Herbie's Beans - Black Widow And Super Skunk

Everyone is SUPER HAPPY this afternoon RIGHT ON!






Everything looks clean so far , no mildews or rot (Boltorytis) to report, sometimes you can find the start of rot early on, on the stems and such as brown splotches but sometimes not even on the soil you can find it. The shit overwinters outside in the ground once the pods open and the spore's break out its BAD NEWS!
Im not the sharpest tool in the box🤣🤣
I only use the fork early on to till a new bed to mix in the compost and castings and such ,from then on I top dress only, I don't want to disturb the fungal hyphe ,then i keep it out to let ppl think i use it all round long
Makes me look like I'm a REAL FARMER 😂😂
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