You should
Anyone else get high and customize the robovac yesterday?

I did!

Had some scrap oil vinyl, serviced the vac, wiped her all down, she's putting out some sick rainbow action everywhere she goes now






I think you should see how to patent this,
Anyone else get high and customize the robovac yesterday?

I did!

Had some scrap oil vinyl, serviced the vac, wiped her all down, she's putting out some sick rainbow action everywhere she goes now






I think you should see how to patent this
Updates from the oG garden
Chop time is around the corner. Girls are packing it on! The weirdness is real y'all! Oh yeah and how about the 3 headed devil!? Gonna be an interesting spring! Can't wait to get her flowering!

Oh and the baby mushroom! Freaking cute! He was like 4mm tall!










Here we go pushing these hobo ladies into flower! Still a little sicky but I've gotta free up some more room! The new feed tps ultra would probably be sufficient for a much smaller plant, I'm going to have to bump it up. I have been feeding every other watering, but looks like they still aren't getting enough. Imo. Looking like I'm just gonna chase the deficiencies with these ladies. I have seen quite a bit of lower leaf chlorosis. Since the guy sick . But we are gonna get them to bounce back! Member we love the weird and ugly!
These girls are massive, looks like a magical bunch eh? My tents have been overgrown lately. So the ladies took over the misfit parking! Who's excited?

I'm excited!!!! 😆:yahoo:
Thanks Bill! No worries. I just have to mind my own business. I'm an old man, it's always been my biggest problem. I'm all about helping the underdog, or the ones being bullied.
I'm relatively new here and I must say both you and Bill have been very helpful especially in giving confidence to new growers, having guys like you both commenting on my journal has led to me actually getting involved and I'm sure I'm not the only one.. So just a little thanks
I'm relatively new here and I must say both you and Bill have been very helpful especially in giving confidence to new growers, having guys like you both commenting on my journal has led to me actually getting involved and I'm sure I'm not the only one.. So just a little thanks
That's what our community is all about! Getting people to engage! I appreciate you!
I'm relatively new here and I must say both you and Bill have been very helpful especially in giving confidence to new growers, having guys like you both commenting on my journal has led to me actually getting involved and I'm sure I'm not the only one.. So just a little thanks
Hey Buddy @onbailcuz :ciao:
I'm just a friendly beginner enjoying everyone's company. :high-five:
Sharing the love makes life good.;)
So glad your enjoying yourself and having a good time here.
Great place to learn and grow.
If I can assist in any way I'm always available. :passitleft:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Here are a few ladies from the grotto today. Almost ready for some to be fed again. Been trying to keep the humidity down. Apparently my new roof leaks. Didn't know until super bowl Sunday when I seen about 30ft of ceiling wet. They will be here tomorrow to tear off and reshingle the roof. Had a few days of 80 + humidity, since then. Ive started to spray all the walls with bleach/water solution. Keeping a fan on windows open approach. Looks like I will be buying a dehumidifier specifically because of this issue.

Live learn move forward






So apparently when I was trying to diffuse a situation yesterday between users, on A thread. I thought I was handling the situation well, and with positive intentions. I didn't bash anyone or talk shit. I just tried to stick to the facts, tried to get them to move forward. I wake up to having all my messages removed and or changed. Feeling like I was the problem. It amazes me that no matter how authentic you are here, someone feels that it doesn't fit the guidelines. I came to 420 because I like it here. But I'll be damned that I always get wrapped up in some bs. I don't get it. I guess what I'm learning is it's ok to bash people and talk shit. . . If your certain people. God forbid you stick up for yourself, that person, or our forum. Its insane. Literally insane.
I have no idea what this is about, but the rest of the team has been alerted and someone will send you a pm about what happened soon. Sometimes nasty arguments get deleted and if there are a lot of people involved, it can sometimes be difficult to get to everyone. It's a super complicated time consuming mess when there are many people involved. It takes us countless hours just drafting messages to everyone and then responding to the replies, and some people just want to complain for hours. If you didn't get any advisories, chances are your post/s just got mixed up in the clean up, that's all.
I have no idea what this is about, but the rest of the team has been alerted and someone will send you a pm about what happened soon. Sometimes nasty arguments get deleted and if there are a lot of people involved, it can sometimes be difficult to get to everyone. It's a super complicated time consuming mess when there are many people involved. It takes us countless hours just drafting messages to everyone and then responding to the replies, and some people just want to complain for hours. If you didn't get any advisories, chances are your post/s just got mixed up in the clean up, that's all.
No worries I appreciate what y'all do. It's not easy. I have been on my best behavior. Don't want to make more work for my favorite peeps.
No worries I appreciate what y'all do. It's not easy. I have been on my best behavior. Don't want to make more work for my favorite peeps.

You were good, it had nothing to do with what you or I said. It’s one of those cases where, if they had left up our messages it would’ve looked really silly like we were talking to ourselves or it would’ve been real obvious something happened that we were talking about which would almost certainly cause problems by itself with people wondering what we were referencing.

Strong willed users butting heads off topic slightly disrespectfully for 2-3 pages when OPs original question had already been answered
Good morning, i hope y'all don't laugh at me too much but, when you snip the heads off, do you only take the one in the middle? Or do you cut the tips on the ones that grow around the plant too? It's just the center top head right?
Good morning, i hope y'all don't laugh at me too much but, when you snip the heads off, do you only take the one in the middle? Or do you cut the tips on the ones that grow around the plant too? It's just the center top head right?

Depends on what you’re trying to accomplish. Any growing tip you see will produce a bud. Whether it’s the end of a branch or every side branch off of that.

The main tip (cola) on a plant will receive the majority of resources and energy. This is called apical dominance. If you cut that tip, the next two branches below that will become your main colas and will split the resources.
You were good, it had nothing to do with what you or I said. It’s one of those cases where, if they had left up our messages it would’ve looked really silly like we were talking to ourselves or it would’ve been real obvious something happened that we were talking about which would almost certainly cause problems by itself with people wondering what we were referencing.

Strong willed users butting heads off topic slightly disrespectfully for 2-3 pages when OPs original question had already been answered
I appreciate you! I understand! It gets silly in here at times!
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