I'mOne Ace Lebanese Soil Indoor & Outdoor Grow

That's My thoughts!
Dunno about the "pretty" part, but if you keep making seeds from plants that do well in your local setting, you ought to end up with strains that are well-adapted & do well in the local heat, wind, & rain. Not that hard. Modern growers mollycoddle the plants so much that folks forget these are very tough plants.

Grow on!
That's the idea!
I took my Island skunk plants inside under the AC and so I could control their watering.... we're getting too much rain on them. Sensi skunk showed amber trichomes so she is getting ready to go under the knife. I will try to post pictures but I am not liking this tablet. My other tablet needs a repair. I will set the sensi out in the rain and let it wash and flush then back under the AC for a few days. I cut a small bud off and dried it in the toaster and smokes it last night. It was a good relaxing body stone without a lot of head trauma...lol. it wasn't a heavy hitter like purple kush or other pure indicas but it will do for my nightime weed.
That leaves my Island sweet skunk plants to finish in two, three weeks then the bubba hash should finish after that. I have two Lebanese seedlings about a half a foot tall to finish after bubba. I need to decide what to start next.
I cut down the sensi skunk and put the buds in a box to dry, ahnging from strings going across the too part of the box . It was a Pretty good yield, I put the smaller buds from the bottom of the plant it a brown paper bag. The sick ISS plant is looking better. Her sister liked her second dose of big bloom and has shown no I'll effects and both pulled water from the soil. Bubba hash did also, according to my moisture meter. Lebanese babies are doing good too.
I will weigh my buds after drying. Think I may grow this again
Cool! Congrats on the harvest! Hope it smokes well for ya! Bet it does!

Grow on!
Hey! What a nice surprise to find your smoke report on another thread.
Congrats on the harvest, man it sounds like you hit just the right mix of meds to suit you.
Thanks. I check me buds in the jars after missing a chance to get them open yesterday! They were at 90% so pulled em and out them in bags for the night. They seem much drier this morning so ill try the jars again .....and monitor them all weekend
Put sensi skunk stump with in set of leaves on 13\11 and gave her a splash of big bloom water we will see if she reveg. I smoked it again last night and it did wonders for my aching neck. I will post photos when I get my tablet repaired.
I’m excited to see the reveg! By chance I’d just been reading this exchange on another thread...

I want to see it work for you :)

I’m interested in a little low key research project around pain management. It’s only just getting started. Wouldn’t mind asking you more about using cannabis as medicine sometime if that’s cool?
I’m excited to see the reveg! By chance I’d just been reading this exchange on another thread...

I want to see it work for you :)

I’m interested in a little low key research project around pain management. It’s only just getting started. Wouldn’t mind asking you more about using cannabis as medicine sometime if that’s cool?
Go ahead ask away
Yeah things are only just starting off with it. What I want to do is compare different types of pain to strains/terpenes that give relief and see if any patterns emerge.
I’ll have to get my notes in order first.
Next day or two.
Looking at my "sick" ISS plant she has recovered but has only a few amber trichs, maybe one every 50 or so, the lower buds are mostly clear..so I am going to watch and wait. Looking back I think I overfed her and locked out some nutrients. I tried damn near everything to fix her before I let her dry out a lot..then added a small amount of miracle grow herb food that contained EVERYTHING. It stopped the leaf curl and rust spots and she seems happy for now that was actually about 10 days ago. She is still not up taking any water much and is enert.
I tried to see how much of the sensi skunk I could smoke last night.
I smoked about half a blunt by myself and it was amazing...until I woke up about 1 am super high with my heart racing! My other little Lebanese is making preflowers so I moved her to the bloom room. I can putthe sensi skunk in a different light schedule and see if she revegs
Hey I’mOne. Linking back to this...

Where I’m starting to flesh out an idea to study whether terpenes can usefully be targeting different types of pain. Starting with a survey to see if any of us self-medicating home gardener types have (in)advertently hit upon ... things that work. I’m getting better at explaining it as it takes shape. Any feedback would be helpful :)
Island sweet skunk is a sativa but it holds my pain off longer than other strains. It's not particularly sleep inducing so I mix it with a strong indica or indica leaner hybrid. I have noticed that by itself it doesnt help my acid reflux much either nor does my Lebanese. I need a mix for that. The past two days I am smoking sensi skunk and doing well on all counts, including acid reflux relief and sleep.
By the way, it caught my eye. Your username is one of my favourite Quadrophenia songs. I’ve nearly been able to play it about 35 years now. It’s the middle eight. Must get back to it one day.

Yes I love the who and if you figure out the song then let me know I have tried too....

That is three of us playing with that song! At one point I played it sorta ok as an acoustic cover but could not even begin today, I am so out of practice. I used to listen to one album side of quadrophenia almost everyday in high school. I was quadrophenia obsessed.

I really liked my sensi skunk, it was a favorite. Sounds like it agrees with you. :goodluck:
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