@SmokingWings , thank you! I am truly grateful for your clear synapsis and compressing of my ideas into this one resource. You have indeed picked out the most salient points and brought them clearly into view. Thank you for this work, for the community has gained a resource here, from which more knowledge will spring forth. Hats off to you Sir, I am in your debt.
As my original watering thread approaches a half a million views, it is clear that these ideas have changed the way the world grows weed. There still is much more to be learned however and just recently the ideas of SIP growing have changed the way that I look at watering. I can see that a lot of the ideas I had after the Addendum explain why the wick watering system works so well, but I still believe that the wet/dry cycle is still of primary importance at least to a point. I am currently doing a massive experiment in SIP and am trying to find the best time to first apply this watering method. I have in my mind as of this date, that by following age old ideas on successive uppotting we will find our answers.
I can already see that this constantly wet environment is NOT the best way to start a seedling. Some are having success by disabling the SIP at first by not filling the reservoir. Mine starting in a wet SIP have taken a week to 10 days to even get to the second leaf stage. Those having success in starting seeds in the final SIP, are treating the small plants exactly as I describe that one must water a small plant in a large container, in my second watering thread,
The Proper Way To Water A Seedling In A Large Final Container .
I am already convinced that the best way to start seedlings is in a small container and by establishing a wet/dry cycle as early as possible. My only debate is whether to go solo cup to the final SIP, or to do one more intermediate uppotting to a container at least 3x bigger. That general rule tells me that I probably should wait till at least the 1 gallon stage before transplanting into a 7 gallon final container. The rumor is, that this will give me a 2-3 week pause in the grow as the plants adjust to SIP. I need to do another experiment to see if this is true, but I transplanted to SIP twice now and did not see that delay. To the contrary, I noticed a fairly rapid increase in vigor and growth after moving to SIP.
More experiments need to be done. I do know that plants that are watered more often in bloom, are bigger plants. I can see that SIP is allowing that to happen as if on steroids, and this excites me. I also see that it might not be wise to totally give up on the old methods while in veg. I am also playing around with an idea that I had the other day, that in order to "use" the SIP, the plant does need to adapt a little bit, and I think this takes a plant with a mature "brain" to be able to figure out. Young seedlings are working on instinct, roots chasing water, but I believe that without first developing that thick knot of root mass right below the surface, that cluster of central root mass that might just be where the plant's sentience is held, the plant is not yet "intelligent" enough to figure out the SIP. We know plants are sentient and experiments have shown that plants can and do react to us, and even our thoughts. We just don't know how or where this happens. We still have lots to learn.