I can't understand BIO CANNA's grow schedule


420 Member
Hello everyone. I am thinking of starting cultivation using BIO TERRA PROFESSIONAL, BIO VEGA, BIO FLORES, RHIZOTONIC, and BIOBOOST, but I have a question about the grow schedule distributed in PDF format.
This schedule says to give 15-20ml of BIOVEGA and 40ml of RHIZOTONIC for start/rooting (3-5 days), but isn't this too much fertilizer?

I learned not to give anything other than water at first, so I let the roots grow in rock wool and grew them in descaled tap water for about a week (what is the appropriate pH at this time?), and then I started using fertilizer. Also, would it be better to grow it with only water for about a week and then give it less RHIZOTONIC than indicated?

I also read on this forum that BIOCANNA has a low phosphoric acid content. I thought about adding bat guano, but how much should I add if it's a 10 liter flower pot? Also, what do you think should be done, should I sprinkle it from above during the growth period II, or should I mix it into the soil when I raise the pot at the end?

I'm not good at English, so I'm sorry if it's hard to understand. Thank you for reading.
I'm growing with biocanna right now, although I didn't use their soil, and well I don't really follow the schedule. I just go rhizo + water right from the start, rhizo + vega for vegging and then flower & water I don't have the boost.
But the ratio is for 10 liter of water no? so yeah I do keep the ratio that's printed on the bottle. But I alternate feeding with plain water, as a feeding is effective for a couple of days as it's broken down.

I feel It's pretty hard to overfeed the plant with this as even if you feed it with every watering you only get a very slight amount of nute burn. But to avoid that I've switched to alternating..

You can add bat guano and that should kick in after a month? I dunno what's the rate 1-2tsp per gallon of soil and add more perlite airy structured mixture.
Thank you for your answer. So, from the timing of the first growth period, you are giving 20-25ml of BIOVEGA and 20ml of RHIZOTONIC alternately with water. I will try it. Immediately after germination, I grow it in tap water without chlorine and without fertilization until the main leaves appear. I mix 1 teaspoon of bat droppings for the flowering period into the final size of the flowerpot, pot it up, and let it bloom within a month. By the way, is the pH of the water you give it about 5.8 to 6.2? I saw it on CANNA's YouTube that if you use organic fertilizer, it is not very affected by the pH, so you should leave tap water adjusted to PH6 the day before for more than 12 hours, dissolve the fertilizer the next day, and give it without adjusting it. What do you think about this?
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Bill284 😎
I have found that the feeding schedules for Bio Canna to be among the hardest to figure out or use. To start off the grower has to choose the schedule for what the plants are being grown in. So, they have to select a certain schedule if they are growing in coco and a different schedule for peat moss and another totally different one for soil.

This schedule says to give 15-20ml of BIOVEGA and 40ml of RHIZOTONIC for start/rooting (3-5 days), but isn't this too much fertilizer?
Yes it is too much if the schedule you are looking at is supposed to be for the amounts in ml per liter of water. The amounts you mention are 10 times what they should be. I was ready to suggest moving the decimal point.

What @Fenderbender said - all Canna nutes are dosed 1-5ml/L, but by default they give the amounts for 10L of water
As it happens I looked at some Bio Canna schedules to refresh my memory while looking for info to help "rakuencannabis" and the one I choose did list the dose in ml per liter.
I have found that the feeding schedules for Bio Canna to be among the hardest to figure out or use. To start off the grower has to choose the schedule for what the plants are being grown in. So, they have to select a certain schedule if they are growing in coco and a different schedule for peat moss and another totally different one for soil.

Yes it is too much if the schedule you are looking at is supposed to be for the amounts in ml per liter of water. The amounts you mention are 10 times what they should be. I was ready to suggest moving the decimal point.

As it happens I looked at some Bio Canna schedules to refresh my memory while looking for info to help "rakuencannabis" and the one I choose did list the dose in ml per liter.
Thank you for your reply. I was not clear enough. All the volumes I wrote are per 10 liters. I understand that.I am wondering whether I should give only water at the very beginning (immediately after rooting) or give fertilizer after it has grown to a certain extent.After potting it up in a small pot, I plan to try giving it 20ml of BIO VEGA (BIO TERRA PROFESSINONAL) and 20ml of RHIZOTONIC per 10 liters.
I am wondering whether I should give only water at the very beginning (immediately after rooting) or give fertilizer after it has grown to a certain extent.
Your choice but many experienced growers do like to wait a short time before starting. Some will say they wait 2 weeks and some will wait until the plants have grown to a certain height or number of nodes. Or some wait until the plant has grown its first 3 finger leaf.
Thank you for your answer. So, from the timing of the first growth period, you are giving 20-25ml of BIOVEGA and 20ml of RHIZOTONIC alternately with water. I will try it. Immediately after germination, I grow it in tap water without chlorine and without fertilization until the main leaves appear. I mix 1 teaspoon of bat droppings for the flowering period into the final size of the flowerpot, pot it up, and let it bloom within a month. By the way, is the pH of the water you give it about 5.8 to 6.2? I saw it on CANNA's YouTube that if you use organic fertilizer, it is not very affected by the pH, so you should leave tap water adjusted to PH6 the day before for more than 12 hours, dissolve the fertilizer the next day, and give it without adjusting it. What do you think about this?
Leaving Tap water out before use is a must..
Do you need to adjust it beforehand to 6? hmm I never seen that youtube and well I kinda haven't used my ph meter or any ph products at all this grow so can't help you there.

I start with neutral water and adding the nutes will bring that down to the okay range from testing in previous grows.
And the water I feed alternating also isn't adjusted at all. 🤷‍♂️
I mean soil growing should allow for a pretty wide range of water usage from a bit acidic rain water to fresh spring water I feel. As long as it's not below 5 or way above 7 on the scale the soil, microbiome and roots should be able to regulate things.

What it doesn't like is chlorinated & hard tap water. So yeah depends what you got coming out of the pipes, some people are lucky others not so much. I don't use my tap water unless I cut it with distilled cause otherwise it's just too hard.

I would give rhizo from the start as it's mainly rooting stuff I even add some in the water in which I crack my seedlings.
but that canna soil is a lightmix so it has some ferts in it I would maybe hold off with the vega the first 10-14 days.. let her create roots to go hunt for the available nutes in the soil, and then hit those with the veg nutes :)
Your choice but many experienced growers do like to wait a short time before starting. Some will say they wait 2 weeks and some will wait until the plants have grown to a certain height or number of nodes. Or some wait until the plant has grown its first 3 finger leaf.
This time, I don't mind if it takes a little time, so I will try using tap water with chlorine removed (pH 7) without giving anything to the fish. Thank you.
Leaving Tap water out before use is a must..
Do you need to adjust it beforehand to 6? hmm I never seen that youtube and well I kinda haven't used my ph meter or any ph products at all this grow so can't help you there.

I start with neutral water and adding the nutes will bring that down to the okay range from testing in previous grows.
And the water I feed alternating also isn't adjusted at all. 🤷‍♂️
I mean soil growing should allow for a pretty wide range of water usage from a bit acidic rain water to fresh spring water I feel. As long as it's not below 5 or way above 7 on the scale the soil, microbiome and roots should be able to regulate things.

What it doesn't like is chlorinated & hard tap water. So yeah depends what you got coming out of the pipes, some people are lucky others not so much. I don't use my tap water unless I cut it with distilled cause otherwise it's just too hard.

I would give rhizo from the start as it's mainly rooting stuff I even add some in the water in which I crack my seedlings.
but that canna soil is a lightmix so it has some ferts in it I would maybe hold off with the vega the first 10-14 days.. let her create roots to go hunt for the available nutes in the soil, and then hit those with the veg nutes :)
Thank you for your advice. The tap water in my house has a pH of 7.6 when it comes out, so it may be a little hard. Of course, I leave it overnight to remove the chlorine. I will measure it the next day and use it with citric acid to bring the pH down to 7. How much RHIZOTONIC do you administer per 10 liters immediately after germination?
I will measure it the next day and use it with citric acid to bring the pH down to 7.

use a proper ph adjuster. citric acid stays nowhere stable enough to use on a regular basis. you'll have nothing but issues with it.
Yeah I use 4ml per liter of rhizo straight from the start, I also heavy mist all my soil and perlite with rhizotonic water when setting up the pot.
Apparently the rhizotonic is mainly b-vitamins, some trace elements, 60 microbiological substances and a tiny bit of npk 0,6-0,2-06

I kinda really want to try out that great white mycorrhizae in combo with the rhizotonic, bring in the fungi and create giant roots.

This time, I don't mind if it takes a little time, so I will try using tap water with chlorine removed (pH 7) without giving anything to the fish. Thank you.
Take your time it's better, less goes wrong as you're not pushing the plant from the get go and you can make a big plant & buds that way.
If you want a fast turn around bulked up grow everything timed and measured to the day, this is not really the feed for that as part of the nutrients aren't instantly available to the plant, you create a little bacteria explosion when you feed as the stuff contains sugar residue and those then makes nutrients available.
So it's cool to take it slow with this and just watch the plant.

I also use canna calmag as that can help green in the plant when it's growing fast and conditions the water a bit.

And yeah test, you can do a water treatment as you saw it and add nutes in the right ratio and see where it ends up and do it with just the water without the ph adjustment and see where it ends up.. kinda really depends on the interaction with the type of water as in distilled water the ph ends up on the low end of the range and with very rich and hard water it ends up higher seems to be less and slower reactive.
Yeah I use 4ml per liter of rhizo straight from the start, I also heavy mist all my soil and perlite with rhizotonic water when setting up the pot.
Apparently the rhizotonic is mainly b-vitamins, some trace elements, 60 microbiological substances and a tiny bit of npk 0,6-0,2-06

I kinda really want to try out that great white mycorrhizae in combo with the rhizotonic, bring in the fungi and create giant roots.

Take your time it's better, less goes wrong as you're not pushing the plant from the get go and you can make a big plant & buds that way.
If you want a fast turn around bulked up grow everything timed and measured to the day, this is not really the feed for that as part of the nutrients aren't instantly available to the plant, you create a little bacteria explosion when you feed as the stuff contains sugar residue and those then makes nutrients available.
So it's cool to take it slow with this and just watch the plant.

I also use canna calmag as that can help green in the plant when it's growing fast and conditions the water a bit.

And yeah test, you can do a water treatment as you saw it and add nutes in the right ratio and see where it ends up and do it with just the water without the ph adjustment and see where it ends up.. kinda really depends on the interaction with the type of water as in distilled water the ph ends up on the low end of the range and with very rich and hard water it ends up higher seems to be less and slower reactive.

I have not mastered using microbial materials yet. Mushrooms have even grown there. Are there any recommended materials?

I thought CALMAG was not necessary because it was mixed. If the green color of the leaves becomes lighter, I would like to try it. thank you.
I'm looking for an organic PH lowering agent. thank you.

there's no such thing. it doesn't exist. there is nothing wrong with the regular ph agent. if you are using bottle nutes of any type you are not growing organic. the organic labels on bottle nutes are pure marketing. it makes zero difference to the plant.

if you want to actually grow organic properly look into LOS grows where the only thing you add after planting is straight water.

otherwise don't worry about it.
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