Hi I'm new here

Okay here it is, the final product in it's innovative dry boxes that my husband built out of some Rapture Light boxes. So here are some pics of the boxes and the design. Basically what he did was used a light fan and vented the box into the second box which has an exhaust. So it's pulling in air from one hose and exiting through another and the two boxes are vented together so there is wonderful air circulation going between the two when the boxes are closed, finally the air out goes into the grow room which is ventilated out the chimney. So I'm extremely impressed that my husband came up with this overnight after working a 13 hour shift. Enjoy!
Okay here it is, the final product in it's innovative dry boxes that my husband built out of some Rapture Light boxes. So here are some pics of the boxes and the design. Basically what he did was used a light fan and vented the box into the second box which has an exhaust. So it's pulling in air from one hose and exiting through another and the two boxes are vented together so there is wonderful air circulation going between the two when the boxes are closed, finally the air out goes into the grow room which is ventilated out the chimney. So I'm extremely impressed that my husband came up with this overnight after working a 13 hour shift. Enjoy!

Oh yes and unless humidity is a huge problem I would just let those buds dry naturally. Rather then quick drying them. Ends up being a better smoke the longer it takes to dry.
Awesome!! Let's get this thing going!! Big things are in store for you my friend!

Thank you!! I love these dry boxes! Free, totally free! We had the boxes from the lights, had the fan laying around as an extra and wallah! I greatly appreciate the compliment, it's my goal to be awesome at this and produce the best eventually. I was saying in another post that I want to call this plant Double D, as she was my biggest producer. What you see in this box all comes from ONE plant and I'm still not finished with the ONE plant. LOL So now I need to figure out how I put a stamp on that name, since i just put "out there" LOL Not sure the kosher way to "officially" name something but this is a clone off from a random seed I started so...? I've been too busy researching the growing aspect to figure out the educate for stamping a name on it. Thanks again, and I always appreciate any feedback or advice, as I am still new at this.
Oh yes and unless humidity is a huge problem I would just let those buds dry naturally. Rather then quick drying them. Ends up being a better smoke the longer it takes to dry.

Oh I only quick dried one little bud so I could test the potency of it as I was very, very, unsure about myself about whether it was ready to harvest or not. I read on here somewhere, "when in doubt, quick dry a bud to test it" So literally I quick dried less than a half gram from the mid-tier of the plant to get some idea. The rest will take it's time. This took a lot of effort, I defo don't plan on wrecking it with some half ass drying. I'm going to dry it in these boxes, which the airflow is just enough so that it's not stagnant in there, it protects it from the light and any element... Then when it's dry I will cure it for as long as it takes. There's no going back so I'm going to be patient and do it the right way. I can't freaking wait though. I've been salivating for days now!
Okay here it is, the final product in it's innovative dry boxes that my husband built out of some Rapture Light boxes. So here are some pics of the boxes and the design. Basically what he did was used a light fan and vented the box into the second box which has an exhaust. So it's pulling in air from one hose and exiting through another and the two boxes are vented together so there is wonderful air circulation going between the two when the boxes are closed, finally the air out goes into the grow room which is ventilated out the chimney. So I'm extremely impressed that my husband came up with this overnight after working a 13 hour shift. Enjoy!

That is a good idea. I use card board boxes to hang them for the first dry. my boxes have 'U' shapes cut on both sides the 'u' turned sideways. I open them in various degrees like barn doors. this dose two things1) lets the air circulate while 2) keeping the light and dampness out. I first run strings across the top to hand the plants on. To be continued.....
Sorry about posting the pics twice or more? Sheesh, I don't know what happened. Suddenly it was on there several times and I tried to fix it and could not find a way to remove the extra posts. I am going to be known as the low tech girl who can't post properly! I had to just stop trying because I had to get back to trimming. LOL
That is a good idea. I use card board boxes to hang them for the first dry. my boxes have 'U' shapes cut on both sides the 'u' turned sideways. I open them in various degrees like barn doors. this dose two things1) lets the air circulate while 2) keeping the light and dampness out. I first run strings across the top to hand the plants on. To be continued.....

Yes I am finding that I like this box idea. I think I will have my husband build some permanant wood ones with this same design. The fan is so perfect. It barely blows so it's just right to make sure the air keeps circulating through the two boxes. Like I said, I'm proud of my husband for coming up with this design on the fly after working all night long and having a tired brain and body. I have a great idea for a design for some drying trays as well. First things first - get this job done! Thanks for your input - love hearing what others are doing and hearing what people have to say about what i'm doing!
So one of my strains turns out to smell like flowers, I mean I thought I was smelling a delicious boquette w/ a side of skunk. So I decided to nickname this unknown strain that I cloned, Pepe Le Pew. We just got talking about that skunk from back in the day who used to spray perfume all over himself to cover his smell of skunk, and I'll tell ya, this mama smells like she did jus that with her skunk/floral combo smell, I can't wait to try this stuff!!! Wish I could send ya'll some so you could just smell for yourself!!! I'll come back and put a pic of it up here.
Hey folks, I forgot to mention about this First time ever grow that this is absolutely, no ifs, ands, or butts, 100% organic. Right down to watering with fresh artesian spring/well water that is brought in from another location. So here is a pic of Pepe Le Pew! My nickname for this plant stems from the cartoon (if you are old enough to remember) because this plant smells like i would imagine Pepe would smell. Remember he used to spray himself with fragrance to cover up his skunk smell so he could get the girl?? LOL, well this plant smells just like that, a mixture of skunk and a boquette of flowers. Yum, Yum, Yummy! I can't wait to try this one, the smell is to die for!!
Bad Effing news!!! For the love of All things, how could I miss this???!!! Advice please... Just now while trimming I decided to take another gander at a plant to compare to another, with the loop. Low and behold, guess what I saw?!! I saw a spider mite! I am about to cry I swear!

I went back and scoured all the buds I've trimmed and I could only find three or four total on all of the plants from each strain. I know for sure now that I will be completely halting any new anything until this situation is resolved. I already know now that I will take my stuff out of the flowering room that I just put in for my next cycle tonight and back into veg until I can resolve this issue! I don't want to take any chances.

I am going to completely tear down my room now and freaking sterilize my entire basement. But in the meantime, WTH do I do about these few mites on my drying buds? Is it ruined? We were so careful, I don't know how this happened and to be truthful, I was giddy and happy five minutes ago as I was showing off my unknown strain that I nicknamed and was reveling in my supposed success and now this!

I'm so freaking upset right now. As I said, I could only find four mites on all of my buds that are drying, is there anything I can do? Can I smoke this stuff? I cannot see these things with the naked eye. There are NO webs or castings that I can see anywhere to be found, no nothing, except the four mites, well, five, including the one I saw on the bud I was trimming in my hand.

Someone, anyone, please tell me what to do! Right now as I type this, my helper is moving plants out of flowering room (new clones I just put in today) and back into veg room! We will disassemble the whole room tonight and throw it away (the materials - no chances) Just praying someone tells me that these few mites aren't going to ruin what I have drying. Please, someone, give me some good news!!! PS...Furthermore, I have more plants that I need to harvest as it's done, but hasn't been cut down or trimmed yet, I'm going to assume they have them too if the stuff already drying does (haven't checked yet). It was all in the same room. So I guess I need to know what I should do to the stuff drying already (if anything) and what I should do about the stuff still in the pots and ready to go but not cut down yet...??? TIA
Hey Jlass.
Nothing to worry about! It's going to be fine!
You can wash those mites off, and end up with cleaner superior buds as well. Bud Washing
Check out this thread for the basic bud washing procedure and also post your specific details there- in case some of the great people who frequent that thread have some specific advice on washing mites or on washing partially dried buds.
Weaselcracker, I saw the thread earlier, it seems to have disappeared. I'll look around on here and see what peeps have to say. I finally had to go to bed at 5AM and get some sleep. Looked at the other plants still in flower room, they have them, worse than the ones that are drying. Some must have fallen off during the process. Still have no idea where these came from, they did not exist a couple of weeks ago. There's no webs or outward signs, they are just crawling on the plants. Sigh... If you find the thread if you don't mind reposting it... THanks Weaselcracker, I appreciate it!
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