homemade water hash (pic)

anyway we (me & NiGhT_PaCkEr420) tried heating it up but still doesn't stick to great, trying to press it over the next couple days. also been saving crystal from my coffee grinder, I call it hippy crack, got like .5g smoked a nice bowl of bud and it like 5 mins ago just awesome. Going to try saving for the next two weeks without touching any and seeing how much I have. The most i ever saved was a ball that was like 7g
i think if you put that really dry hash in some celophane and a tiny bit of water and wrap it really type then tape it and wrap it again in paper and then tape that and wet it and then put it in the oven for a bit on really low you can press it when it comes out and have it stick together. Im not sure, ive never tried it before.
Not being a dick, but where did you even get that idea? Why put tape and paper in the oven? And what purpose is served by wrapping it in tape, and THEN wetting it?
Andrew86 said:
Not being a dick, but where did you even get that idea? Why put tape and paper in the oven? And what purpose is served by wrapping it in tape, and THEN wetting it?

id like to know tat too
Andrew86 said:
Not being a dick, but where did you even get that idea? Why put tape and paper in the oven? And what purpose is served by wrapping it in tape, and THEN wetting it?

yo andrew that is an actual way to make hash... u use to be able to get the movie on how to do in on this site and have done it plenty of times and it work /// u get the kief put it in the cig .. celopahne (sp) then wrap a pieace of paper around it tape it shut.. then wet the paper and then bake it,, u wet the paper so it doesnt burn but still heats the hash.. then u press that that is the reason u would do it like that and use paper and tape in the oven .
im gonna do that next week probably,
a friend of mine send me this page from a book on how to make homemad hash easilly,.

Yeah but Teg, re-read that post. Why would you wet the tape was my question, I could see damp paper and heat, that makes sense.
What about a tobacco can, with one of those moisture strips? Maybe left in a warm place.
it just didn't work the greatest you can see the picture of the jar and everything was separated great. I think we didn't skim enough plant matter out and that is why it wouldn't hold together. oh well there is always next time. Peace!
if u still have it can u try the water seperation again and seperate more of the material ..

and andrew a tabacoo can?? and the wet tape. didnt see anythinhin about wet tape i just see somehting about weettin the paper. duno thouhg its all good ..

anyways P420 thats the only adivce i could say try the seperation again
Lol, Teg, it's there read his post over. an yeah, a tobacco can, they have a moisture strip in the lid, you wet it and it feeds moisture to your "tobacco" let's say.
Andrew86 said:
Not being a dick, but where did you even get that idea? Why put tape and paper in the oven? And what purpose is served by wrapping it in tape, and THEN wetting it?

Pressing hash works like this: You gather the skuff, pollen, whatever you wish to call it, into a pile. You take the clear cellophane wrapper off a cigarette pack, place all of the pollen in the bottom of the little cellophane packette.

Now pack it down the best you can, then fold the cellophane package as tightly as you can and use a piece if sticky tape to seal it up. Now, wrap that little package in a few layers of regular newsprint paper. Just enough so it's got a nice little buffer between the pollen and the heat. Now use another piece of sticky tape to seal the newsprint.

You should now have a tightly-wrapped little package in the palm of your hand. Take it to the sink and run cold water over it until the newsprint is soaked wet. The water will not get to the hash, so don't be concerned. Place it in the middle of a pre-heated oven set at 175 degrees F for ten minutes. When ten minutes has passed, take the package out and immediately start pressing it flat with the help of a rolling pin. The harder you press, the tighter the pollen packs.
Once you have it to where you can't compress it any more, do the whole heating process over again. Wet the package, heat it in the oven for ten minutes, and then press it with the rolling pin again. When you're satisfiersd that you can't press it anymore, toss it into the refridgerator for an hour. Then carefully, carefully open the little packaette. Inside you will find a beautifuklly-pressed lump of primo hash.

I hopr that helped to clear it up a bit for you all. Later!
made some last year with the trimmings.......put half water in blender,cold water...ice cubes,just a few,fill up with cuttings.....now pulse the blender,till mushy. pour mush through like ,I used cheese cloth...put green slush in frig,overnight....let it settle do this till yer big gallon jar is full...next day seperate the crap that is floating...try not to disturb the green on bottom. Now siphon off water till you reach the slime.....easy now..tilt till all or most of water is removed.....now scoop up the slime..and place on paper towel,to dry overnight....overday...what ever..let it air dry.....then start pushing forming...a pyramid....well a small pyramid.....there ya go bro...smoke yer hashish.................
PaRaLyZeD-420 said:
I just think that a bit of the plant matter was still mixed with the crystals, but I can't be a hundred percent sure until I check out tomorrow

That's tough, keepin' all the plant matter out...

Thanks for the post with the direction/how-To ..
I've made 5-6 batchs now ...
really fluffy, need a press

I would still be sittin' around wishin' for a BubleBag rig :)

Thanks Dude :)
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