How many hours of light do I need for veg growth?

Guys what’s the most cheapest cheapest effective light I can use for veg
i brought 2 led floodlights 100w for less than a tenna delivered, 2800k and a 6000k
and they got my babes to this point
and worked great.

they are now under qbs as the front left started showing pistols, and the qb became free from its other space.
i reckon you could easily veg out with 3/4 of them and they are much cheaper than specified ‘grow lights’
Gee ,sorry dude I was just sayn' i bundle the bamboo to let in more light and untie to force the plants into flowers were for camoflage,and maybe you just get stoned on some of my homegrown huh,?and you feel such like a bongbitch ? what is yur problem buddy ?...Later. you right

Gee ,sorry dude I was just sayn' i bundle the bamboo to let in more light and untie to force the plants into flowers were for camoflage,and maybe you just get stoned on some of my homegrown huh,?and you feel such like a bongbitch ? what is yur problem buddy ?...Later...
You right ain't nothing wrong with what you said.
18/6 or 24/0, that is the eternal question.

Those numbers refer to the amount of light and dark that the plant receives (18 hours of light / 6 hours of darkness). Anything above 14 hours of light per day will keep the plant in vegetative mode-- growing leaves and not buds. When you want to switch to flowering you reduce the cycle to 12/12.

Cannabis plants grow without hassle under 24 hours of continuous light. There has been no controlled recordings of increased hermaphroditism or problems-- most growers now use the full 24/0 cycle.

However, 18/6 does have it's advantages:

* Reduced electricity costs. When you have a good mother plant collection and clone cycle, you don't need the increased growth the extra light provides. Lowering the cycle will save money.
* Allows the equipment and room to cool down. Those 6 hours of darkness can be timed to happen during the hottest part of the day, providing some relief for growers in hot climates.

Author: administrator
In veg I run it 6/2, 6/2, 6/2

Like three mini "days" in one 24hr period

I've done it this way for years, works a treat - really helps with keeping temperatures regulated in the summer
14/10 is new to me and if you grow some strains, like G-13, you will run into issues of some plants actually going into flower. I know for a fact that G-13 begins flowering at 14/10, makes a great outdoor strain in northern environments. I've read that 20/4 gives the best results for root development. I have also read that after 16hours of photosynthesis the rate of photosynthesis greatly diminishes, I've been wanting to try 16/4 for a while but I have not bought any digital timers yet. I've read good things about flowering under 16/12 as well, but again have not tried it. There are a lot of different experimental ideas dealing with changing diurnal cycles if you look for it.
If doing an outdoor grow in the Mid Atlantic region, post frost length of day starts with 14 hours of daylight and never gets as long as 15 hours and then the days start getting shorter. You have to cover plants with black plastic in late June or early July to artificially create 12 hours of darkness to trigger flower so you have enough sunny, warm weather to complete flowering.
If doing an outdoor grow in the Mid Atlantic region, post frost length of day starts with 14 hours of daylight and never gets as long as 15 hours and then the days start getting shorter. You have to cover plants with black plastic in late June or early July to artificially create 12 hours of darkness to trigger flower so you have enough sunny, warm weather to complete flowering.
To follow up, I plan to start the grow indoors so that seeds have sprouted by early February. I have to use a 14/10 cycle indoors and move outdoors on May 7 which is the first 14 hour day of the year. The days get longer until the summer solstice on June 21, which is when the plants will be blacked out to create 12 hours of darkness for two weeks. This will initiate flowering and allow 8-10 weeks of time for flowers to mature while the weather is still hot and the sunlight is still strong. Essentially 3 months indoors and 4+ months outdoors.
Wow dude. I think you're stoned right now.

You do know how a forum works, right? You should try to ask questions and give advice, not just talk about how pretty your girls look from the sky. Not really helping anybody with this comment, are you? LOL

But you don't care, I'm sure.

Puff puff give...:hookah:
He helped me with that post. So thank you :)🙏 And your post, definitely didn’t help anyone with all that negativity!
18/6 or 24/0, that is the eternal question.

Those numbers refer to the amount of light and dark that the plant receives (18 hours of light / 6 hours of darkness). Anything above 14 hours of light per day will keep the plant in vegetative mode-- growing leaves and not buds. When you want to switch to flowering you reduce the cycle to 12/12.

Cannabis plants grow without hassle under 24 hours of continuous light. There has been no controlled recordings of increased hermaphroditism or problems-- most growers now use the full 24/0 cycle.

However, 18/6 does have it's advantages:

* Reduced electricity costs. When you have a good mother plant collection and clone cycle, you don't need the increased growth the extra light provides. Lowering the cycle will save money.
* Allows the equipment and room to cool down. Those 6 hours of darkness can be timed to happen during the hottest part of the day, providing some relief for growers in hot climates.

Author: administrator
I strongly believe that a 24/0 light cycle is counter productive as plants need darkness to breakdown glucose for the next light cycle. Also important are respiration cycle's such as Co2 and oxygen production as day and night are different for e.g daytime absorbs Co2 and releases Oxygen whereas night time does the opposite, this is called the Circadian Rhythm.
I understand that growers want a fast season but pushing plants to extremes such as a no darkness cycle can ulter the plants health and possible THC chemical production, plants also need a cool cycle e.g hence a darkness period
18/6 or 24/0, that is the eternal question.

Those numbers refer to the amount of light and dark that the plant receives (18 hours of light / 6 hours of darkness). Anything above 14 hours of light per day will keep the plant in vegetative mode-- growing leaves and not buds. When you want to switch to flowering you reduce the cycle to 12/12.

Cannabis plants grow without hassle under 24 hours of continuous light. There has been no controlled recordings of increased hermaphroditism or problems-- most growers now use the full 24/0 cycle.

However, 18/6 does have it's advantages:

* Reduced electricity costs. When you have a good mother plant collection and clone cycle, you don't need the increased growth the extra light provides. Lowering the cycle will save money.
* Allows the equipment and room to cool down. Those 6 hours of darkness can be timed to happen during the hottest part of the day, providing some relief for growers in hot climates.

Author: administrator

18/6 or 24/0, that is the eternal question.

Those numbers refer to the amount of light and dark that the plant receives (18 hours of light / 6 hours of darkness). Anything above 14 hours of light per day will keep the plant in vegetative mode-- growing leaves and not buds. When you want to switch to flowering you reduce the cycle to 12/12.

Cannabis plants grow without hassle under 24 hours of continuous light. There has been no controlled recordings of increased hermaphroditism or problems-- most growers now use the full 24/0 cycle.

However, 18/6 does have it's advantages:

* Reduced electricity costs. When you have a good mother plant collection and clone cycle, you don't need the increased growth the extra light provides. Lowering the cycle will save money.
* Allows the equipment and room to cool down. Those 6 hours of darkness can be timed to happen during the hottest part of the day, providing some relief for growers in hot climates.

Author: administraton night time, plants in my belief need rest and 6 hours is sufficient and of course gives your equipment a rest too.

18/6 or 24/0, that is the eternal question.

Those numbers refer to the amount of light and dark that the plant receives (18 hours of light / 6 hours of darkness). Anything above 14 hours of light per day will keep the plant in vegetative mode-- growing leaves and not buds. When you want to switch to flowering you reduce the cycle to 12/12.

Cannabis plants grow without hassle under 24 hours of continuous light. There has been no controlled recordings of increased hermaphroditism or problems-- most growers now use the full 24/0 cycle.

However, 18/6 does have it's advantages:

* Reduced electricity costs. When you have a good mother plant collection and clone cycle, you don't need the increased growth the extra light provides. Lowering the cycle will save money.
* Allows the equipment and room to cool down. Those 6 hours of darkness can be timed to happen during the hottest part of the day, providing some relief for growers in hot climates.

Author: administrator
I always run my first 2 weeks 24 hrs. Then 18-6. I like 18-6 because I don’t see anymore growth with 24 and it saves a lot on power.
I got my girls surrounded by tall bamboo....I put silk flowers 5 or 6 per plant..Im betting they look lovely...from the air...giggle giggle...When the vegetative stage is complete, Im trying out bundle them to switch their modes.... I then untie the bamboo... in a few weeks I notice small all I do is wait till their plump and oozin' resin...I also talk to them alot,seems to be workin' and I don't feel stupid either,especially when they talk back.....with that stony feelin' .....LATER....
That’s a great idea. Tying the silk flowers. The bamboo is smart too. I tied back tree branches back in the day 70’s. Had to be stealth back then.
I have a friend running 24/24 and I am using 18/6 for vegging. He says he's getting more growth but I heard plants need to sleep. Is this true?
No, while some plants do need a dark period, cannabis is not one of them. That said, I still do 18/6.

Edit: I gotta start watching post dates, I answered a guy that hasn't been seen in over ten years!
I guess the argument about 24/24 light cycles are fairly straightforward as in there's no proof or study known that it actually has any benefit when an 18/6 light cycle has the same effect, if there we're noticeable growth etc which I believe there isn't the argument would take a different angle e.g noticeable growth and noticeable defects hence what we know are no noticeable anything except your power bill.
So a 24/24 light cycle is simply a case of wasting electricity because that's pretty much all's that's going on.
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