How not to be a salt farmer or a wasteful grower tips

Back to business, I suspect my brix isn’t where I want it to be. Whiteflies looking way too effin happy this morning so sprayed the hell out of garden with Neem oil this morning, this evening provided it’s not raining again I will hit with the leaf blower from a safe distance and spray again. Then this weekends week 10 feeding will include more diluted molasses along with tea. Gonna jump back over to Gees and research the dolo water more, got me curious :)
From one of my favorite surf movies......That sport is a disease.
I'm an old washed up surfer from the east coast.

Fast Times at Ridgemont High - 1982
A little bit about why I use pots outdoors as well as indoors, and how that all came about. I was exclusively an outdoor gardener till around 2009 when I started growing 420 to make the oil. Also, in the NE and Northern Midwest are the two zones where 90% of my experience comes from. Both fairly short but adequate outdoor growing zones. Do to the cold season, coming up quickly for my very first 420 grow I started my indoor room and tents and spent a few years experimenting with Hi-Brix, Hydro. Etc I like to keep things as simple as possible so as I journaled and took notes along the way I ended up incorporating what I knew from gardening in general and adding what I felt was most useful from the 420 mentors that helped guide me. I love that so many people are likeminded and want to produce the best meds possible. Another motivation for me is to help make gardening ubiquitous with healthy organic practices hence my leaning towards simplification and reduced costs…
One of my questions posed in Gee’s thread was why do you think my plants have done so well for me without the addition of fish ferts? Based on further research based upon a hunch about molasses has given me a better understanding. My diluted molasses may just be the key. Grandpa used diluted molasses every 2 weeks or so on just about everything and all he would ever say is he needed to feed the good germs and the worms a little treat every now and then :) turns out that in addition to carbohydrates that the microbes love there is a plethora of trace elements and calcium in molasses too.
I’ve decided to hold off on the fish ferts. I want everyone to see what I typically achieve using my own methods for the most part. So far the only difference is the eloctroculture hence why I left that off 2 of the clones. I started adding the mystery grow to this perpetual thread on a hunch that it was going to be a great show based on its early performance and would showcase a great organic grow with pictorial evidence that could help dispel some myths and encourage everyone to try organic methods knowing it doesn’t have to be difficult or cost prohibitive. If anyone sees a point of grow that they feel would 100% benefit from fish ferts please chime in and I will introduce them. Just started collecting stuff for my dyi version based on AZIs info and also ordered the AK but will be leaving on shelf for now.
Another thing worth mentioning, I personally know and have treated 2 cancer survivors using medicine made from my garden and a host of others that I never met but survived using similar methods. So I already believe that my methods are good enough to be shared and if anyone follows them it’s at least a good start. I’m guessing Azi might disagree with promoting a good enough strategy, and I do agree striving for the best is the ultimate goal but don’t see any issue with sharing proven solutions that will not do any harm. I can see the argument for what if good enough doesn’t cut it in this case, but also would argue that good enough is better than nothing.
Additionally, I must add to that by saying I know there’s no miracle cures including our favorite. The 2 survivors I spoke of that I know personally that are still going strong made dramatic changes well beyond just CCO. They dropped all sugar and fat from their diet except for some fish oil. They completely changed diets and eating habits, they completely changed excercize habits, etc. it was very hard work and a long term commitment that they were unwavering about. So there you have it.
I’m guessing Azi might disagree with promoting a good enough strategy,
Hey, grow your own grow, is my motto.

We each have our own goals and objectives so from my perspective I really don't care what anyone thinks I should do in my grow, I'm always looking to learn new things and if they make sense to me I might try them but don't let anyone try to influence the way you grow if you're not comfortable with a suggested change.
And especially for those coming upon this thread for the first time and thinking I don’t know this joker from Adam, why should I believe a word of what he says. I hope that at least my contributions and pics can convince you I’m not totally full of shit. I do have brown eyes so I have at least a few inches of space up there not full of it. Beyond that I’m sure there’s at least a few contributors still left that remember my budnoob contribution from long ago when I first found Tim in the CCO links shared in my signature. Sadly had to delete budnoob at one period and came back as budnoob3 because 2 was already taken :)
Hey, grow your own grow, is my motto.

We each have our own goals and objectives so from my perspective I really don't care what anyone thinks I should do in my grow, I'm always looking to learn new things and if they make sense to me I might try them but don't let anyone try to influence the way you grow if you're not comfortable with a suggested change.
Sort of agree, I want knowledgeable people like yourself to influence and improve my grown and as many others as it can benefit. If trying to sway opinions in any way I truly would like to persuade anyone I can to use organic methods whether they be based on mine or others. I don’t mind trying to persuade others to use methods that will save them money either because to get ubiquitous it has to be viable even for the poorer populations. I encourage anyone that wants to be commercial organically and support them 100%. I’m only against big-ag, big-pharma etc that don’t have our best interests at heart. And I’m also against non-organic harmful practices as much as possible. Note, there are non-organic practices that I consider harmless that I don’t oppose as well. The other opinion I’m ok with trying to sway is that good enough organic practices are healthful and beneficial. Just imagine if 3% of the worlds population adopted our practices; we could literally help the planet!
Couple more visitors, wish I caught the bobcat on camera a couple nights back.

With respect to recovery, let’s roll that beautiful bean footage. Comparing this pic to my previous recovery pic you can see that the main is still getting nice and fat and producing some awesome shoots despite never being catered to or splinted. A lot to be said for staying out of the way and letting nature do its thing :)

Back to bean bonanza surprise. These little girls(we hope) started directly from this 10g pot outdoors are starting their launch. I wouldn’t be surprised if at least 1 of them are a blue dream or a kosher kush because those are my staples but they could be any number of things so we’ll see, as soon as they get to 3 nodes or so I’ll be migrating to their own pots…

Back to bean bonanza surprise. These little girls(we hope) started directly from this 10g pot outdoors are starting their launch. I wouldn’t be surprised if at least 1 of them are a blue dream or a kosher kush because those are my staples but they could be any number of things so we’ll see, as soon as they get to 3 nodes or so I’ll be migrating to their own pots…

And it’s very early to tell but I’d venture to guess larger one on left is indica dominant and 2 on right are Sativa dominant…
Another story that will cover some breeding and cloning info relates to my good buddy from AZ that I learned just about everything I know about those topics from which is probably less than 5% of what he knew. Yes, we lost him far too young and early for my liking but another I will love and miss forever. He and I would chat often and one of our favorite things to do was sit in the garden and listen to music. For me that included putzing around with my guitar that I’d been trying to get good at since 17 yrs of age and occasionally singing along horribly with my tone deafness :) anywho, he basically taught me how to go about pollinating at the branch level, focusing on taking clones during veg from the 7-11 week mark, and how to clone both with and without humidity domes. Because I’m a keep it simple guy I prefer non dome method.
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