High Yielding Strains?

At the moment I'm sucking in fresh air from outside but I have a portable air con which i can run on timer. It's extra electricity but pays for it self. Just constantly checking temps and knowing when use it is a pain cos the the weather is too unpredictable haha. I find it Loads easier during the winter to control the environment.
Yeah i love the winter, run as many lights as you like without knowing your waking up to the wrong crispies haha.

I have 1 bud that has sever damage but iv just left it, they are getting cut down on the 20th, another plant i had to take out a 20L pot today because of little white mites in the spill tray have destroyed the roots so the plants decided it does not want to take any more water, its the best plant in there too and actually looks like the sensi seeds super skunk photo on there site, dissapointed but what can you do, iv popped 8 Northern Lights day before yesterday, so im haping i get 8 popped, veging them for 8 weeks, then see what they can produce, thats a great strain for yield but it does suffer with bud rot because of how dense the nugs get and if the environment is just slightly off.

I spoke with vader og last night about a few flowering strains, the malibu pie and alien rift, he said you can harvest them at 7 weeks easy with a more than ample yield but at 150 euros a pop for 10-12 reg seeds is just a bit sketchy for me after buying 30 reg jack herer seeds from sensi for £450 and only 1 female was more than disappointing!
Grower problems haha and 1 female I would be fuming. Always bought fems then cloned the best pheno. Just too many strains choose from I go like a kid in a sweet shop haha in-house genetics are definitely on my radar though seeds are expensive though but looks fire.
I was more than fuming, they offered me a 10% discount code, as if that was even close to what they should of given me but i suppose its the look of the draw, yeah iv looked at a few of them i just want to get some short flowering strains tried, the NL that iv got germinating now are getting a solid 8 weeks growth then i think im scrogging them once i flip, cant do it before hand as ill have 8 in already flowering, i love looking at different seeds, if i was not careful id probablys have an empty bank account from buying to many haha.

Iv tried Dr Kripplings Incredible Bulk but i got some of another grower which i think he just chopped them when they looked big and never even looked at the trichs, poor poor quality it crumbled like dust when you touched it and the guy said this is great stuff, guess he has never had real quality bud!
Im going to order some, then will start vegging them the start of september.

Yeah i know how you feel i see all of these strains that look and sound beautiful but then i look and my bank ballance and think damn your getting abused for more seeds :rofl:.

Maby one day when i get a bigger house i may expand, but at the moment im stuck with one strain at a time, waiting 6-12 month for bud to cure makes me climb the walls haha.
Iv tried that Incredible Bulk, was not the best smoke for me, i think the problem is it was crispy so not dried and cured properly, i may try it but i just want try a few short flowering strains first.

Northern lights is a great strain for sog or anything else for that matter, i buy them from Royal Queen Seeds and they claim there 100% indica, with the perfect environment and lights ect it yields great, i harvest at 8 weeks with 70/30 cloudy/amber trichomes, iv got 2 growing right now in veg in my multiple grow journal.

Im growing Critical too which is supposed to be a great yield too.

Incredible Bulk is a big yielder for sure but the potency isn't the greatest. I've also found that it doesn't do as well with LED as HPS.
This is how it starts now this will end up up on my massive never ending list of strains too grow hahaha
By the time you get your 2 favorites grown there will be 3 more on the market LMAO. Cash crop and massive yields sells a are 2 comments that sell a lot of seeds. In the end the biggest strains are never the best strains.
Right guys im ordering tonight or at latest tomorrow and i need to flip them around the 20th of next month so its 5 weeks from today by the time i get them and germinate them they will have a good 3-4 weeks.

I was thinking critical or try an upgraded critical+, this needs to be a very high yielding strain as i wont be growing next year or maybe later in the year.

Looking for 8-9 week strains, nothing past 9 weeks please.

It also needs to be from here Buy Cannabis Seeds
I've only grown the one strain.. Perpetual clones from a seed ( Mangolicious from AMS ) Its a big bud x white widow

I've chopped down at around 9 weeks each time. Last run got 47 oz from 2 x 600w hps in my 8x4 tent with only a 390cfm extraction fan. So a good yield.

Never had mold. Had mites last time, but the plants weren't set back too much with a killamite drenching.. and havent had mites re occur this round... touch wood haha
That"s about 6 weeks I do believe. It started out just looking ok. It is the last couple weeks it has started to impress. Started seeing red hairs early on so I thought this going to finish way early. Now while there are still a few red hairs. This plant has went into overdrive now packing on the weight.
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