well heres a link to a thread which seems very much to debunk this whole theory.
what they write here, is actually in agreement to all the profesional breeders i spoke with about when to harvest.
theyre bascailly saying that if u harvest before 70% amber, the bud is not yet at its full potential. and many people do that do indica strains to try to squeeze a sativa high out of them. but thats not the way to go.
in any case, read through that thread well.
heres also another one which adresses the issue even more:
it seems we have all been misinformed, and are picking our buds way too early.
appearently the info is 'true' in a way, that if the triches go to amber, that THC is degrading. however what ive been reading now, state clearly that it takes several several weeks of all the triches being amber, in order for the thc to degrade to a level that it causes tiredness.
in one of the threads, someone there mentions that they grew out a sativa to amber triches, and then let it go a few more weeks, and taht it didnt have any couchlock effects.
this is all based on research, and not personal experience, so i cant say ive tested myself, but it really makes sense.
take a read through those articles....