I can't understand BIO CANNA's grow schedule

I have not mastered using microbial materials yet. Mushrooms have even grown there. Are there any recommended materials?

I thought CALMAG was not necessary because it was mixed. If the green color of the leaves becomes lighter, I would like to try it. thank you.
I got the calmag because I was using distilled water before which has nothing in it, but even now with spring water it's still a helpful bottle no matter what nutrient type or brand I'm using and I've used it now with the current grow with biocanna as well.
Here's a pic from when the plant was still green and upright, now she's yellowing and finishing up.
You could cook up your own mix with egg shells and epsom salt.


As for microbial well Great White Mycorrhizae is what everyone is raving about, so you can look into that, not cheap but the root pictures from it are quite impressive, way more development and bigger fatter roots.
But it's also something you use from the start with the seedling. So I wouldn't worry about it now.

And I'm also not sure you should worry about organic ph- and if you need to use it at all.
if your final nutrient solutions dips below 7 on the ph you're good to go.
And the Canna soil seems to keep a very stable ph of 6,5 for up to 14 weeks I read from a user.

Bluter is right though, biocanna is hardly a real organic grow, some parts of the products come from a natural base but they don't all meet the standard like the booster I believe, and they kinda still use an industry waste product with the vinasse.
It does work with providing nutrients through bacteria so that's more organic style but it's faking it as you create small explosions of bacteria with every feed and not a long lasting living soil that regulates things.
And well then indeed there's the argument of well compared to someone putting the work into truly grow organic composting their own soil and making their own amendments sustainably, buying some soil & bottled nutrients shouldn't really be in the same category.

I do find it a very easy to use fertiliser and the results are good for how easy it is to use, it's hard to overfeed and kill the plant with it, and I kinda don't need to bother with flushing or measuring ph & ec with it.
So actually it's an amazing fertiliser :)

Only downside for me is it doesn't like SIPS, sub irrigated planters as it's not happy in a reservoir it starts to smell like a wavebreaker in the ocean.
But in a fabric pot it's very happy.

You said your water was 7.6 that's pretty high though and could also mean the water is pretty hard, not a given but usually hard water areas are a bit more alkaline. But if it already drops to 7 by just airing out you might not need to adjust anything.
Have you grown these plants with it before? as that's indeed a main thing to check if your plants are happy with your water, I was always getting into trouble halfway through the grow and making the switch to either diluting my tapwater with distilled or just not using it at all really saved my butt.
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