So sorry its been so many days since my last update.
I have been working OT and desperately trying to figure these bitches out
We have had an early heatwave the end of Feb in Mass and its been nearly impossible to keep my room & RH temps in check esp since I'm trying to keep RH low rn in flower
In the buckets the PH levels are staying the same but EC/PPM levels just kept rising.
Earlier in the week the levels were:
RY: 1.9 EC, 64° F
1B: 1.9 EC, 67° F
RR: 1.8 EC, 67° F
AS: 1.8 EC, 72° F
BN: 1.8 EC, 67° F
Seedlings: 0.9 EC, 68° F
Wed, March 1st:
RY 2.2 EC, 72°F
1B: 2.1 EC, 71°F
RR: 1.9 EC, 71°F
AS: 2.0 EC, 73°F
BN: 2.1 EC, 71°F
Seedlings today 0.9 EC, 69°F
I noticed some clawing and overall I didn't think the girls looked too happy
They looked kind of dull
And I didn't notice any new growth
If you pay attention they will let you know something is off
Of course EC had jumped up again
I took nute solution out & put ph'd h20 in and added frozen water bottles to bring resv temps back down and to lower nute levels back down
They stopped drinking water too
ReRe is the only Bulk left with all purple stems in flower. The test turned green/purple.
Finally today they seem to be liking the environment again
Seeing good signs like preying leaves on top and less droopy leaves on the lower branches
So unsure if the defol caused any stress or if they didn't like the nute change but glad they turned back around
Also playing nurse to the little ones as they were all droopy and falling over. Better now too.
Had to make some minor adjustments
Had to use toothpicks to hold them up
Color looks good and their getting big & growing fast
The most exciting update: WE HAVE ROOTS!
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