Hey Gallery users and surfers!


Well-Known Member
Another question....We'd like to take a minute to ask all of our Members and Participants a question. We'd like your honest opinion and a frank discussion on this, so please help the site and participate please.

What is/are your opinion(s) of our Gallery function and upload rules and guidelines?

Please give us thoughts, examples, ideas, and opinions. Ask questions if you don't know about our Gallery rules.

Thanks for your help!

It's a bit more work to do the pictures under current rules, but it sucks going to forums with broken down pics throughout all the posts... I love how all the grow pics will be in 420magazines's posts forever....again, imho
I'm fine with it, but perhaps we should bring on an extra Photo Mod? It does take an awful long time for photo uploads to get approved. Or maybe make it so they don't have to be approved, but can be reported for removal if they violate rules (I'm not sure how often the photo mods have to deny approval to a photo).
yeah i'm with hossua, still only allow photos uploaded to the forum gallery to be posted in threads, but let them be automatically approved straight away and have a report picture function to keep all the junk out of the gallery.
I'm fine with having to compress my photos. (You'll probally get alot of question threads on how to do this from other members though).We all understand how much $ bandwith costs. Especially with a site like this. Compressing will surely save the site money. Perhaps there's a program that the site can implement that will automatically compress the photos for us? I have no idea how that shit works. Just an idea.

I would suggest allowing all photos to be instantly made available without having someone validating them. Don't get me wrong, things have gotten ALOT better since Dahui started helping out with the validating. But, I personally like being able to upload the pic and make my post at the same time. It's not a necessity, but it is very convienent. If certain members prove to be a problem in regards to posting legitament pictures I would suggest action be taken with those problem members. Perhaps make it impossible for those members to post pictures for a month.

But then again, I'm sure there's a reason why 420 started validating pictures. Perhaps there were alot of problems in the past?
Maybe there's legallity reasons for taking such measures.
WOW, great question. I dont like the gallery rules of posting pics. When I want to post a picture, I dont want to have to wait for it to be approved, resize it to meet specifications, or put any effort whatsoever in displaying pictures I think others will like. I already have my pics ready to go, it's frustrating (and ruins a good buzz) to have to wait hours for someone to approve my posting beautiful pictures of sweet sweet cheeba.Watermarking my pics with a 420 logo is another reason I rarely post pics here anymore. 420times.com is not the only web page on the web that I post on, so watermarking usualy insinuates that I am stealing pictures from 420times.com and posting them on other peoples forums. I'm guessing 420 does this for legal purposes, and I certainly understand if that's the case. But thats a practice that has caused me to stop hosting my pics here, regardless of the reason behind it.
I'm not naive to why 420 approves pics the way he does. But at the same time, the rules deter honest, decent posters from posting pics because it's too damn annoying to have to wait 3,4,10 hours for someone to approve my pics. It's definately a catch 22. Restrict chldren from being children and punish good posters in the process, or allow everyone to reign free and risk having children posting childish pictures.
Anyway, thats my opinion. I hope it helps build a better 420times.com.
My Idea Is For Certain Reliable Members That Post Pics A Lot To Have Instant Gratification, Ie Anyone With A Grow Journal. Anyone That Violates These Rules Gets Banned For Certain Amount Of Days To Learn Their Lesson. New Members Are Put On A Certain Member Length Of Time, Which Means They Have To Be Here For Certain Amount Of Days To Decide That They Would Like To Abide By The Rules, Then Permission Is Granted.

Or To Have A Gallery Start Up Waiver. Anyone That Wants Pics On The Site Signs This Waiver. If They Violate It They Lose The Priviledge To Post Pics. This Prevents Anyone Trying To Upload Against The Site Rules.

Btw: Love That We Get A Vote On This. It Makes The Site That Much More " My Community":cheesygrinsmiley:
WOW, great question. I dont like the gallery rules of posting pics. When I want to post a picture, I dont want to have to wait for it to be approved, resize it to meet specifications, or put any effort whatsoever in displaying pictures I think others will like. I already have my pics ready to go, it's frustrating (and ruins a good buzz) to have to wait hours for someone to approve my posting beautiful pictures of sweet sweet cheeba.Watermarking my pics with a 420 logo is another reason I rarely post pics here anymore. 420times.com is not the only web page on the web that I post on, so watermarking usualy insinuates that I am stealing pictures from 420times.com and posting them on other peoples forums. I'm guessing 420 does this for legal purposes, and I certainly understand if that's the case. But thats a practice that has caused me to stop hosting my pics here, regardless of the reason behind it.
I'm not naive to why 420 approves pics the way he does. But at the same time, the rules deter honest, decent posters from posting pics because it's too damn annoying to have to wait 3,4,10 hours for someone to approve my pics. It's definately a catch 22. Restrict chldren from being children and punish good posters in the process, or allow everyone to reign free and risk having children posting childish pictures.
Anyway, thats my opinion. I hope it helps build a better 420times.com.

this is honestly all of my concerns all wrapped up in an easy to understand bundle, but just as PM stated i understand how much effort has to be put into maintaining the gallery and i REALLY appreciate it! but also from the point of view of just the average person who is using the gallery the new rules are quite frustrating
WOW, great question. I dont like the gallery rules of posting pics. When I want to post a picture, I dont want to have to wait for it to be approved, resize it to meet specifications, or put any effort whatsoever in displaying pictures I think others will like. I already have my pics ready to go, it's frustrating (and ruins a good buzz) to have to wait hours for someone to approve my posting beautiful pictures of sweet sweet cheeba.Watermarking my pics with a 420 logo is another reason I rarely post pics here anymore. 420times.com is not the only web page on the web that I post on, so watermarking usualy insinuates that I am stealing pictures from 420times.com and posting them on other peoples forums. I'm guessing 420 does this for legal purposes, and I certainly understand if that's the case. But thats a practice that has caused me to stop hosting my pics here, regardless of the reason behind it.
I'm not naive to why 420 approves pics the way he does. But at the same time, the rules deter honest, decent posters from posting pics because it's too damn annoying to have to wait 3,4,10 hours for someone to approve my pics. It's definately a catch 22. Restrict chldren from being children and punish good posters in the process, or allow everyone to reign free and risk having children posting childish pictures.
Anyway, thats my opinion. I hope it helps build a better 420times.com.
thanks PM for illustrating my view in a nice detailed manor...

i too dont like waiting for the approval... ill even volunteer to be another mod... hell im on this site more than half the day anywho haha

ROCK ON PM:headbang:
I don't upload pics anymore because once I do, my face etc.. ends up belonging to 420. I hate that idea. Business is business though, so I just stop uploading altogether now, which is too bad because I used to have a pretty entertaining pic thread. I used to upload through Photbucket.
It's a hassle to upload pics because of approval, though I haven't uploaded any recently, at least since we have a gallery mod. . . The watermark doesn't bother me in the slightest. . The pics I post are for the peeps on this site, and if 420 wants the rights to them, understand that, and he can have them. I like the instsant validation idea, but if we would really get that many violations, then it wouldn't be worth it. . .:peace:
you know it doesnt bother me the pics i post here are only posted here... but realy i dont care i can always take another picture and ill always own one haha
yeah i'm with hossua, still only allow photos uploaded to the forum gallery to be posted in threads, but let them be automatically approved straight away and have a report picture function to keep all the junk out of the gallery.

I like it. Auto approve with a report picture function. I believe this would make the gallery mods job a lot easier and besides, users are supposed to be adults and they know that this is an adult content site. If they see something questionable, report it and have it deleted.
you guys won't report the photos, that's the problem...
if one picture of a minor doing a bong hit, sits on my website for one minute, i'm at risk of losing everything.

i agree with adding another gallery mod...
i am going to volunteer myself, until someone can replace me...
dahui is currently handling this task as well, but she can't be here 24 hours and 20 minutes a day...

i also put the uploads back up to five....
for those of you doing grow journals...
i totally feel you on that...
hopefully 5 will be okay for you, any more than that and we get people uploading tons of worthless stuff and it makes the server slow and costs us more money...
if you guys could only see some of the pictures and comments we decline...
some of them are very fucked up and aimed at shutting down this website, basically... mostly minors playing games... they smoke too and want to hang out with the big boys, i TOTALLY understand... but it's not allowed by law, so we must follow these rules to a t... they use the minor offense, because they have nothing else... let's not give this to them either... know what i mean?

as for watermarking...
if i'm gonna pay for the bandwidth and bust my ass building and operating and maintaining this place for you to show off and make fans and friends, at my expense of my time, money and labor, the least you can let me do is put my name on it, sheesh...lol
i don't even get to have fun and play with you guys and take pictures and upload them and get comments and whatnot, because i'm too busy working on this website, for you... you are supposed to be a part of my family, here to help me spread the word, not just taking advantage of me for my resources.
as for watermarking...
if i'm gonna pay for the bandwidth and bust my ass building and operating and maintaining this place for you to show off and make fans and friends, at my expense of my time, money and labor, the least you can let me do is put my name on it, sheesh...lol

I think it's great that pictures get watermarked, and if the owner of the photo doesn't like it, they can post another copy up on photobucket and use that one OUTSIDE the forums.
I think it's great that pictures get watermarked, and if the owner of the photo doesn't like it, they can post another copy up on photobucket and use that one OUTSIDE the forums.

ya see that doesnt bother me because i alway have the pic on my memroy stick and always have it on my computer
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