Icemud's Budmaster LED Grow Light Journal: Hybrid LED's & 730nm Far Red Triggering

Re: Icemud's Budmaster LED Grow Light Journal - Hybrid LED's & 730nm Far Red Triggeri

Happy Holidaze :passitleft:

Happy Holidays Canad420!!!
Re: Icemud's Budmaster LED Grow Light Journal - Hybrid LED's & 730nm Far Red Triggeri

Back at ya Icemud....and thanks for the video. Keep passin it to the left...whether it be a big fattie, or a bit of information for the masses. Keep up the fight!
Nothing But Respect,

Hey Big Sparks!! Happy Holidays!!! Yea I figured it was very informational for those in California wanting to know "what now" after prop 64 passed. There is a ton to know, and it will constantly change for the next year until 2018 when the licensing takes effect. It really sucks right now for the grass roots grower, the home growers, the small time guys as right now everything is geared for big business with millions to spend, and very little cities in Cali are even allowing any commercial business. Most are continuing to place bans on recreational businesses, cultivation, retail, manufacturing... all of them continue to recited the same BS that they have spouted for decades and none of it true.. every city council meeting and adjenda record I read dealing with this legislation, they say things like... "its targeting kids" or "its increasing crime and violence" or "stoned drivers will cause all these fatailities" or "we don't want that type of business ruining our city"... which we all know is complete crap... and actually studies from colorado have shown quite the opposite in many cases... oh well, whats done is done and now its important for california residents to go to town meetings, push for legit business to operate... because that is the only way these cities will allow it is hearing from its residents. :)

Anyhow, I'm glad you liked the video and give it up for the cameraman :) me :) haha, thats my office on the right in the background :) Happy Holidays!!!
Re: Icemud's Budmaster LED Grow Light Journal - Hybrid LED's & 730nm Far Red Triggeri

Hey Graytail!!! Happy Holidays!!! I hope all is well with you!!!
Re: Icemud's Budmaster LED Grow Light Journal - Hybrid LED's & 730nm Far Red Triggeri

Update time!!!

So I had a wonderful Christmas in Georgia celebrating with my family and my parents drove down from Chicago to visit and help my brother celebrate his 1st Christmas in his new house and it was such a blessing to be able to see them and be with family for the holidays. Plus the weather was beautiful and even warmer than Socal had to offer which was a plus.

In prep for my 6 days gone I watered my plants right before I left and they were ready for a new feeding when I returned. Yesterday I mixed up some water, with botanicare pro grow and some cal/mag and gave the girls just a light feeding. I also noticed that my black cherry soda (which is in the old recycled soil) is still not doing very well so I filled up a 5 gallon bucket of r/o water, put the BCS in my tub and flushed the crap out of the soil. I did this to my harlequin and GG #4 and they recovered beatifully so I am hoping over the next 2 weeks the same happens with my BCS. All the other plants are looking phenominal and I can't believe how big the leaves on my GDP are, Palm sized.

I probably wont flower these plants for a few more weeks as I really would like to wait until after I pollenate my other tent to start this tent flowering, which just was flipped to 12/12 today and received its first spraying of CS (see other journal). So within 3 weeks the pollination will be done and then I plan on flipping this tent over too. So lets say less than 4 weeks to flowering this tent :) yippee :)

All the plants look very vibrant and show some very healthy new growth. Definitely not high brixy which I was not going for this grow, but who knows as I still created a similar soil with the new blend, but also added osmocote to the soil for easy self feeding without much bottle supplementation needed.

Well not much else to report on today so here are some pics :)

Re: Icemud's Budmaster LED Grow Light Journal - Hybrid LED's & 730nm Far Red Triggeri

Happy New Years 2017 everyone!!!! Update coming later tonight :)
Re: Icemud's Budmaster LED Grow Light Journal - Hybrid LED's & 730nm Far Red Triggeri

Update time!!!

Well folks, friends, tokers and smokers... I hope all of you had a wonderful New Years 2017!

I didn't do a whole lot besides catch up on movies I have wanted to watch, indulged in left over holiday cookies and sweets and now I can feel good that all the weight I gained is it, and now can focus on getting in shape again...LOL

Well as for the garden, things are going very well, and all the plants are looking nice and healthy, and even my black cherry soda which was not looking good has now shown some nice full growth after the soil flush I did a while back. Must have been what it needed. Now that I know that I wish I wouldn't have dumped my 100 gallons or so of premixed soil.. I probably could have flushed it and continued to use it... Oh well... at least the landfill will be nice and fertile :) lol

Well not much else to report on today. The girls were getting a little droopy so I gave each plant 2 cups of r/o water with enzymes and mycos/bacteria mixed with cal/mag. No NPK this feeding as they should have plenty built up to go off of :)

Here are today's pics!

Re: Icemud's Budmaster LED Grow Light Journal - Hybrid LED's & 730nm Far Red Triggeri

Hi Icemud, Just subbed your journal. Very nice girls you have!! I'm envious of your knowledge. But I'm sure you didn't snap your fingers or wiggle your nose, lol. I'm working on understanding the overall grow procedure from the roots perspective. Trying to get dialed in with my grow room (makeshift, and on fixed income, uff!), but I can still learn! Trying to figure out why I can't get roots enough. I think I have the answer (not using peat based medium, not using myco stuff), just need a little time.

But Ive read alot of posts and have seen you visiting with other grows alot. Pleasing to see. Also pleasing, is looking at your plants! Keep on keeping on.
Re: Icemud's Budmaster LED Grow Light Journal - Hybrid LED's & 730nm Far Red Triggeri

Hi Icemud, Just subbed your journal. Very nice girls you have!! I'm envious of your knowledge. But I'm sure you didn't snap your fingers or wiggle your nose, lol. I'm working on understanding the overall grow procedure from the roots perspective. Trying to get dialed in with my grow room (makeshift, and on fixed income, uff!), but I can still learn! Trying to figure out why I can't get roots enough. I think I have the answer (not using peat based medium, not using myco stuff), just need a little time.

But Ive read alot of posts and have seen you visiting with other grows alot. Pleasing to see. Also pleasing, is looking at your plants! Keep on keeping on.

Hey Maineiac! Glad to have you following along and I appreciate the compliments and kind words :) I've been growing for about 5 years now, and actually did my very 1st grow here at 420 Magazine, and with all the awesome members and worlds of information I absolutely nailed it my 1st grow and most of what I have learned comes from many of the members here at 420 Mag... tons of info :)

Roots are tough, mainly because we can't see them so really the plant only gives us an idea of how things are under the soil. I still am working on perfecting my rootmass and feedings and all to get better results.. and that is what I love about growing, is the constant improvement and learning that is possible :)

Many times overwatering is the culprit for not enough roots, as it chokes out the roots and eventually can kill a plant or cause severe swings in ph and deficiencies. The lifting the pot method works really well for me when doing multiple strains as each one has different amounts of uptake of nutrients.

Too high of a soil EC (too many salts/synthetic fertz salts) in the soil. This flat out destroys the natural flow of ions to the roots and pretty much can kill a plant easy. Roots many times will die off in a soil with a high EC.. (usually this doesn't happen unless you are heavily feeding through a whole cycle without any runoff). It also can occur if soil is reused and salts build up.

To encourage better root growth you can purchase airpots or fabric air pruning pots which help encourage more fiberous roots and less circling of the roots. Also you can slightly let your soil dry out where your plants just barely start to wilt, and then water, repeat. The almost dough like soil will cause the plant to force out the roots in search of water.

The use of micro biological bacterias and fungi helps the roots feed more efficiently by attaching to the roots and allowing for more surface area to feed, as well as will break down the organic soil materials into nutrients the plant can use.

Most likely watering is the culprit to poor root production, and its tricky as I still am trying to get it right. A well balanced soil that is airy and doesn't contain too much organic decomposed plant mass (humus) is good for holding some water but also allowing drainage. Too much organic material can hold water and cause issues. You will get it down, it takes time :)
Re: Icemud's Budmaster LED Grow Light Journal - Hybrid LED's & 730nm Far Red Triggeri

Thank you fanleaf, for helping me to understand more. I'm sure my root problem is twofold, outdoor dirt (very good, just not peat) and I didn't use any myco innoculants. After I realized this, I got some myco stuff at the hydro store and transplanted 2 babies and they're already bigger than the four that I didn't use the myco stuff. I do know about overwatering, as I read a couple of doc bud's journals and he preaches the drench, water routine. Still have so much to learn. Great way to retire learning about my favorite plant!!
Re: Icemud's Budmaster LED Grow Light Journal - Hybrid LED's & 730nm Far Red Triggeri

Thank you fanleaf, for helping me to understand more. I'm sure my root problem is twofold, outdoor dirt (very good, just not peat) and I didn't use any myco innoculants. After I realized this, I got some myco stuff at the hydro store and transplanted 2 babies and they're already bigger than the four that I didn't use the myco stuff. I do know about overwatering, as I read a couple of doc bud's journals and he preaches the drench, water routine. Still have so much to learn. Great way to retire learning about my favorite plant!!

I swear, there is nothing addicting about marijuana, besides growing it :) I never though it would be so challenging, fun, therapeutic and rewarding as it is, and I am still on a constant journey in search of the best that knowledge has to offer :) you will find yourself getting better results every grow as long as you start with a good soil, and good environment and that will get better the more you grow :)

Docbud knows his soil very very well. I've never seen someone with such consistently mind blowing plants. I would be lying if I said that I haven't learned a ton from him :)

If you don't already have a journal here, I would suggest giving it a try. Its a great way to have others tune in to help along the way as well as make some amazing friends. Plus you can share your experiences and rewards too with us :)

If you have any questions, feel free to ask as I never mind answering them... except about hydro.. as I know zero nada about hydro..LOL

Happy Growing and Happy New Year 2017!!
Re: Icemud's Budmaster LED Grow Light Journal - Hybrid LED's & 730nm Far Red Triggeri

OK... so I have to share why I edited this post. As many of you may know, I have 2 journals, this one and a how to make feminized seeds one going. Anyhow I got so into my post and updates right after smoking a ton, and totally posted in the wrong journal.. LOL

So without further adieu here is the right update :) LOL

So were are currently in veg, not sure what "day" of veg since all the plants are different ages for the most part but things are moving along very nicely. My Black Cherry Soda who just a week or 2 ago was looking spindly and near death has now fully bounced back with a vengeance, and now has pretty much caught up to the other plants in both size, height and bushyness. I'm pretty mindblown how fast it bounced back... Really some killer genetics and the reason my first breeding project was focused on saving them, as well as crossing them :) I have a few testers out there and so far 100% germination :)

As for the other plants they are all filling in nicely and I really am thinking about flipping them to flowering very soon. I want to wait until I pollinate my other tent's plants and ditch the male before I set these into flower, just to prevent any pollen from effecting these plants, and I still have about 2 weeks to go on that process, so hopefully in 2 weeks I will be taking this garden into flowering as well.

I also decided to top my GDP as it was the only plant in the tent that had not been topped at all since clone transplant, and I really was trying to get it to grow faster and taller before topping it as it had such a tight structure, it would have taken forever for it to grow tall if I topped it earlier and it wouldn't have had some nice auxiliary branches that would top out. Where I took the cut in the pics should create 4-5 tops from that, plus push up many of the lower auxiliary branches as well to fill it out.

All the plants are looking fairly healthy and happy, but definitely with the different soil blend and time release osmocote I am not seeing too much "high brix" features, as I was in my old recycled soil which was geared to the ratios that are needed. I decided it wouldn't hurt to mix up a compost tea for the girls as they are pretty droppy and the pots are very light, so they are ready when the tea is..

I pulled out my old T and J biomineral blend which I haven't used in a while, along with biovam, some azomite (trying to get rid of what I have left as I am debating whether to continue its used based on its analysis). I added some 2-4-0 hydrolyzed fish, mammoth P which is phosphorus geared beneficials, kangaroots which is a biological mycos and bacteria product, cozyme which is beneficial enzymes, yucca extract, some maxicrop liquid seaweed, and some potassium silicate. I also added a spoonful of gypsum and sul po mag to the water, even though most likely will not dissolve or be completely soluble in water, I think it may slightly add the cal and mag i need too :) So this will bubble for about 24 hours and then the plants will get fed tomorrow and probably a foliar feeding since I haven't really been doing it this grow. I would like to try to bring out some high brix traits but don't know if it will be possible with the added osmocote. Either way they still will hopefully be some healthy and happy plants and produce well :)

Not much else to report on today so here are some pics..

Re: Icemud's Budmaster LED Grow Light Journal - Hybrid LED's & 730nm Far Red Triggeri

I hope ya don't mind if I take a peak... I can't read so I'm just looking at pics posted. I see a pretty tent, looking like she's going to bust her seams, fill in maxed out with buddage... I have no idea what I'm posting,,, cept last pics. And if your starting bloom or whatever. Need to learn to read,, least evelyn wood's type..... Hope I didn't intrude,, Keepem Green
Re: Icemud's Budmaster LED Grow Light Journal - Hybrid LED's & 730nm Far Red Triggeri

Subbed :high-five:
looking forward to seeing what these lights can do
Re: Icemud's Budmaster LED Grow Light Journal - Hybrid LED's & 730nm Far Red Triggeri

Happy 2017 Ice :green_heart:

A new experiment i see, i just love the idea of the hybrid panel the girls sure do look like that they are enjoying em.
Re: Icemud's Budmaster LED Grow Light Journal - Hybrid LED's & 730nm Far Red Triggeri

I hope ya don't mind if I take a peak... I can't read so I'm just looking at pics posted. I see a pretty tent, looking like she's going to bust her seams, fill in maxed out with buddage... I have no idea what I'm posting,,, cept last pics. And if your starting bloom or whatever. Need to learn to read,, least evelyn wood's type..... Hope I didn't intrude,, Keepem Green

Hey Norcaliwood! Definitely don't mind one bit :) welcome :)

The show should be getting started in about 2-3 weeks when I flip them to flowering :) running a few old strain classics I've run before along with some new genetics I've never flowered out yet. Should be really exciting to see how they turn out :)
Re: Icemud's Budmaster LED Grow Light Journal - Hybrid LED's & 730nm Far Red Triggeri

Subbed, we have a mutual friend who suggested I follow along, so here I am. Everything looks great and looks like I am just in time for the show to begin.

Hey Neikodog! Happy to have you here! Yep, should be flipping in about 2-3 weeks. Just waiting for my other seed project to finish pollen making and pollenation and then I will be flipping this tent. Shouldn't be long and I guess within 2 weeks :) Happy to have ya here :)
Re: Icemud's Budmaster LED Grow Light Journal - Hybrid LED's & 730nm Far Red Triggeri

Subbed :high-five:
looking forward to seeing what these lights can do

Hey Spart! welcome! I'm excited to see these lights in action too :) so far the plants really like the hybrid cob/god spectrum. :) Can't wait to fire up that Far Red LED come flowering too :)
Re: Icemud's Budmaster LED Grow Light Journal - Hybrid LED's & 730nm Far Red Triggeri

Happy 2017 Ice :green_heart:

A new experiment i see, i just love the idea of the hybrid panel the girls sure do look like that they are enjoying em.

Hey Fuzzy !!! Happy New Year 2017 to you too my friend!

I'm definitely happy that so far this year is looking really good and hopefully I can ride the wave all the way through it :)

Super stoked to see how the hybrid budmasters do in flowering. I love how it really spreads out the spectrum across my tent and evens out hotspots :)
Re: Icemud's Budmaster LED Grow Light Journal - Hybrid LED's & 730nm Far Red Triggeri

Hey Everyone!!!!

So I had a busy weekend with the girls, and decided it was time to start prepping them for flowering which should be comming very soon. I am waiting for 2 things until I flip this tent. 1, I want to wait until my seed project drops pollen, and I pollenate the plants in the other tent and discard the male, just to prevent any pollen from hitting these girls. 2nd. I took clones of 4 of the plants that I don't have replica clones of yet, so I took some Ogiesel, GG#4, Mendo Grape Kush and Trainwreck cuttings and put them in root riot plugs, and into my humidity dome. I want to make sure these last cuts root before I flip so I figure both of the waiting factors should be done within 2-3 weeks and this grow will get flipped.

I'm really excited to have some new strains to try, as much as I love the classics I have been running over and over, Its always nice to have some new flavors and excitements in the garden.

Along with the clones I took over the weekend, I lollipopped and took all the larf off all 8 of the plants to even out spacing, allow for more energy to divert to the tops, and also to allow for better airflow and light penetration in the canopy. All the small branches were removed however I did something different this run and only took the stems, but left all the large fan leaves at the base of each stem on the plant. I figure they may help to drive even more energy into production so why not leave them on... :)

I also topped the tallest plants to even up the canopy and help promote more branching over the next 2-3 weeks.

Well I will be giving the girls a good earth juice tea in a few day so I will be preparing it tonight to bubble for 48 hours and feeding on wednesday or thursday.

Here are today's pics:

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