I think it means to just move the decimal place over by one. A long time ago I had a meter that had that 'x10' on it. Unfortunately it never worked so I'm a little hazy on real details and why they'd make a meter that requires doing the 'x10'. Google should be able to resolve that question.
All is not lost. At all
An EC meter is a perfectly good way to measure things. In fact it's the only way that ppm is measured. There is actually no such thing as a TDS meter. It's just an EC meter that multiplies the EC by 500 before displaying.
All is not lost. At all
An EC meter is a perfectly good way to measure things. In fact it's the only way that ppm is measured. There is actually no such thing as a TDS meter. It's just an EC meter that multiplies the EC by 500 before displaying.