Hey Gallery users and surfers!

you guys won't report the photos, that's the problem...
if one picture of a minor doing a bong hit, sits on my website for one minute, i'm at risk of losing everything.

i don't even get to have fun and play with you guys and take pictures and upload them and get comments and whatnot, because i'm too busy working on this website, for you... you are supposed to be a part of my family, here to help me spread the word, not just taking advantage of me for my resources.
what if you had a few people that like the welcome wagon without mod status, you have the photo inforcement? they don't do anything else but keep their eyes open for against the rules photos. if they don't do anything else to keep them occupied then they will do it, but you have a team of like 5-10 reliable people. i'm sure some of us would sign up for that.

i like welcoming people but i do like to keep my eye out for inappropriate

posts. i can also do this for pics. having certain levels of mod status will help
people feel like they are helping without the overwhelming responsibilty after a while.

and rob i wish we could help to take some of your work off your shoulders so that YOU can enjoy the awesome community that you have built.:smoke2:
I agree with PM, that delays take the fun out of posting pics of bud & equipment...I do however understand the concern for the trouble makers who would try to upload something in poor taste...I like tinkerbell's suggestion to have a one day approval process for those new to the forum, in order for them to learn the rules and acknowledge them...I hope no body wants photos which will cause this forum legal or other troubles...IMO:smokin:
about the issue with minors in pics etc... isnt when you first sign up your stating that your 18 years or older? so.... how could the site be responsible? i mean how would AP know if homie g with his bubbler ripping is a minor... i mean...
just because someone has been here for a long time, doesn't mean i can trust them with the keys to the office... what zed and tinkerbell are suggesting is a good idea, but it still doesn't stop someone from uploading pictures of minors... what if a minor was here for a year, pretending to be 21 and had 1500 posts before he started posting pictures of himself smoking weed... see where i'm coming from?

i think the only solution is to have more gallery mods...
semper, if a local or federal agent wants to investigate us, all he/she has to do is print out some pages from our site with these (currently non-exsistant) pictures of minors and show them to a judge and that judge will then issue whatever powers that agent wants to pursue us legally... if we don't even give them that opportunity, it keeps them away from us... make sense?
if you guys would donate so i could pay someone to do it full time, that would rule...
if someone would jump onboard as a sales rep and start selling ad space, while i focus on other things, that would help...
yet some people still want to come here for free, use my bandwidth, post links to non sponsored sites and then bitch when everything isn't the way they want it...
just doesn't seem fair.
Eh ya especially the way they treat MJ smokers in the us... that you ahve to worry about all this bull.


uploading doesnt bother me ill keep posting pics when they diserve to take up bandwidth..

and of course id Be happy to be a mod for a trial period and see if i can hack it :headbang:

but on another note rob i sent you a check on friday you should have it by monday i hope.. cant wait to rep 420maga :headbang:
you are doing so wonderful with the news user, i'd hate the ruin that by adding too much to your plate, as seen numerous times in the past, not with you, but with many others... let's see who else steps up to bat first... thank you SO very much for your offer to help brother!
I just wonder, when posting a picture here, do you just put 420times on it as a thing to do, or are you actually taking all rights to the picture? Theres a difference. I have absolutely no problems with the watermark, in fact, I think it ads a nice level of consistency to the forums, same with the resizing. But, if by posting a really pretty picture here I'm giving up all my rights to it and stuff, that does seem kinda lame.

Now, to be honest, I have not posted pictures to the site yet, and a big reason I haven't is because of the whole process of doing it. Another reason is that I haven't really had any pictures worth uploading, and in the future, if I have one I really want to put out there, I would go through the trouble of doing it, but my point is that the process IS a turnoff for me.

That said, I totally understand why you use the process you use, and don't really have any problems with it, it seems totally fair to screen and resize and have them all hosted locally. It's hard for me to think of a better system to use, and the idea of risking the whole site just to make pictures easier to post doesn't appeal to me at all. However, how hard would it be for you to allow certain people to post immediately? Specifically grow journals. It would be nice if people who you know are going to updating their stuff regularly had a way to speed up the process a bit. You could even leave them in line to be reviewed and possibly deleted if they are found to be objectionable.

I dunno, just a suggestions. This thread was for a discussion, so I threw out a couple qualms, a couple questions, and a couple suggestions. The site rocks as is, anyways.
I just wonder, when posting a picture here, do you just put 420times on it as a thing to do, or are you actually taking all rights to the picture? Theres a difference. I have absolutely no problems with the watermark, in fact, I think it ads a nice level of consistency to the forums, same with the resizing. But, if by posting a really pretty picture here I'm giving up all my rights to it and stuff, that does seem kinda lame......
I've wondered the same thing. What if you post something that already is copyrighted? Could that lead to problems?

From time to time it would be nice to upload a .gif, but with the watermark that leaves out animations. I like seeing fun & interesting graphics in posts. Once again, balance. Finding it however :hmmmm: :smoke2:
I like it. Auto approve with a report picture function. I believe this would make the gallery mods job a lot easier and besides, users are supposed to be adults and they know that this is an adult content site. If they see something questionable, report it and have it deleted.

Just hope I dont see a thread with something like "FREE WEED" and click on it, and see a 2100x1800 pic of a shlong or something like that lmao.

I hate waiting on pics being approved in the grow section. I think members that regulary post in the "Grow" section, and that are known to "show and tell", should have auto-approve for pictures only to be posted in the grow section. I don't really care about waiting for pics in the other parts of the forum, I think it's a good ideal, but with the grow section and especially grow logs, waiting just ruins the fun of it all sometimes : ( Maybe there could be a new mod for only the grow section, that just scans over the the auto-approved pics pretty often. I don't know what percentage of the pics are in the "Grow" section, but it's an idea.
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