If you are sprouting in organic soil you need myco to link the soil to the plant before the microbes are introduced, as myco manages the microbes for the plant.
Things like EWC and kelp will cause little ones grief in the 1st 10-14 days as the microbial action of the EWC, and the explosion of those microbes from eating the kelp throws ph out.
Myco creates rhizosphere ph and it sets it to whatever the plant asks for, and adjusts it accordingly and on the fly.
So you want a milder soil and to be a bit generous with the myco.
Then there is the seed itself. If you germinate it in soil then perfect
but if you are soaking or paper towelling until they crack you are losing the best part of the seeds immunities.
The seeds are formed on the mother plant and jam packed with dormant microbes specialized by Mom to be exactly the ones to feed the seed from the soil until myco establishes and takes over.
If you germinate outside of the soil most of those specialized microbes are lost in the glass of water or paper towel when they were actually meant to innoculate your starter soil. To create it's initial rhizosphere. It's Mother's Milk for plants.
EWC comes with it's own spectrum of microlife that will easily dominate a seeds internal microbe supply.
Don't ditch kelp altogether. After myco establishes itself and the microbes get organized kelp is a fantastic additive.
Hydrolysed, not emulsified fish fertilizer is a safe food for babies if you insist on feeding them, and it's myco's favorite health food so it's a win win.
If you choose hydrolysed fish ferts, mix it as per the instructions, don't add extra. Thats very important.
Also make sure the words emulsion and/or emulsified are not on the product label at all. Emulsified is very very different than hydrolysed. Don't fall for the marketing trick of "Hydrolysed Emulsion", it's just emulsion. It's not the right stuff.
If you grow synthetically none of this really applies as it all interferes with the synthetics unless you build a very cool hybrid system such as Bill uses.
If you want consistency you need to let the plant do it's thing. It has been consistent all on it's own for millions of years. It's us humans that are inconsistent.
Starting out by propogating the seeds internal microbes and letting myco handle it from there is the best shot at a plant's lifetime consistancy. It builds stress immunities that ward off a lot of the human inconsistencies. Por watering being at the top of that list.
Those microbes in combination with myco greatly regulate water intake at the root level. Another win in the battle against human inconsistencies.
Seeds can be tricky in organics until you get it figured, then they become simple. The seed knows what to do, it just needs myco. It's designed to link to myco.
Outdoors myco is everywhere in all soils waiting for a root and it links on day 1. Indoors your myco starts out as a dormant spore so it takes 10-14 days to propogate and link the plant to the soil. Once it's linked, so after you uppot your solo, bring on the EWC and kelp.
If you water her with fish ferts once a week for her lifetime myco will remain in tip-top shape.
And warmth/moisture. You need it. Seeds are triggered by it.
A heat mat and a dome until they stand up straight really help. Then you can remove the dome.
The heat pad removal depends on your ambient room temps, but babies like warmth. Late spring sunshine. Warm on the skin but not hot.
78F is my favorite seed popping temp but 80 works really well too, it's just more of a shock when you revert back to ambient room temps than 78F is.
Hope that helps a bit.