I may have killed one?

Re: may have killed 1

Having problems posting pics from my phone....will post asap
Re: may have killed 1

looks bad
is that membrane still stuck to it?
curse my old eyes!!
it is a bit hard to tell how much damage has been done
i say keep it a little damp,not too much light yet
give it a day the game is not over if the tissue isn't torn

good luck
Re: may have killed 1

Do you see any sign of green starting anywhere on the youngun? If it's been 3 days and there is no sign of any of the green process (photosynthesis and chlorophyll) starting, I would say it's bad. It is really hard to tell on the pic, but it looks whitish brown.
Give it a couple more days I would think and see if it tries to straighten up and start getting color.
Seedlings are very very delicate when they sprout and often times will come up with the shell still on. (some people refer to it as having it's helmet on. LOL) It's always best to allow the sprout to shake the shell on it's own. It's a natural process.
Same here, on the close ups. Does your camera or phone have a macro setting? It will look like a little tulip usually. If not, back the camera up until the subject looks focused to you, then snap the pic.
I think I see a little green tint to the one on the left, the damaged one, but I can't be sure. Has there been any change in it like it is trying to straighten up? The other one looks nice.
But yuyo is right, you have to have drainage for excess water or you will kill them with too much moisture. If the soil feels wet to you, let it dry out before you water again. Plants this small do not need a lot of water, you want the roots to start growing and searching down for the moisture. Healthy roots is what make healthy plants.
I'll check back and see how it's going for you too. :)
It looks like the edges of the leaf curled up at the ends. Hopefully it is just an overwatering issue, so let her dry out a bit.
Also, seedlings don't require a lot of light. Make sure you don't have any hot lights beating down on it, they don't like getting overheated.
I don't think I read what type of lighting you had on them.
Only time will tell at this point, but it doesn't look completely dead to me. :thumb:
If #1 hasn't changed in the next day or two, color or "unfolding" to an upright position....I would say :rip: But that's just my experience. Others may feel differently.
If you get a little extra cash you might want to consider getting a dome and some rapid rooter or rock wool cubes and a heat pad for your seeds and seedlings. Its a lot easyer to seed them and get them started then trans plant in soil after they get well rooted. Just a idea if you keep having problems. You can look at my link to see what I am talking about. At the seed and seedling stage it does not need nutes and very easy to kill.
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