Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Pots!

Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

Hello Icemud! I finally caved and signed up for an account (long-time lurker). I wanted to let you know that all of your grow journals have been an inspiration to me. I've been saving up, researching, and learning so much - I hope to start my first indoor grow shortly and will be following a lot of your methods, as well as experimenting with a few crazy ideas of my own.

Subscribed. I'll be watching this thread closely!
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

Hello IceMud
Newbie here. Just signed up for the ride. I'm anxious to learn.
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

Thanks for the encouragement buddy. I agree totally with your assessment of the risk, but I find that a healthy level of paranoia helps to prevent a lot of issues. I am very excited about getting the rest of my set up, but so far it is just the lights. They are pretty though. I am pretty set on doing a hydro grow and am trying to figure out if I will go dwc or ebb and flow. It looks like a dwc using single buckets is pretty affordable for the "nursery/mother" tent. But would be a pain for the grow out tent. I think that I will be doing a 12 site bubble flow dwc setup. Right now I am trying to figure out how I will keep my water temps and tent temps in optimum ranges. This will be done indoors but not in a ac room. Water chillers are pretty expensive and so are portable air conditioners. I am trying to stay within a budget and the two biggest outlays are/will be the lights and the dwc setup. the two tents and the equipment that goes in them was pretty reasonable. I just do not want to spend another $800 on more equipment. Anyway, have a great weekend and good vibes to your girls.
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

Also a quick question about seed germination. What do you do to germinate a seed? I guess soil is soil but this is something that I am worrying about being a hydro grow. :confused:
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

I know. I visit Cola Monster's greenhouses in awe.

Yea I always look forward to seeing his nugs in the monthly contests... always gorgeous!
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

Hey Icemud, i'm subbed and loving it!!
I had a giggle to myself with Sweet sue's comment about skipping pages to get to the good bits!!
This happens to me quite a bit since joining, and yes, it's very addictive this hobby:woohoo:
This thread, Made me read every page, and your explanations of L.E.D. tech is excellent and entertaining.
I am using a 660 watt H.P.S with an undercurrent dwc system I built myself, far removed from your style i know, but I still grow in other mediums. My last couple of grows in soil were ok, but not nearly as good as my second D.W.C grow in single buckets, but far easier to manage with different strains . Definitely lot's to learn here from people like yourself:bravo: I will be reading up and watching closely, :thanks::thanks:

Hey Chenzi,

Welcome to my journal and thanks for joining along :)

I really appreciate that you gained some value of information from my journal :) I try to add the details that I find are interesting to share with everyone :)

I hope someday to have the space to experiment with hydro :)

Definitely feel free to ask any questions, as I'm happy to answer them (except hydro ?'s as I know virtually notta about it)
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

Hello Icemud! I finally caved and signed up for an account (long-time lurker). I wanted to let you know that all of your grow journals have been an inspiration to me. I've been saving up, researching, and learning so much - I hope to start my first indoor grow shortly and will be following a lot of your methods, as well as experimenting with a few crazy ideas of my own.

Subscribed. I'll be watching this thread closely!

Hey RoboKush!!!

Welcome to my journal and welcome to 420 Magazine (officially) :) haha

Its fun to grow Robo, I came to 420 magazine about 4 years ago knowing not much about growing. I did the same as you, read and researched a ton before even breaking ground, and it payed off as my first grow turned out amazing, thanks to the help of all the knowledge here and members :)

Feel free to ask anything you need, and I will try to guide you in the right direction. Also check out Docbud's threads, especially his high brix ones, he makes growing easy with a QandA thread and even sells a kit he designed for optimal soil :)

welcome again and I look forward to seeing your first grow :)
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

Hello IceMud
Newbie here. Just signed up for the ride. I'm anxious to learn.

Hey UbonJim!!!

Welcome to 420 Magazine and to my journal!!!

Pleased to have you :)

Lemme know if there is anything I may answer for you..
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

I see there are quite a few new members to 420 magazine here in my journal, Welcome everyone!

I used to post this for new members when I was online but haven't had the time much, but its some helpful links to navigate around the 420 Magazine site and find info easily. I figured since there are a few noobies here, I would post it for all of you to help out :)


So here is how you get started :)

Here are some useful links that will help you learn about growing, and how to get it right the first time :)
First rule of thumb is, do the research first, if you can't find the answer anywhere, then ask. I can almost gurantee that
The question has been asked before. There are tons of resources and kind and knowledgeable growers at 420 magazine
and I am sure you will find it a great home!

Are you new to growing and don't know where to start, here is a link that will teach you everything you need to know :)
How to Grow Marijuana Everything You Need to Know

If you couldn't find what your looking for in the last link, you can find many of your answers by visiting The Grow Room.

Do you have sick plants that need answers, check out our Problems, Pest's and Disease control forum at
Problems, Pests & Disease Control

Another great way to get started in your new membership is by starting a grow journal. This allows you to document your grow, add photo's
and share your experience with all of us!! Remember to be detailed, so if you run into problems we can help you fix them and have a successful
grow :)
How to Make a Grow Journal
Photo Gallery Guide: How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

Are you looking to purchase new growing equipment, nutrients, growing or smoking accessories, check out our sponsors!
As a member you can take advantage of specials that are run time to time :)
Sponsors : 420 MAGAZINE ®

Well I hope you enjoy exploring our wonderful community and feel free to make yourself home :)

By the way, don't forget to check out the monthly contests where you can vote, enter, and win prizes!
420 Contests
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

Thanks for the encouragement buddy. I agree totally with your assessment of the risk, but I find that a healthy level of paranoia helps to prevent a lot of issues. I am very excited about getting the rest of my set up, but so far it is just the lights. They are pretty though. I am pretty set on doing a hydro grow and am trying to figure out if I will go dwc or ebb and flow. It looks like a dwc using single buckets is pretty affordable for the "nursery/mother" tent. But would be a pain for the grow out tent. I think that I will be doing a 12 site bubble flow dwc setup. Right now I am trying to figure out how I will keep my water temps and tent temps in optimum ranges. This will be done indoors but not in a ac room. Water chillers are pretty expensive and so are portable air conditioners. I am trying to stay within a budget and the two biggest outlays are/will be the lights and the dwc setup. the two tents and the equipment that goes in them was pretty reasonable. I just do not want to spend another $800 on more equipment. Anyway, have a great weekend and good vibes to your girls.

First off,

I suggest, as you are, read different journals at 420 Mag and ask questions, this will be the best way to determine the optimal setup for your grow area, needs and such. Planning ahead saves much $$ later :)

Another suggestion, *helps if you are in a legal state, but once you have your list of needed items, check 2nd hand like craigsl!st for equipment. When I bought my 1st setup, in complete I spend around $1500 but if I would have bought everything new it would have cost me another $1500 or more :)

For me, I don't have AC in my apartment, well I have a portable unit but high electric prices keep it on fan only unless absolutely needed. For me what helps to keep the temps down is I have a square box fan in my window, blowing outwards. This helps circulate the air out of the room (where my tents are) and keep the temps down fairly well. Another way to keep the temps down is a evaporative cooler/swamp cooler, however you have to also be careful with those because they do raise the humidity significantly too. I used to have one hooked up to 1 of the 2 air intake 6" ducts going into my tent so some of the air coming in was cooler and it also helped (until the fan busted).

I would highly suggest checking CL though, as you will find many growers that bought everything and for one reason or another they need to sell the whole setup, and I commonly see hydro setups on there with tents, lights, ducts fans, for very good prices.

Also you can check some of the sponsors here at 420 Mag as they sometimes offer discount codes and deals.
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

Also a quick question about seed germination. What do you do to germinate a seed? I guess soil is soil but this is something that I am worrying about being a hydro grow. :confused:

Well I probably am not the best person to ask about seed germination as I just sprouted my first batch of seeds this past month, and have always grown from clone...however, I did get my advice from someone who is very good at it, and it worked very well. (thanks Curso) :)

So basically I take a double shotglass and fill it with 0ppm water. I put the seeds in for about 12 hours. After 12 hours you should see that some of the seeds have sank to the bottom. You may need to use your finger to push them down and see if they sink as sometimes the need a little nudge. (use clean fingers)

The seeds that sink are the good ones and the ones you will want to plant. Now after about 12 hours you also should see the seeds starting to split, if not leave them in the water for up to 24 hours and the good seeds should have started to open at this point.

Now once the seeds split, get some fresh soil, poke your pinky finger down in the middle of the soil to the 1st knuckle and carefully move the seed from the water, into the hole and cover it lightly with soil. Using plain water, make sure the soil is wet and put under a light source. I used the red party cups and poked some holes in the bottom for air exchange and drainage as well.

After about 3 days to 1 week you should see the sprouts poking through the soil. I used this method and got excellent results :)
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

The pinky finger is a great touch. I like that better than a pencil or pen. Next seeds, I'll try that.
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

Hey Everyone!!!!


Day 39 of flowering.....


Well its getting further along in the flowering period and I am happy with some of the plants and how they look, but I still am casting the stink eye to the harlequin which is just not doing much of anything. The plant wants to just keep losing leaves and the buds even though are growing very slowly are no where near what they should be for day 39 of flowering, and look more like they would on day 16. I am really at a loss for what is wrong with her and I really almost think that instead of wasting the space for her, I may decide this week to remove and cull the harlequin, and give more room to the Ogiesel and Black Cherry Cola which are still doing well. I don't know if the soil is too hot, or what, but the harlequin has just been unhappy for a long time now and being that the health has been so bad, I doubt she will produce anything that is even worth putting into edibles and thing I may actually get more out of just giving the other 2 plants the space. I will decide this week the harlequin's fate.


The Ogiesel is doing amazing this grow, very healthy leaves, very thick buds, sticky and resonous and really stinky. I swear, if anyone ever wants a plant that grows amazing, never gives problems, smells like pepe le pew, and you like to sleep a lot.... OGiesel is your answer :)
I definitely am in love with this plant, as it makes growing it effortless, and even though not a heavy yielder, it makes up for it in potency.


The black cherry soda is also doing pretty well this grow. Not the best that I have done on her, but still producing some very hairy and frosty buds with the very strong cherry/berry smell to them. I have to get better with growing sativas and haven't yet perfected them, as they always get slightly discolored or have issues, and I think its due to me feeding them heavy like the OG's and indica's that I have like, and its too much for them. Other than that, i can't quite figure out why my indica's always look fine but my sativas could be better. Still a lot to learn, but fortunately the black cherry soda will turn a nice harvest and I will definitely be pleased with the results :)


So the veg tent...

Some sad news, but I lost my University Hills OG. I chopped her pretty severely about a month ago and she just stopped growing. She didn't look bad for a while, but also wasn't growing and I new I messed up. About a week ago I noticed that most of the leaves had died off and she was looking pretty bad so I knew it was coming and there wasn't much I could do.... Its sad cause I've had this cut for about 2 years, but its also time for another OG as I did like UVH a lot, it wasn't a crowd pleaser and I have had better OG's too. I just was a fan of the minute tropical flavor she had. Oh well, I know I can probably get a cut of her again if needed, but I think it will be time to either sprout some of my OG101 or get a clone of a different OG :)

Other than that all the other plants look very good and will be ready for flowering when my other tent opens up. Still not sure what is in store for my next grow, however I am thinking of maybe bringing my V-Scrog back :) who knows :) BTW, the dust/white powder you may see on the leaves is from when I transplanted the plants, its Mycos powder :)


My Seedlings :)

well the tangie seedlings that spouted are looking good and there definitely is 2 different phenos here. One is very odd structure with a clump of twisted leaves, and the others look normal. Will be very interesting to see what comes of them :) Right now I have them under 24/0 hours of light under my 144x3w mars hydro reflector in my alternate tent.


My Aloe Vera!
I am nursing this back to life, and it is thriving :)
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

The pinky finger is a great touch. I like that better than a pencil or pen. Next seeds, I'll try that.

Yea it worked well for me, I tried numerous times with other methods like the paper towel, and just soil germination, and this one worked well for me :)
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

Great update Ice

I grow sativas fore the first time but I got the info from conradino that they need much less nutes.
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

<<<I would highly suggest checking CL though, as you will find many growers that bought everything and for one reason or another they need to sell the whole setup, and I commonly see hydro setups on there with tents, lights, ducts fans, for very good prices.>>>

High Icemud, what is CL? Thank you.
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

Not Ice...but to answer your question RSO...CL is Craig's List.
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

Not Ice...but to answer your question RSO...CL is Craig's List.

Thanks Shrike. :adore:
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

It would be awesome if there were some listing on CL where I am, but alas there is not. I was able to considerably lower my input costs today over the phone and now sourced about 87% of everything needed and was able to preserve my budget.
Great update btw. Sorry to hear about your mother and the sick lady but at least you have a positive outlook on it. Maybe you can replace the mother with a tasty new flavor.
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