Hey Blazi,
Major has a good point with the ph issue, I would definitely try a flush especially if you aren't to sure on your water source. The only other thing I could think of is your nutrients. You're providing the other Micro nutrients your lady needs to thrive, but you are missing all her Macro nutrients. Especially now in flower your lady is using a lot more p, k,. She also needs some cal and Mg. I feel it is best to give your girl a pretty rounded diet her, cutting down on the N she gets in bloom.
I would say try giving her a good flush, if that doesn't help any you need to find a way to get her those Macronutrients she is craving N,P,K. Lastly don't forget the Cal, and Mg. Hope this helps somehow, and remember it isn't a failure as long as you learn something. We ALL make mistakes.