How to clean a bowl?

Magnet and little metal ball. I don't want to risk it breaking in hot water or have to buy alcohol every week.

(Obviously came up with the idea after endless hours of fun with 2 magnets >.>)
I just discovered the alcohol and kosher salt trick - wow! So much better than endless soaking and playing with Q-tips! My bong is as clean as it's been since I bought it, and it only took a few minutes! Works great for regular glass pipes, too.

So, in case you missed it: sprinkle salt, preferably kosher (larger crystals) into your tube or bowl. If bowl, you'll need to poke it through into the pipe somehow. Add some rubbing alcohol, plug the holes and shake! Depending on how nasty a piece you're starting with, you may have to pour everything out and repeat a time or two. Be sure when you shake that the salt is getting circulated through the piece.

That should do it. It's worth remembering that you won't be able to plug all the holes perfectly - the bowl is especially challenging. Do this over a sink, and hang on while you're shaking. Glass gets slippery when wet :bong:
I'm also going to suggest the Kosher Salt and Alcohol route. You can even use the highest grain alcohol you have without the salt. However, the salt is an abrasive so it helps move the process along a little faster. I put the ingredients in a huge Ziploc bag and shake away for a few minutes, then let it soak for just 10 or so minutes. I do this about once a week. It's a huge waste of bud when you're using a dirty pipe. Bleh.
A buddy of mine just cleaned his glass pipe with rubbing alcohol and made a chunk of resin hash. He poured the alcohol inside, covered the bowl, choke and mouth piece the shook like a mofo. He then poured all the contents onto a plate (it was a thick brown gooey solution) he waited a few days until he was sure all the alcohol had evaporated and he was left with a pretty decent chunk of hash. I didn't smoke any because iv had bronchitis for the last 2 weeks but every one said they were lit as fuck.

:peace: malibu

LOL Malibu.. no offense but no wonder canadians are all messed up. The isopropanol in rubbing alcohol doesn't evaporate. Your buddies lost even more brain cells by smoking isopropanol.. yea, that's great for your head. And good thing you didn't smoke it, you could have died.. a decent amount of people have died from that before.
All you have to remember is that THC is fat soluble. If your bowl is like stupid covered then here is what you do. 1 stick of real butter. I use Harris Teeter brand. You want the highest saturated fat content. Harris Teeter is 38% saturated. Whatever. Get the highest you can find in your local area. Cover your bowl in a pot with water, bring to SIMMER(212-230F). throw the butter in...melt...let simmer for 2hrs. Shake bowl around often.after 2hrs pour thru cofffee filter(takes a while) into a container that is freezable. put in freezer for 2hrs or until frozen solid. Take out , turn on hot water and melt the ice off. There you go....use this butter per recipe demands
For the handheld glass & metal pipes, I soak them in 90% isopropyl rubbing alcohol. Longer is better, when I pull them out, I then run pipe cleaners or a paper clip through them, then run extremely hot water through them. That really cleans them out nicely.

For the handheld laboratory glass bubblers I like to use, I just run them through my dishwasher. I do this every few days and they come out good as new. Sparkling, no resin at all, and just a very slight odor from all of the bowls smoked.

LOL Malibu.. no offense but no wonder canadians are all messed up. The isopropanol in rubbing alcohol doesn't evaporate. Your buddies lost even more brain cells by smoking isopropanol.. yea, that's great for your head. And good thing you didn't smoke it, you could have died.. a decent amount of people have died from that before.

of course isopropyl evaporates. how and why do you think people make iso hash with it. Research your info before posting it and bash another member.

to the OP i use iso alcohol and kosher salt as stated by some one else, works the best!
to clean it completely i take 90 - 99% rubbing alcohol and sea salt and put it in a zip lock bag with the pipe inside with it and shake it and let it soke. if its really dirty then you might want to do it 2-3 times with clean alcohol and sea salt. it works great though. :) it doesnt smell up the house like boiling does.
I'm also going to suggest the Kosher Salt and Alcohol route. You can even use the highest grain alcohol you have without the salt. However, the salt is an abrasive so it helps move the process along a little faster. I put the ingredients in a huge Ziploc bag and shake away for a few minutes, then let it soak for just 10 or so minutes. I do this about once a week. It's a huge waste of bud when you're using a dirty pipe. Bleh.

obviously i didnt read all the replies! :welldone:
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