Speaking of, I can’t believe someone wanted to throw these away…

5 gallon nalgene laboratory grade carboys. These had brewery enzymes when new and these containers cost 175-350$ each new. One doesn’t have a lid, they cost 70$ new, no wonder! I might make one into a yeast/sugar Co2 bottle for in tent or? Stoked.
dont mind if I tag along. Im here to contemplate your work.

Shits on point brother, cant really say much more than DAMN I love the lab space :love:

So funny, I got the same yellow lid plastic container with the seaweed tea LOL. If I am ever in Vic care to have a smoke? Wouldnt mind bouncing off some project ideas for the future.

BTW your pond is legit, I love it.

I couldnt get nettle for the canna this time, I harvested all for my personal use. Dry and ground up beats any multivitamin out there.

Stellar operation you got going, kudos and respect OG.


Ya gotta admit, for being built of cardboard (not to mention prob 40 cubic meters and behometh) it doesn’t look so bad. These collapsing, accordion stick decorations over the wire and cardboard works a treat visually

Anyway this is some more comfrey I dug up… someplace… and need to transplant but it’s developed this rust underside leaves. I’ve been hugely impressed with the lactus bacillus serum I made as cleaning agent, odour remover, composted (this is what the bokashi product is inoculated with so I use it for composting just straight out of the spray bottle. It’s great for clones, germination and esp when mixed with frass and some mykorihzzae it will supercharge your seedlings. Check out @Bill284 new journal for the killer recipe.

Anyway, it’s dealing with the rust very nicely. I love this shit!

All you need to make this is 4 liters milk, any kind doesn’t matter I’ve made two 3 litre batches with powdered milk, and some rice wash water or a carbohydrate powder like pea flour - about 1 litre. You’ll get 3 litres of concentrate that lasts 6 mos in fridge, or if you saturate with sugar until sugar no longer dissolves it will keep a lot longer. You can make cheese from the milk curd byproduct, feed it to animals or use it to enrich your garden as I’ve done.

You use it at a 20-30:1 dilution so not bad cost, 5$ for 60liters of the most eclectically useful product I can think of.


Voila my food and canna ferts forest. It houses tomatoes, raspberries, opium poppies, cherries, squash, comfrey, stinging nettles and Horsetails all packed into less than a 15x20fr space because it’s layered vertically. There really isn’t a plan, just attempts and gifted plants that had to go somewhere. So glad I turned the front yard over to growing soil, ferts and food this year. If it wasn’t right on the street in the suburbs it’s be a great canna garden too.

Bordering my micro food and fert forest I extended out onto city property with these dog kennel-backed container gardens. The city is letting everyone grow where they can since Covid and we appreciate it. I hope these cakes and tomato plants amount to something and start crawling up that wire. Now I wanna get chickens!
Very large ‘mice’ robbed me of my strawberries last year. This is one attempted solution of a few underway. Looks like I’m scrogging strawberries!


I had to prune these blooming prickle bushes so my grapes didn’t get shaded out and I put the flowery pieces among my blooming tomato’s here to attract pollinators. I call it ‘im-permaculture’ :laughtwo::laughtwo:


This barrel I use to dechlorinate water. On the other side of that wall is my growspace. The remainder chloramines are reg. tested and reported by the city, knowing this and the amount of water an exact prescription for using metabisulphate to transform the chloramines is possible. Afterward ph is the same and my meter still reads 0 ec 0ppm. We have such great tap water and I am eternally grateful.

I have a second barrel I’m going to set up there so one can be a constant tea brewer with air stone. I’ll pump it into my grow in addition to the straight tap water I’m running through with a hose. Gotta have these things or DWC would be a real drag I think.

That’s why I don’t want connected DWC reservoirs, I think it actually, hugely, increases workload and stress. Mine are either 17 or 27 gallon, I can choose but in summer I’ll need the larger one for temp management. Speaking of temps…

???????????? What’s that?

That, friends, is the intake for my air pump. I have it in an air pocket deep into the 3 ft high raised bed where temps are always cool. Now I doubt it’s worse in my case down in the cool earth because this air pocket is well ventilated, but for everyone running one the air pump is a serious potential vector for Pythia and other fungi that cause root rot. So I built a quick hepa filter for my pump’s intake, where it doesn’t create any back pressure.

It uses new poly pillow filler and the garden side hose goes down to the bottom where there’s a little hydroton mainly for weight, and the pump side tubing only passes through the lid and inch. The poly is well packed and after sealing with goop the airtight chamber filters even the smallest spores and viruses. With this intake system, and having a small fan on my air pump at all times has drastically reduced rez temps. 5 degrees, minimum. My rez are well insulated, top, bottom and sides and every little bit helps. I’m currently designing a fan system that will blow on reservoir surface, is outside rez but let’s no light in. This will be good for another 3-4 degrees but the evaporation would raise EC, drop pH in typical size rez. Mine being a 100liter space containing min. 60 liters solution should be an effective mitigation of this. Hope to have monster roots, thats almost ten gallons solution each plant. Aim is to fill a 5x5 scrog with a DWC system I can live with.

In the other flower tent I’ve been working on a sub irrigated planter design like the octapot or earth box. They use the same totes as my DWC, just radically different customizations and uses two nested totes, has over 8 gallons of solution onboard. Two SIPs in the tent, 2 plants in each. Deets coming soon.

This fan layout was temporary and I have it turned 180deg now because that’s the hot spot on these pumps, the bottleneck leaving the pump. This works well, I can hold the pump tightly and feel faint heat, not a lot more than room temp whereas before it was scorching. Should help it last as well. I’ve got a backup, same specs, just in case

Loving how you got many micro-ecosystems going on. I really dig this kind of grow :bravo:
Thnx Danish. I'll take compliments anywhere I can get them.

Query: I have a DWC tent, a system designed for 4 plants, 2 reservoirs, unconnected, as you may have seen. If the power went out and my air pump became useless (and you had a plain old auto/boat battery to run one or two 30w led bulbs for a couple of days), could I prevent the suffocating/drowning of my plants for 48-72 hrs with liberal doses of H2o2?
Thnx Danish. I'll take compliments anywhere I can get them.

Query: I have a DWC tent, a system designed for 4 plants, 2 reservoirs, unconnected, as you may have seen. If the power went out and my air pump became useless (and you had a plain old auto/boat battery to run one or two 30w led bulbs for a couple of days), could I prevent the suffocating/drowning of my plants for 48-72 hrs with liberal doses of H2o2?
Yes the deep cell batteries last a while but not that long.
What about a power inverter?
They store enough energy for a few days.
If you get one big enough.
Give me a minute I'll track something down.
Actually I may take more time but I'll find it.
Plus they are way more versatile than a car battery.
Just make sure it has a 12v option.
And that solar light I have is something worth having in the back of a cupboard.
Handy for everything.
I'm sure there is a decent version that will last quite a while.
Ok hope your good I got to go take care of a couple things.

Stay safe :cool:
Hello ReservoirDog!
Very clean and neat looking hydro setup and your lab, I like it! Love it how you keep track on the DLI and everything :goodjob:

I was wondering if the seedlings getting over 30mol/m2 per day (DLI) under 18h light cycle, isnt the PAR over 500ppfd then? I think thats lots of light for youngsters :cheesygrinsmiley: But well you could teach me!

And this describes your outdoor garden really well!! :laugh:

I'll be following closely if you don't mind.
- V
Wow thanks for the tour.... I was lost with some of the stuff you were typing about but I read it and I'm sure you will explain some of what I didn't understand in the future when you put things to work..... But all the plants...the ecosystems... The works its all very well done.....good job.

I'll definitely follow along and watch you meander through that awesome garden.

P.s glad your recouping nicely..... You got to be more careful.....and if not well I'll chip in to help get you a bubble wrap suit and a gardening helmet to make home growing less dangerous :laugh:
Thanks for the tour, your gardens are beautiful. You can see the work you've put into them.
Query: I have a DWC tent, a system designed for 4 plants, 2 reservoirs, unconnected, as you may have seen. If the power went out and my air pump became useless (and you had a plain old auto/boat battery to run one or two 30w led bulbs for a couple of days), could I prevent the suffocating/drowning of my plants for 48-72 hrs with liberal doses of H2o2?
In a pinch, you can take out all of the water except the very bottom, and just water by hand for a couple of days. They also sell battery-powered air pumps if you want a backup.

When my power went out for a week (soil), I used led flashlights to keep my plants from flowering. It seemed to work.
In a pinch, you can take out all of the water except the very bottom, and just water by hand for a couple of days. They also sell battery-powered air pumps if you want a backup.

When my power went out for a week (soil), I used led flashlights to keep my plants from flowering. It seemed to work.
Budman got you covered! Led flashlights sound extreme tho, daymn :D But anything to keep them flowering!

And about the plants sitting in DWC without oxygenating - one of my first DWC autoflower hermied (for unknown reason) but as I took it off from the tent, I left the dwc bucket and the plant on it to sit in the room for a week. Without actual light source. First 3 days it kept drinking little and like after 5 days started to notice some def/lockout symptoms and wilting on the lower leaves.

So as Budman said, in extreme cases if the electricity is cut off for a longer period of time, just scoop at least half off from the res so the root tips barely touches the water.
Thank you for visiting everyone. Beer, wine or soda?

I`m going to try underlining specific questions for the duration of this journal to make things easier. You should be able to scroll through and find them pretty easily this way. I know I can present some big text walls sometimes, I`m just comfortable writing and I have some disabilities that have made me virtually housebound, career-less and without meaningful social activity, so I tend to get a build up that pours out on these pages.

@Verbalist , I`ve never grown an autoflower before, they were not on the market yet when I stopped growing in 2002 - I think it was. When it comes to their peculiarities I am pihalla kuin lumiukko.

I`m soaking 5 Auto Pink Runtz from Barneys at the moment, and I`m going to be looking for some guidance on those and pretty much all my cultivars, and indeed my growing methods. I hadn`t planned on autos but my heart ruled over my head when I saw the genetic @stinker grew - see photo - and was helpless to resist.

Frankly, I`ve had significant delays in getting a crop settled in and growing and the delay has an impact when the weed is for recreation but also much more. I have decided that I`m not prepared to use the local dispensary because I`ve made the investment to do something about it long-term and so the money I`d spend on dispensary weed has already been spent on the grow setup. So I am really, really white-knuckling this!

I stopped smoking weed a decade ago, but danged if I remember why, (let`s hope it wasn`t fear of cognitive decline, lol). Then I had a joint a couple of years ago that had a positive impact on the phys issues I`m faced with, and it stuck in my mind as an option. With a solid history of growing outdoors for volume during prohibition, it was an obvious option to get back in for personal use esp now that prohibition is over. Indeed, family members liked the idea enough to volunteer financial investment so as to enjoy a regular supply of ReservoirDog`s legendary weed (lol). There you have it, twas thus the die was cast.

The mounting pressures, and cravings, has made autoflower`s shorter grow time more appealing -- by the week. Hopefully, the tactic wont blow up in my face.

My only indoor experience, apart from raising clones for growing out in the mountains, was only two-three plant cycles long. It was a real mix of flood and drain, dwc, even some peat, with a lot of plants at all stages but it hadn`t been set up by me and I just fell into it to keep it running when its owner was incapacitated. It was also in the 1990s! NOnetheless, I became infatuated with the process and harboured a deep desire to try my hand one day.

So, I came looking for good info on the forums and here I found it but, even better, I found good friends. Right when I really needed some.

Here`s a few more of the seeds I have avail to grow. My Pink Runtz and Fekking Incredible are from different breeders. That Cherry Blossom is not the CBD version.

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