This helped me create my own idea.
What I did was take a small tuperwear(idk how to spell that) and fill it about 3/4 the way with HOT water, put about 2-4 table spoons of salt, put in your slide/bowl after scraping it, let sit in the water for around 20 mins so the resin softens, then i usually shake after 20 mins for around 1 min to knock some resin off, let sit another 5. Then i take a napkin and wipe out where your weed goes, then take a pipe cleaner with a napkin wrapped around it(or a super fat pipe cleaner) and put that through the slide part a few times. Works like a beauty.
What I did was take a small tuperwear(idk how to spell that) and fill it about 3/4 the way with HOT water, put about 2-4 table spoons of salt, put in your slide/bowl after scraping it, let sit in the water for around 20 mins so the resin softens, then i usually shake after 20 mins for around 1 min to knock some resin off, let sit another 5. Then i take a napkin and wipe out where your weed goes, then take a pipe cleaner with a napkin wrapped around it(or a super fat pipe cleaner) and put that through the slide part a few times. Works like a beauty.