Humidity domes over planted seeds?


Well-Known Member
Many cannabis YouTubers place little humidity domes over their planted seeds until the seedlings pop up and get their first true leaves. Is that really necessary? And could it actually be a hinderence?
It is definitely not necessary, and it definitely can be a hindrance as it creates the perfect atmosphere for damping off. IF you're in a situation where your seedling is being dehydrated too quickly I suppose it could help, but if your rh is normal, then I would definitely avoid.
Ok. I just really started noticing it lately and noticed that they even make special little domes instead of just using a clear Solo cup.
Hindrance as @Sueet mentions. And they can also trap warmth, maybe more than the seedling will need.

The whole clear cup thing is often mentioned as helping with cuttings since it can be weeks before they grow a healthy root system. Until they do that it is easy for the cutting to loose moisture through transpiration faster than the stem can take in water.

A clear cup over the cutting slows down the water loss; something that is not a real problem for seedlings.

Many cannabis YouTubers place little humidity domes over their planted seeds until the seedlings pop up and get their first true leaves.
Those youtube people come up with some interesting things.;)Sometimes hard to tell if they are serious.
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