In And Out Of The Garden He Goes - Ramblinrosies Moby Dick Grow

They were neglected, I thought they were gonners.
well they sure look good now, nice come back
Ahoy @Ramblinrose1965
I spotted your run and thought I would hang out some.
I will resist talking too much. hehe
by your leave?
Ahoy @Ramblinrose1965
I spotted your run and thought I would hang out some.
I will resist talking too much. hehe
by your leave?
Ahoy Maritimer, Talk away! We could use some giggles around these parts. Glad you found this ship of fools.
The little whalettes are still a little droopy but have perked up from yesterday. It's been 2 days since I moved them into the 1 gallon pots.

Clones are doing OK.

Have a good night all. I'm stoned
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