HELLO! new poster/user here that could really use some knowledgeable info. i had to take a urine test today for immigration (im canadian, cant get into the US currently) it was a big medical office so i assume it will be an extensive or high end analysis.
i am 24, weigh 140 pounds, 6'1. very fast metabolism rate. i can eat whatever i want, i always stay skinny. i stopped smoking completely 3 months ago. about a month ago i took literally 1 puff off a spliff (drunk mistake) before i had stopped i was smoking everyday. maybe a gram a day of good weed. what are peoples thoughts on this? do you think i will pass the test? i cant say i have eating very healthy or exercised very much, atleast on a constant basis.
i am 24, weigh 140 pounds, 6'1. very fast metabolism rate. i can eat whatever i want, i always stay skinny. i stopped smoking completely 3 months ago. about a month ago i took literally 1 puff off a spliff (drunk mistake) before i had stopped i was smoking everyday. maybe a gram a day of good weed. what are peoples thoughts on this? do you think i will pass the test? i cant say i have eating very healthy or exercised very much, atleast on a constant basis.