Impossible To Get MC - Help


420 Member
i'm still quite a bit far from flower and realized I'm running out of MC, there is now way to get it it's been out of stock for years in the EU, shipping from USA costs 100dollars (what a joke)

what alternative can I use, being used to 1 part MC? something I can get in the EU
@Roy Growin might be able to help.
I can't remember exactly what he uses, but he gets great results.
@Fenderbender might have some input as well.
Cheers Mel :ciao:

I use Canna, because it is a complete feed, relatively cheap, doesn't go off, it's clean and very easy to use

If you want a granular type of thing, Frass or Blood/Fish/Bone is organic; Phostrogen or GroMore slow release pellets will work fine, but be careful not to overdo it, and a bottle of MaxiCrop is very useful
Hope that helps
i'm still quite a bit far from flower and realized I'm running out of MC, there is now way to get it it's been out of stock for years in the EU, shipping from USA costs 100dollars (what a joke)

what alternative can I use, being used to 1 part MC? something I can get in the EU

jacks is similar but it's a two-part and piles more expensive. not sure if they distribute in the eu either.
jacks is similar but it's a two-part and piles more expensive. not sure if they distribute in the eu either.
No, not available UK anyway - nor is Remo, Cyco, etc
Nearly all the stuff here is UK, Dutch or Spanish
Greenleaf said they are working on German VAT approval for distributing again in the EU but earliest maybe November so not yet.
But you could buy from their US site and pay 50 bucks to send a 10 dollar bag overseas.
no, it's not 100 dollars, not paying 100 dollars in shipping + import taxes.... used to be like 40 dollars shipping, unreasonable, but doable.... 100 is just out my budget
this is so sad! i was doing some testing with this years grow, if I switch fertilizer the results will be screwd, can't believe 6 months of effort might go to hell :( Imight have 30 more days of megacrop and I'm done,just enough to get me to flower
no, it's not 100 dollars, not paying 100 dollars in shipping + import taxes.... used to be like 40 dollars shipping, unreasonable, but doable.... 100 is just out my budget
For the big bag 11.3kg it's a 100 at least to Belgium and 50 for a small bag 1.3kg.
And then yes customs will probably bug you for a couple of euros more.
I haven't tried MC yet but I want to in the Sips so I'm going to wait until it becomes available.
for me it's 100 even for the small bag, I'm in south europe

how big is your grow? i bought a 10kg bag 5yrs ago and probably still have enough for another 5 yrs. worth the cost of shipping if you want it.
how big is your grow? i bought a 10kg bag 5yrs ago and probably still have enough for another 5 yrs. worth the cost of shipping if you want it.
it goes bad tho - i've had bags go bad after a few years, they absorb moisture from the air and turn into mush, might still be usable, but it will weigh more so it will screw with your dosage, btw it's 200 dollars shipping for 10kg
it goes bad tho - i've had bags go bad after a few years, they absorb moisture from the air and turn into mush, might still be usable, but it will weigh more so it will screw with your dosage, btw it's 200 dollars shipping for 10kg

lol it never goes bad.

it is hydrophilic so you need to store it well.
try dividing it and putting it in airtight containers with a decent lid. the bulk of mine still lives in a 3 gallon bucket with a proper lid. i refill other containers from that for use in the grows, i run at two different places.

if it balls up i run it through a blender lol.

edit : even if it gets too mushy too handle, you can still add water and feed by ec/ppm instead of weight. it works just as well, though i tend to run a bit higher ec/ppm in than i do in other nute lines.
lol it never goes bad.

it is hydrophilic so you need to store it well.
try dividing it and putting it in airtight containers with a decent lid. the bulk of mine still lives in a 3 gallon bucket with a proper lid. i refill other containers from that for use in the grows, i run at two different places.

if it balls up i run it through a blender lol.

edit : even if it gets too mushy too handle, you can still add water and feed by ec/ppm instead of weight. it works just as well, though i tend to run a bit higher ec/ppm in than i do in other nute lines.
still 200 usd shipping
still 200 usd shipping
Why are you fixated on MC, if you don't mind me asking?
There are plenty of perfectly good alternatives available
Why are you fixated on MC, if you don't mind me asking?
There are plenty of perfectly good alternatives available
I think it's the most complete fertilizer there is, i wanted to switch to 2 part MC foe better control

I only wanna use 1 or a 2 part product, without anything else other than adjusting ph, which isn't even needed in MC bc of amino acid chelation according to @Emilya Green

Maybe she can explain it much better than i can.

I haven't found any viable solution, mc is also hella cheap, but im willing to pay extra for some alternative if you know a good one that's easy to dial in like MC and their calculator which seems very Accurate in my experience, I've always followed it and had good results

Also switch mid grow kinda sucjs because i was testing a new techniques (lst, topping. + Heavy pruning) i wanna see if i can achive the same yield but with a much less bushy plant that's easier to manage, keep pests off, which there are many here, and easier to harvest

Also easier to spot budrot which can be an issue at the end of flower here outdoor, plus no Popcorn buds only big ass juicy buds
you should still ph in MC. it's just easier to cheat than with other nute lines.

$200 usd is the entry level price if you wanna play with the nute for the next half decade or more. nothing you can do about that. when you factor cost per grow your gonna be ahead of most nutes that are locally available.

otherwise i'd try @Roy Growin 's advice and run canna which is widely available. the plants won't notice the shift if fed correct.
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