How it's look guys

Shultz expert gardener plant food. It's a 9-9-6 fert. My outdoor light cycle is like 14/10
This is my smallest plant 3wks into flowering.



The small one is flowering completely different from the large plant.



I got the seeds from a friend and it's just bag seed.
I'm noticing something on the plant in the first 2 pics.
The newere growth seems to be exhibiting signs of a nutrient imbalance, while the rest of the leaves look great. Have you changed your feeding program? Maybe you're giving them too much nutrients. Most instructions call for too much (especially chem's).
If I were you I'd flush the plants, especially the first one, with lots of plain water, then when it needs more water, use a lighter dose of nutes.
I'll definitely try the flushing. We got a great dose of rain tonight with more coming in the next few days
Thanks Hal9, I'm just posting pics so I don't Fk up.
You get more help when people can see what your doing.
I got to give mad props to Ranger and NDW their advice on the boards keeps my babies growing strong........

Now for an update....... Hey Ranger the flush is working
Last week


Now as for my big girl, she's over 6ft tied over slightly as to stay below the fence. Due to the strict eradication in my area, dogs that luv to play in the plants, and to keep from shooting my neighbors I netted my babies. In that process I broke the stem to my main cola but a lil tape and string big mamma's still going strong....:allgood:


Dude, the plants look great. I just started a few sprouts this week. I know it's a little late in the season but i figure i can bring em inside and start flowering lighting between haloween and thanksgiving depending on how the weather is. Should have fresh homegrown bud in time for christmas.
Blazin': Please accept my appology for saying that they need more room. I didn't realize you put them out so late in the summer. They look awesome, and you're sure to get a nice little harvest to keep you going well into the winter. You've done a great job. Next year though, start them earlier, and do give them more space. If you've been following NDW and Droppony's outdoor grows, you'll know what I mean.
Hey it's cool, you were right the 2 I have in the ground I should have spread out more. I have them a foot apart and one's 6ft and the other's barely 4ft. The 2 small ones I expected to die because they were so weak as babies. The spring was colder than usual here in the midwest, that's why I started them so late but I've learn a lot this summer from NDW and Ranger.
Here's an update on the big plant, she's coming back around after I broke the stem to the main cola. The magic of tape

I'm trying to get a few more weeks but I'm really trying to beat the frost and cold here in the midwest
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