I have been cooking with kief for 5 or 6 years now for my patients who for one reason or another prefer not to smoke. Some of them have little-to-no appetite at all. I have refined my recipe over the years.
2g keif
1lb unsalted butter
mixing bowl
In a deep skillet, slowly melt four sticks of butter until completely liquid. Wrap cheesecloth around the mixing bowl, seal with rubberbands. Slowly pour melted butter into mixing bowl. This is called clarifying the butter, getting rid of the white froth on top of the melted butter. Throw away cloth. Return butter to skillet. Sprinkle kief into butter. Stir constantly for 45min to an hour. The butter cannot burn! The infusion is complete. Now, pour the melted butter over cheesecloth one more time. Pour into molds (optional). Leave in refrigerator over night to set.
That's it.
About the potency. Your butter is very well medicated as kief is exponentially stronger. Play around with it. Your butter is far more potent now.