Here We Grow Again! - A-train's DP Auto Ultimate x 2

She's a beaut!!
Ok guys here is Olga.... she was getting a bit jealous of her sister Helga so I had to snap a shot of her as well
Sure buddy

This part is fact..... your yields will be greatly decreased no matter what medium or growing style... there is NO conyraversy there 12/12 with auto's kills yield.... Ok there's that, it is some people OPINION (yet to see test run) that growing them 12/12 may enhance terpene or alter them....

Ok on to 18/6.... thus is a great schedule for autos and is a medium between max light and saving money on power bill... I used to run all autos on 18/6 and had great results while saving that extra 4 hrs a day on a 70 day run...

On 20/4 is what I now run I have seen a slight increase in yield over 18/6 but as stated the power bill went up as well.... so it's up to the grower... the yield did increase slightly nothing crazy but is it worth a little bit more of you hard earned money???

24/0 will grow a nice plant..... but here's my opinion... I have not seen enough evidence to up my bill even more to switch to 24/0.... I do know this... all plants and animals have a sleep cycle naturally... when my lights go out after 24 hrs the leaves have a little droop yhe plant looks to me to be fucking tired from a ll that work growing and synthesizing and producing flowers... after a 4 hr nap the leaves are nice flat perky facing the light... rejuvenated.... this is why I'll never run 24/0 everyone needs a break sometime
Here's olga..... Helga is being held back until the time is right ;)

Another stunner, A-train....whichever way you put, its still a shitload of fine looking ( auto) weed....

Congrats and + reps for your stirling work on your girls and all the info you share..

I totally agree on the sleep cycle... everyone/thing needs a rest, recharge.... A little chill out time

a wild ruderalis does get 24/0 naturally.but its not as full on as our lights, light intensity changes throughout day

Im on 18/6 at the mo, might increase it to 20/4, later in its life, but a dark period will always be provided.....

Talking of dark periods, do you ever use the 48hr dark period before harvest A-train ??...

Yes... I always do but here's why.... I only have 1 tent and I start my seedings in a closet... well when it's time to chop I just switch them out seedling go to tent and plants go to dark closet.... I never have time to trim a whole plant so there in there in the dark for 24 to 48 hrs.... I have seen a lot of debate about what it does I don't really know if it helps... but it Def doesn't hurt so why not lol
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