How To Best Use My Trim

Edibles are my mainstay for pain relief and sleeping. I use the NYT Supernatural Brownies recipe with a few minor modifications. Cannabutter is made via MBM butter machine. I use choice trim, 3 oz that is chopped up then decarboxylated (250 F 45 min) then cooked in the MBM for a total of 3 hours at 160 F degrees. I use 5 sticks of European butter, a little extra than called for, to make 2 oz of V V powerful cannabutter that is packed into containers and frozen. I also use trim with a kief screen to make another potent baking and smoking asset-KIEF. I decarb a good amt before I bake, then add the decarbed kief to the butter/TJ choc melt that I use to bake the brownies. 6 oz of trim yields about 8 oz of kief for me.

If all this seems overly elaborate or OCD, please understand that I am old, retired, disabled and completely dependent on the herb I grow, this year 5 plants outdoors that I expect to yield about 1 lb/plant, giving me plenty for myself and to give to others.

Peace and Love,

correction 6 oz trim = 8 g of kief (sure wish that my mistake were true)
What is your favorite way to use your trim? I would like to use it to make butter for edibles. Anybody have a favorite slow cooker recipe? Thank you in advance for any responses I get! I've seen some YouTube vids and wonder if that's the best way. I've got a big bag full of it in my freezer right now. Should it be dry before I start?

I use roots, stems, trim etc and grind up, decarb it, and then soak it in everclear or 150 proof rum in a mason jar for a month in a dark closet, then strain it into a small slow cooker for about 6-8 hours so the alcohol burns off , to make RSO then I use it for edibles.
Hmm. Interesting. I am not at all familiar with this "de-carbing" process. I am fully aware that Cannabis has to be fully dried for the THC to be effective when we smoke or ingest it. Putting it in an oven sounds potentially disastrous.

One thing I will mention though, use a double boiler for making your oil or butter infusions. As long as the water is simmering in the pot, the temperature will never go above 100c (212us), so the risk of scorching your oil or butter is zero.
Hey! Old Log! I was about to pack up a few ounces to send to you before you corrected your post. Dang! LOL
Hmm. Interesting. I am not at all familiar with this "de-carbing" process. I am fully aware that Cannabis has to be fully dried for the THC to be effective when we smoke or ingest it. Putting it in an oven sounds potentially disastrous.

One thing I will mention though, use a double boiler for making your oil or butter infusions. As long as the water is simmering in the pot, the temperature will never go above 100c (212us), so the risk of scorching your oil or butter is zero.

Anytime you make gumbos, oil, butter, any edibles, brownies, cookies, you must decarboxalte, this separates the THCa from the THC, in the oven, I cover to protect the tricomes, for 45 mins at 220 degrees, google it.
Anytime you make gumbos, oil, butter, any edibles, brownies, cookies, you must decarboxalte, this separates the THCa from the THC, in the oven, I cover to protect the tricomes, for 45 mins at 220 degrees, google it.
And when you do this, it must be dry, broken up only with hands (not ground up or food processor) and covered with tin foil? Then how do you cook your butter? Slow cooker?
Hy I trim the alcohol at 99% for 30 days for the alcohol to lightly evaporate. Then I have a hasis of excellent quality. I do not throw anything from the plant, everything is used for medicine .
But you do the butter work. Not that, great :thumb::yummy:
Hmm. Interesting. I am not at all familiar with this "de-carbing" process. I am fully aware that Cannabis has to be fully dried for the THC to be effective when we smoke or ingest it. Putting it in an oven sounds potentially disastrous.

One thing I will mention though, use a double boiler for making your oil or butter infusions. As long as the water is simmering in the pot, the temperature will never go above 100c (212us), so the risk of scorching your oil or butter is zero.
Decarboxylation converts THCA (the acid) into THC which gives you the high. The method I found from a university study said 110 @ 110 (110 minutes at 110°C or 230°F). I decarb in the oven, before making my meds.

A lot of baking does not meet the requirements to completely decarboxylate cannabis. Some is done at lower temperatures, and the rest usually will not heat the center of what you bake to a high enough temperature. Very few recipes call for a bake time of an hour and 50 minutes. Perhaps spare ribs done in the oven will tickle your fancy.

Well here's what I found. It's a great read, short and to the point. What I was mixing up was any need to do this with your smokables.

Odd memory though, many years ago as a teen, I grew crappy hillbilly homegrown. And as kids we smoked it all - Yikes. One night in a cabin during a great thunderstorm while playing Monopoly, a friend and I ate the equivalency of one big joint of pot each. It was truly gross, but we washed it down with beer and played on. An hour later neither felt anything and thought it all a waste. Twenty minutes later I was engulfed in a world that moved in slow motion. Speech, action, response all...retarded lol Shortly after, my friend was also affected the same. We probably forgot we were playing Monopoly and wandered out to watch storm.

Fun times, my first and only experience with edibles. :D
What is your favorite way to use your trim? I would like to use it to make butter for edibles. Anybody have a favorite slow cooker recipe? Thank you in advance for any responses I get! I've seen some YouTube vids and wonder if that's the best way. I've got a big bag full of it in my freezer right now. Should it be dry before I start?
Juana, you might acquire a kief screen to process your good trim into kief. I dry good trim by hanging at harvest then cure in 1/2 gal jars for 1 month or more. I'm somewhat physically challenged but find the screening of trim easy and fun. The amount you get may positively surprise you given the costs to purchase it at a dispensary. To give my edibles (described in a post below) a little boost I decarb the kief, a tsp or 2, and add it to my simmering chocolate/butter brownies ingredient when I bake. The cured trim may be decarbed in advance. I have 1/2 gal of decarbed trim waiting for the MBM. Kief's good for smoking, vaping, baking etc.. It's also a nice gift when one has kief to spare. (IMHO dispensary prices for kief are a ripoff given how much is easily obtained from one's trim.)

I haven't kept my kief long enough to assess its lifetime and most folks with kief do not either I suspect.

Peace and love,

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