I'm a multipurpose Toker

I use cannabis for medical and spiritual purposes. I’ve been diagnosed with MDD for close to a decade, and also have as-yet undiagnosed PTSD. I’m trying to find as many different routes of administration for cannabis as I can, so it’s an adventure.
Welcome to the @420 Magazine family. One love 💕. CL🍀
:welcome: to the forum @SmokePotPraiseJah420 :passitleft:
I use cannabis for medical and spiritual purposes. I’ve been diagnosed with MDD for close to a decade, and also have as-yet undiagnosed PTSD. I’m trying to find as many different routes of administration for cannabis as I can, so it’s an adventure.
I started smoking for my PTS, I find that the heavy Indica helps me sleep with no nightmares, and sometimes no dreams, I wake up with a couple of Sativa gummies and I'm good to start the day :snowboating:
:welcome: to the forum @SmokePotPraiseJah420 :passitleft:

I started smoking for my PTS, I find that the heavy Indica helps me sleep with no nightmares, and sometimes no dreams, I wake up with a couple of Sativa gummies and I'm good to start the day :snowboating:
Nothing better in the morning with my coffee then a good Sativa, start my day with a smile 😊. CL🍀
Welcome to the community! You’ll find plenty of us who share commonalities with your experiences. This is truly a beautiful place.

:welcome: to the forum @SmokePotPraiseJah420 :passitleft:

I started smoking for my PTS, I find that the heavy Indica helps me sleep with no nightmares, and sometimes no dreams, I wake up with a couple of Sativa gummies and I'm good to start the day :snowboating:

Cannabis is the only thing I’ve found to keep the night terrors and nightmares at bay. As long as I smoke about an hour or two before bed, I can go the entire night without a single image/thought.

The sleeping pills and terror medicines all just make it far far worse, and oftentimes leave me stuck in the dream world with no escape. Cannabis on the other hand seems to turn off that entire part of my brain. It even works with a sativa heavy blend.
I use cannabis for medical and spiritual purposes. I’ve been diagnosed with MDD for close to a decade, and also have as-yet undiagnosed PTSD. I’m trying to find as many different routes of administration for cannabis as I can, so it’s an adventure.
Welcome to 420Magazine my friend :welcome:
Have you tried RSO?

#Vivosun #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
I personally can’t handle sativas, they spike my anxiety out of the exosphere and into space. It’s either Indica or indica-dominant Hybrid for me.
I’m just the opposite but I have a theory about Sativa. I believe it’s a question about your environment n state of mind. I like to mellow out in nature n clear my mind then I smoke. But with Indica I hate feeling couch locked, it’s like taking tranquilizers.imho CL🍀
Personally I’ve smoked indicas that had me super energetic and sativas that have knocked me out cold. I don’t think it’s as simple as sativa or indica in a plant as complex as ours.
True after reading that article I now know that it’s also about the amount smoked.CL🍀
Welcome to 420 Magazine @SmokePotPraiseJah420

Do you have a particular strain you like that works for you?
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Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:
I’m partial to Northern Lights. I successfully grew some Shark Shock from seed a while back and it’s been curing in my roommate’s closet, but I‘m otherwise exclusively a dispensary patient.
Personally I’ve smoked indicas that had me super energetic and sativas that have knocked me out cold. I don’t think it’s as simple as sativa or indica in a plant as complex as ours.
It may depend on the grower, and when they harvested...it may also depend on the percentage of Sativa to Indica hybrid, such as my Purple Punch Cookies, and GG#4 are a 50/50, where my Dos Si Dos#33 is more Indica at 80/20 :snowboating:
Are there Sativas with appetite-suppressant effects?
I have a Liberty Haze, that seems to do that, as well as give me energy...that's what I make my morning Watermelon gummies with :thumb:
Welcome to 420 SPPJ!

Whatever you end up smoking I'm sure you'll enjoy your time here! :Rasta:
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