Hubba Hubba! Bubba Hash & The Bright Lights Of Redemption: Amy's Indoor v2.0 With DBHBB

Thanks smo’ :thumb: Yep! A small amount of hash is definitely on the cards, and some infused oil, too!

I started a new thread tonight for all of us to share pics and reviews of Dope Seeds plants. I sent the winning pic of Blueberry to Jim from Dope Seeds when he contacted me about the prize and he was toked to see it and asked it i had more, or a thread etc. So i figured a spot where we can all congregate with pics of their seeds and he can just watch that. He said “I would like to show some people what you can do with a £2.50 seed” - and I immediately thought of P9’s Amnesia! And Agemon’s too! ANd Luiz’s WW and NL! :eek: So please drop over there and share some showcases images :D

Update Supplemental - Photo drop! :smokin2:
They’ve both had their post Cat Drench plain water drench (w Tea) followed by Growth Drench and then another plain water. I saw definite frost enhancement on the Candida and the Bubba was more a bud explosion than a frost explosion. I’m surmising that this could be timing related (Cat Drench timing) or to do with genetics perhaps. I’m pretty happy on both counts!

Candida is pretty ready to my eye and will come down as soon as opportunity arises, and the rain stops - likely in about 4-5 days. In these pics taken a day or so ago, it’s at day 119/51(45) (so 51 days since flip and 45 since pistil hairs).






That means the bubblalicious Bubba Hash (currently at day 120/51(45)) will get the entire tent to spread out in all alone for, by my reckoning, up to 2 more weeks. First pic is about 5 days ago, all the rest are 1.5days ago :)








Hey Amy! Finally dropping by to catch up on the past week. Your Bubba is looking fantastic and that Candida as well - so very frosty on both! :circle-of-love:
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