Ibrokeit Random Bag Seed - Purple Princess? Bahama Bag Seed - First Grow

How long on 12/12 before I see bud development?
THAT depends on the strain you are growing, if the pistils were there when you went to 12/12 it will still take between 30-60 days for full bud development. Patience and vigilance are key at this stage of the grow. Don't over-water; let the soil dry some then water/feed. I feed twice a week usually and then water only at the end to remove remaining nutes and salts. They taste better that way. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I think I did over water them, that and the high temps made the leafs droop. First time they have done that since seedlings. Wait a few days before I panic?
I think I did over water them, that and the high temps made the leafs droop. First time they have done that since seedlings. Wait a few days before I panic?

I can't see any problem; oh! You didn't post pictures! :rofl:
Did you put pubbles/marbles between the pot and the catch pan? Fell the soil if it's wet, is there water in the catch pan? Get rid of it! I water till I see it oooozing out, pour off any excess and monitor how damp/dry the soil is. Don't panic, but do what I suggested and you will be on the right track :cheesygrinsmiley:
It does not look as dramatic in the pic, but here is before

And this is current
day 42 -day 3 on 12/12 for most.
Just water this round, and maybe for next several days as well. I will start feeding them the GH after that. Since I did start most in miracle grow soil, any suggestions on amount of micro/veg/bloom per gallon?
If the three part works, which it seems to, use it til its gone. There are all sorts of bloom boosters from a lot of makers. Right now since I am in bloom outdoors and I'm using a combination of guano, M.O.A.B.(bloom booster), Fox Farm Tiger Bloom (bloom booster), molasses, and Epsom salts. I don't have a real regiment yet until all my Summer Girls are outside. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Sounds like a plan. I will order some guano, I have worm castings, and have 2 plants outdoors so I guess I will use them to experiment on. I feel like I may push too hard, so I do think your advise is a solid plan since they are doing ok. Now my concern is how long until I know if I have any males? No way all the random seeds could be female right? Or just POT luck?
Ordered bat shit and kelp today. I have 3 140w (300) LED lights, use them or t5? I have lots of lettuce and other veggies to run under other lights
I will get some pics when I go back in. The Led's are pretty bright and suck for my eyes. I checked on my flower room last night and those suckers were dry, and they got a good drink of water with a light feeding. From the reading I have done on here, light nutrients to start and progress up slowly, so feed every 6th day, water every 3? Or just when they get really light and feed every other watering? Or light feed every watering? They seemed thankful for the watering last night for sure.
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