In The Lab

Everyone in the high brix kit family are so nice and informative. This is by far the best site to learn how to grow dank bud. I love it when anyone new to the kit ask questions about their grow and everyone jumps in to help. :thumb:
Doc and crew, I took a bunch of used, VERY dried up soil and put it all in a bin. Mind you, the roots on two of the plants are so prolific, I had to use a spade to separate the soil. Crazy roots. Anyway, I drenched it with RO water and sprinkled about three tablespoons of Roots on top, then watered the top and cut in the Roots a bit. I put a seed/clone warming mat under the bin because it's in a basement and the soil temp will end up at about 60-65 without the warmer. In just two days, any roots that are exposed above the surface of the soil are just COVERED in white fuzz. Is that the Roots or do I have some bad mold that I need to get out of the grow house? I'm inclined to believe it's the Roots, because the bin and all the soil were BONE dry and the RO water was fresh, so I don't know how a colony could have established so quickly otherwise. I just can't believe the vigor!
^ What he said. :cheesygrinsmiley:

It sounds like you have some good lively soil. :laughtwo: A pic wouldn't hurt if you can post one ...
Yup, that's the good stuff! :thumb:

Here's a pic of Doc's soil bin, that he posted recently in his Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures thread. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Kind of out of left field here, but in Hash Church Episode 52 from this past Sunday (YAY! It's been a year!), Skunk man Sam made an appearance (well, in voice) and reiterated the same thing Doc's said forever...The best flavors and best aromas are realized in an organically grown plant outdoors with shitloads of very tiny, fine-hair root system.

It's 4 hours, but worth every second to hear guys like Todd McCormick, Bubbleman, Aaron from DNA and many others chat about many aspects of growing and processing our favorite plant. I just thought it was cool to hear this guy say the same thing Doc's said for a long time.

They also discuss the origins of OG Kush and you hear it from Josh himself who brought that special cutting back from a buddy grower in Florida back in the mid-90' stuff

Thanks for the help with the fuzz! I am still shocked that it happened so quick. That was maybe 36 hours after introducing the Roots mix. I imagine that seed mat is partially responsible because I don't believe it would have done that at 60-65 degrees. Impressive!

New question, take a look at this plant. I didn't notice this originally, but the main stem started developing a flat shape. Now you can tell that something went wrong when I topped it the first time and maybe that contributed. Anyone seen this before? I'm worried that there is not going to be enough integrity in those upper most nodes to hold the weight of the buds later. Thoughts?

Edit: Sorry, should have posted this in the Q&A. Mea culpa.
Thanks for the help with the fuzz! I am still shocked that it happened so quick. That was maybe 36 hours after introducing the Roots mix. I imagine that seed mat is partially responsible because I don't believe it would have done that at 60-65 degrees. Impressive!

New question, take a look at this plant. I didn't notice this originally, but the main stem started developing a flat shape. Now you can tell that something went wrong when I topped it the first time and maybe that contributed. Anyone seen this before? I'm worried that there is not going to be enough integrity in those upper most nodes to hold the weight of the buds later. Thoughts?

Edit: Sorry, should have posted this in the Q&A. Mea culpa.

It will be fine! Use Growth Energy quite a bit.
By the way, Doc. These are the plants that were grown in terra rossa with just calcium carbonate, lithothamnium, and some fish by the end added.

Thanks for the help with the fuzz! I am still shocked that it happened so quick. That was maybe 36 hours after introducing the Roots mix. I imagine that seed mat is partially responsible because I don't believe it would have done that at 60-65 degrees. Impressive!

New question, take a look at this plant. I didn't notice this originally, but the main stem started developing a flat shape. Now you can tell that something went wrong when I topped it the first time and maybe that contributed. Anyone seen this before? I'm worried that there is not going to be enough integrity in those upper most nodes to hold the weight of the buds later. Thoughts?

Edit: Sorry, should have posted this in the Q&A. Mea culpa.

I'm just a beginner but I'm usually hoping that my stems will not support the buds they are about to encounter. So far so good. (High Brix does produce stupid strong stems though, its hilarious if you've ever seen the tubers that hydro and coco farmers are growing.)

By the way, Doc. These are the plants that were grown in terra rossa with just calcium carbonate, lithothamnium, and some fish by the end added.


I do love this man.
Hey Doc, currently on pg 10 and trudging right through all this good info. Very enthused about getting a kit from you. Actually registered on the forum just for this thread. I am an old school grower that had switched to hydroponics but miss the old soil days. I used to make my own teas, etc but am really on board with everything you have talked about so far. A local green house sells castings and HP bales so I am good to go. Can't PM you because I have just registered. Thanks for taking all the time to give out such good info.
Hey Doc, currently on pg 10 and trudging right through all this good info. Very enthused about getting a kit from you. Actually registered on the forum just for this thread. I am an old school grower that had switched to hydroponics but miss the old soil days. I used to make my own teas, etc but am really on board with everything you have talked about so far. A local green house sells castings and HP bales so I am good to go. Can't PM you because I have just registered. Thanks for taking all the time to give out such good info.

Check your PM's Shiggity
Thanks Duggan, I am currently combing the threads. If I have to be honest it was PakaloloHawaii's LED High Brix Perpetual! that first had me looking to find out what Doc was all about. An old dog can learn new tricks, haha I am all about quality and those pics screamed quality to me. I am looking through many others as well and lets say that I am certainly liking what I see.

Hey Shiggy, ya, you've sort of stumbled on a growing system that , in many of our opinions is the best. I can only speak for myself on this one but , as you , i have tried different things along the way (25-30 yrs. 56yrs. old). Doc's system of growing isn't something he just formulated himself....he has done much work with Ag. Labs and many soil tests to come up with what we do here. The real magic is in the soil...we always preach about feeding the soil, not the plant. Anyhow , there is NO guess work with using this "kit" , just a bit of tweeking here and there for different strains and such. Glad you stopped by for more info....cheers eh!
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