I need help people, something is eating my ladies.

This is spider mites for a visual
LadyCannafan ? Thank you for your response. If those things are in my closet and hiding from me ? Jesus, have my faculties and cognitive abilities been Jared far worse by a concussion I had months ago. Did you know that katydid is any of about 8000 predominantly nocturnal insects that are related to crickets and are noted for their mating calls. I look forward to more input from everybody.
Yeah, they can be pretty noisy. Those nymphs can get into an indoor grow, I've had it happen in years past. Probably on my shoes or clothing. Who knows. LOL
I like to take my hand and start at the bottom of the plants and gently work upward shaking a little. You wouldn't believe the number of critters that scoot around when you do that on an outdoor plant.
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