I took about 4 of each, just to increase airflow. I see you go he he cause you know it says everything out there plus complete opposite.
Also I followed the advice of another website years ago.
My mistake.
But anywhoo they recommended a a defol and being a noob I went along.
I averaged a couple ounces a plant and thought that was great.
Well eventually I ended up with 50 ladies in my veg room and got extremely busy.
As a result I dropped my defol routine.
First harvest without defol I averaged over 4 ounces a plant.
I know it's not scientific and there are many variables.
But over double the harvest without it I decided I'm not de-foliating any more.
Now I'm a little more experienced and do much better.
But I'm still learning.
I know your running autos and its a different situation.
But same principles, now I trim under her skirt after stretch and that's it.
If you look through my flower room ( Purple Pics thread in sig ) you will see plants with dieing leaves.
Not many but a few.
I let them hang on untill they fall off by themselves.
Also if you run into an issue it's good to have a great big healthy plant to start with lots of foliage.
That way she has a bit of a buffer to give you time to help her recover.
4 leaves won't make a huge difference.
And a small fan will take care of air circulation.
It's not choked in there.
Your doing a great job.
Just do a little research before you decide to take anything else off or make any major changes to your routine.
It's good to hear from multiple sources.
Happy growing.
Stay safe