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In the next day or two I am about to harvest my first ever crop. I have read and heard so many opinions about drying that although I thought I knew exactly what I was going to do, I am a bit torn.

I grew in plastic in my basement. I was going to build walls and then all sorts of things happened that prevented me from doing so. I ended up with plants that were almost 5 ft tall when they went into flowering stage and we really had to do some improvising. This all had to do with getting the lights we wanted, wait times and, bam! Before we knew it stuff was too big to put up walls. Ha! So they have survived through the trials and tribulations and are looking beautiful. Now we are ready to harvest but we are dealing with some serious humidity issues. I don't want to be drying in my bedroom or main part of my house and so we are thinking of building a small room really quick in our basement. However this is a somewhat humid basement. I guess what I want to know is if I use a dehumidifier, hang my stalks, use a couple of fans for air circulation... have other people had success drying this way? I am worried that the moisture in the air down there is going to invade my drying area, but others tell me it will be "Just fine" if I use a dehumidifier. Well these have been my babies from seed so I just want to make sure I get it right. Any feedback would be helpful. Thanks in advance :)
Hi and welcome to 420 Jlass. :). Do you know the RH of the area? I have naturally very high humidity as well- but when I am drying buds I find there to be zero problem with mold. Previous to harvest, yes- I'm well acquainted with mold- but after harvesting, a little trimming up, and hanging in a place with some airflow - all is fine. The key word here is airflow. Open space, or a movement fan if necessary. (Don't overdo the fan thing) unless your basement is dripping wet you should be ok.
Is it?
Dripping wet I mean?
Okay I apologize for responding twice. However, I hit that reply button and my comment didn't show up under yours? I'll wait a few minutes and see if it shows up. Sorry, still figuring this site out.
Hi Jlass and welcome to 420!!

Weasel brings up some good questions.

What is the RH?

You should be ok without the dehumidifier. The idea after harvest is to slow dry your cannabis. The slower you dry it the better the product. That's the whole idea behind curing.

Adding a dehumidifier will increase drying speed and that's not ideal. I like my drying process to take anywhere between 5-10 days. Not 3-5 kinda thing

Keep us posted!
Okay so today I am going to check out the trichomes again. I'm feeling a bit unsure of myself since this will be my first harvest. I will try to post a pic here. So sorry to ask such a silly question, there is a "reply to thread" black button to the left and a "Post quick reply" to the right. Not sure which I am supposed to be using.
To answer your question, I am not sure yet. I'm going to move my hygrometer to the area for awhile today to see. It just so happened that this seems to be ready a bit sooner than I anticipated, hence my uncertainty right now about today or next week kind of thing... I just went out and got a loop to get a closer look and wasn't expecting it to look like it does yet. So I'm a week or two behind my game. My crop got way bigger than I expected because we had a mix up with our lights when we started flowering stage. We ended up waiting way longer for them than anticipated, so stuff went into flowering way too big, which caused all kinds of issues. So we are now exactly 7 weeks today. Which seems too soon. Again, first time so lots of trials and tribulations. So yes, going to try to get some pics to see if I can get some opinions. It's just super hard to hold that loop still and get a pic. Ha ha! Sorry I hope I dont' come off like an idiot. I've been researching and reading about this daily since mos before I even started this project. Here's hoping I get something good. Look for some pics later today. I will appreciate any comments, good or bad. That's what learning is all about, right? Need to know so please, be honest. Thanks in advance again!
Okay yes I am feeling really dumb now! Can someone tell me how I am supposed to upload a pic here? I don't necessarily have them posted publicly anywhere to grab a link. I have lots of pics on my phone and stuff that I can easily transfer to my laptop to put on here, or even from my phone of course, but I don't see a way to do this, other than providing a link. Can anyone help me or is this a question I should try to ask an admin or something? TIA again!
If anyone here is experienced enough to tell me if this stuff looks ready now based on the few pics of the trichomes I have, feel free to critique. TIA

These are pics of the plants themselves and the room sort of. Yes I know things look a bit rough, as I explained this has been quite the journey. I'm looking forward to my next crop and getting it right and being more sure of myself. Please feel free to comment.
Oh and sadly, the area's RH is looking to be 75-80% right now. Yikes!! Should I go for the dehumidifier? We are thinking of changing the strategy and using cardboard boxes for the drying. I saw some YouTube videos about this and some people think this is a really good way. Luckily we have some huge ones that our Rapture hoods came in! Any thoughts??
jlass, I use jars most often in my process. First I hang the buds w/ stems till they feel dry, and not dried out, then do a tight trim and match the buds to jars or containers. I do not crowd the jars so there is air circulation and they are not pressed tightly. I do not put them into jars by weight but visually. For the first several days I remove them from the jars and place them in the open air usually on paper and away from strong light for 15 - 30 minutes. After several days to a week, I keep them in jars and just burp them by opening the jars to the air for about 15 minutes daily for 1 - 2 week(s). My reasoning for the above is as follows; the buds retain water/moisture and when you dry them they feel dry on the outside then when you seal them up again (in a jar) the moisture moves from the center to the outside leaves and again they feel moist. This process continues until the center is dry as if the outside. Another words you will be drawing out the moisture until the cola is completely dry. Eventually they do not draw moisture. Because curing is different for each situation i.e. strain etc. You will have to monitor daily. I hope this is helpful.
art fog, I am dealing with a basement situation that has nearly 80% humidity. Was considering doing the hanging part inside cardboard boxes, then the jars. I have the jars already and have always felt that, that is the best way to cure. What are your thoughts on the initial drying proccess in the cardboard boxes? basically making a makeshift closet with strings to hang with the boxes? I was going to run a dehumifier nearby where the boxes will be, but not too close as it throws heat. Did you get a chance to see my pics? Any thoughts on the readiness for harvest with those pics I got? I think I got two so-so pics close up of the trichomes. They are in the batch of "bud" pics I posted just recently today. Thanks so much for your comment. I really appreciate any feedback! Jlass
My RH is about 80% as well. You won't have a mold problem if you trim a bit, hang where there is open air/airflow, and keep an eye on them. I haven't done the cardboard box method because I worry about mold- though I want to/will soon.
Just go for it. Keep watching for mold. If it's not working just increase airflow a little ,or turn on/up the movement fan, turn up the heat a little, turn up the dehum a little,etc. You'll be able to control the situation no problem.
So I am testing out the "quick drying" process recommended on here today, to test the buds... I'll let you know how that works out.
Well here it is! My very first harvest, ever! It looks totally different under regular white lights and I'm quite pleased with the way it turned out. Any comments or critiques welcome.
Okay, another post disappeared. LOL! So here is my very first harvest - ever! I am pleased with the way it looks under regular white lighting. I could not see the red hairs as well in the flowering room believe it or not. It is looking beautiful and I must admit I took the advice on how to test the buds on here and quick dried a few small ones and I am liking the outcome. You are welcome to comment or critique. Thanks for all your feedback, folks.
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