Hermaphrodite plant from Humboldt

If I did nothing to it...it would pollinate itself first.....But so far it hasnt even pollinated itself.

it probably has. it just takes some time to show.

Nor did it pollinate my other plants it sat next to.

if they were in flower there is a good chance. hopefully not heavily though, as it was early.

I am checking it every day so far and I mean thoroughly.

just keep a good watch on the flower girls.
it's your immediate neighbours that may come looking for you. i wouldn't worry about 40 miles away. you've no idea what the folk 40 ft away are up to and how they'll feel about it.
Not one of my neighbors grow. But....I get the point. You are right it could pollinate someone's grow. But so far it h
it probably has. it just takes some time to show.

if they were in flower there is a good chance. hopefully not heavily though, as it was early.

just keep a good watch on the flower girls.
I believe I caught it in time. Not one were open. They had just started growing. But I don't know how fast they grow yet. But so far there are no new ones on it.

I am overly paranoid about my plants in the basement so I spray myself with a heavy alcohol solution before I come back in my house after messing with that plant at all.

I'm probably being overly cautious with the hunting down male parts and trying to make sure it doesn't polinate anything.

I have a few that may have a few weeks left. They have really large colas and the white hairs started turning about 4 or 5 days ago. But those buds are fattening up now. The green leaves have not yet changed to purple....which the strain usually does before harvest. Id say they have two weeks or three to go.
But the one I am without question concerned about is the white truffle +JR-14 because it was 5'8" and now it's near 6 foot. I can't believe it's still stretching.

I have to bend the stalks back now and pull them away from the light because they are within four inches of the light.

The leaves which are not even near the buds are caked up. Once I can go down to the plants I will take a photo of it close up and post.
Below is a photo of part of ny roommates relatives grow.

The three middle plants are all males and he will let them open up. And then after they open he will pull them immediately.
Reason is.....which he has done many times in the past...he will get seeds. But not massive amounts. Like 20 to 100. If he left them after they open up they will just keep fertiliIng until the buds and nothing but seeds. And he is cutting nothing off.

He wants to keep growing the strain but wants low seeds(Relatively) and big buds in the same grow.

All Jack herer

I just went up and checked the plant and found more baby watermelons.

I am considering ending it. Reason is ...I know these buggers will start to hide as the buds get larger. That may be the problem.

I'm still not certain the buds will get larger. I wonder if there is a place online where someone has done this with a straight hermaphrodite.

I need to figure this part out. Fast.

Update.....fr 5 days I found male parts. Every other day. Not one opened.

The plant is growing outside fine. And none of my indoor plants have seeds or are fertilized

Strangely I think it stopped producing male parts already. I still check it and have to pull every bud back because they can be sneaky. But none in the past week.
It appears it stopped producing them and is still growing bud.

It also stretched like crazy and grew more limbs than I prunned off.

I believe changing its environment and picking it for a week had an affect on it and now it doesn't produce any male parts. It could have been a nightmare.

I think it had to acclimate to the sun from the lights too. Plus it's way hot outside here. Like 95°

It burned all the white hairs off to the bud but it's still growing nice.

I still don't take chances and hav3 my roomate alcohol spray me when I come off the roof. He doesn't go up at all in case I need him to take care of something on the plants innthe house and I don't go near them if I have been up there with that plant checking it until I take a shower.

We got a timing system down where I can still take care of the other plants before I go up. Then I won't go near them until I shower later at night. I really don't believe anything opened up on it and so far no seeds. Anywhere.

But I will say this....if you are not committed to keeping a schedule and being thorough with getting rid of the male parts before they open like every two days then don't even try it with a hermaphrodite. I can see how it could have been a mess.

This plant STILL has had ZERO male parts. I spoke to Humboldt and told them what happened.
I was informed that they recommend when you go from 18/6 to 12/12 doing it over the course of a few days.
A hermaphrodite is when it keeps growing male parts and female parts. This was a fast light switch inducing
cause. 999 times out of 1000 this wont happen. But, I am the guy. The one out of 1000.

But the plant seems to be doing well and growing nice buds. It may not finish perfectly and putting it outside from under lights and pruning it i am sure caused it stress. So the buds will be a bit smaller than they would have otherwise been. But they will still be great. A possible 30% THC from that plant.

I will post photos when its near completed.
I guess I should post some of it now.

I do think the switch from inside to outside had a negative impact.

I wish I could have left it inside.

But the plant it was touching (lemon haze auto) grew a bunch of seeds. I still don't know if it came from this plant or another growing one hermie that did open. But no other plant got seeds. Just the lemon haze auto. This plant didn't even get seeds. So my guess is....I now have like 50 seeds that will be a mix of lemon haze auto pistachio and blueberry pancakes. Wonder what those will turn out like. The bbp pistachio plant the Hermie opened up on turned out the best of any bbp pistachio plant ive grown so far and when I say better I mean sticky stinky high quality.

The other bbp pitt mixes were decent growing ... But maybe I cooked them a bit too long. And the cure didn't go so great. But this last one is Dynamite in smell and just the way it grew so much better than the others. So I'm hoping that was the phenotype that nailed my lemon haze auto. It grew one dang Hermie and opened before I caught it. I almost wish it had seeded itself. It was that good. Smells like strong citrus. Like orange and blue blueberry.





I put the plant back inside to finish because outside i realized it was not getting 12 hours of direct sun a day. It was getting more like 8 direct and 3 and a half indirect. Which is just not enough to finish the plant in the time frame of the other plant. So I brought it back inside a few days ago. It seems to love the light more than the sun. Its already showing signs of progress. Not majorly. But surely it is progressing much better.
There was also an issue of the plant drying out on the roof really fast. I was giving it a gallon and a half in the morning and then a gallon in the evening because the pot would be light. I think between the sun the heat from the roof and the plant itself it was just drying out too fast. Now it has slowed on water consumption inside. But it could be acclimating to the lights like it had to acclimate to the sun.
I just wonder what this plant would have been if I had grown it without the issues I had from its one week case of hermaphroditis (Yeah i know thats not a word) and having to remove it from everything else.

I so believe there are no male parts on it anymore I was willing to put it with two other plants that are nearly flawless.
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