Horizontal Scrog Part 1-Grow 2-Jarhed's Unknown Clones

Hey...whts up GG ??...hey...my Sleestack is growing deformed...she forgot to grow a fan leaf on the opposite side of the stem...wth...might be a hermie...might be them spirits back in my garden...exorcisim didn't work...
Lol ya I had one of my 10 sleestack grow really deformed as well, grew only one finger leaf and the next set of leaves which should have been 3 leaf segments was one deformed leaf, that plant now is named "the runt" cuz not only is it deformed but it seems to be about two weeks behind in growth compared to the others and they were all planted same time. I just put all of them 12/12 from sprout.
How did this grow turn out?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.
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