Help! Nutrient issues!

Are you letting the water rest after adding cal/mag and before adding nutes? Including the cal mag bottles with a different label like in bud candy. RO water with epsom salt would have no calcium, just mag. Dark green leaves indicate high levels of nitrogen. Voodoo unlocks the organic P in the soil. If N or P are high it can lock cal and mag into the soil away from the roots. causing brown spots. High mag locks out P and cal. Vicious cycle.
Yes, I always let it sit, in mix . Bud candy has very low numbers, .5 mag I think. Yeah it is I just can’t figure out what went kicking this off and where or why it’s still moving, didn’t appear to have and precipitation in my nutes mix either. Not sure at this point I am getting them out of these pot and into a different soil today. What’s really crazy is the roots are going strong. Just started coming out of my pots. Thick nice and harry. It’s sad man they had been doing great. Thank you for the response!
If I’m taking these out and going to fabric 15 gallon pot is Mother Earth good soilless? Should I just fully water it in with just phed ro and cal mag? The soilless blend isn’t amended so I had planned to just go full dose of nutes with cal mag to water in. But at a loss here. Thanks everyone I know this is one of those post that your like what is this guy doing….. thanks everyone! Stem still getting thicker and thicker.
So you were in soil but you are going to up pot with soilless? If you are not adding nutrient in the media and it is root packed in the smaller pot, yes add liquid nutrient. Yes mother earth can be soil or coco.

Voodoo juice promotes root and stem growth. It also turns carbon locked organic P into unlocked available P. If you had organic P in the soil it may be releasing too fast with the voodoo. That could lock out cal mag and screw with the PH. Just a thought.

The B52 is kelp extract. Vitamin B and folic acids in kelp are a wonder drug for plants. Definitely helps healthy growth.
Omg yeah, ! I was thinking about trying to go the heavy coco perlite one. I’m starting a new rdwc grow right now also. I wanted to try this soil/ soilless but the last week has been hell… I wish I could just clean the root zone out and h202 soak it and throw them in rdwc system lol then build Bennie’s back up but I never switch a plant this big into hydro. I do start all my hydro plant out of water until 2nd tru leafs at least.
You can switch from soil to soilless mix and just use nutrients. For nutrients spent soil is the same as soilless. Organic or synthetic will work. Just have to pick one and go with it. You can still foliar feed cal mag and B52 with any system. I foliar feed kelp extract because I am currently using sterile DWC.

You can not easily switch a plant from solid to water media. There are water, nutrient and air roots all mixed in that root ball. Switching to just nutrient water would have the wrong roots developed.

I start my clones in just water, bare root or in rockwool cubes. No rhyme or reason why I pick one or the other methods. Wait for a decent cluster of 1 inch long roots. Then plant in hydro tone baskets. With seeds I start in rockwool. Use a small tray with a layer of hydro tone and a thin layer of PH water in the bottom to keep them damp. I wait for an inch of root and first serrated leaves. Then into the net basket with one layer of clay balls under it. Within a week it is taller than the basket so I can back fill it with more hydro tone.
Yeah, I am going to build another rdwc system. I have used big under current , current culture rdwc systems and made my own. I always love growing in them. I sold my last 9 bucket XXL system and really wish I didn’t… 13 gallon buckets. Great system. Grew trees!
Every method can work great with the right grower in the right setting. I grew organic for a long time then started having more and more problems. Life took away my time and patience without me noticing. Switched everything to DWC around 10 years ago. Fit my schedule better and it turned back into enjoyment rather than a task.

Turned my RDWC set up into DWC within the first year. Having the separate res per plant lets me see exactly what each plant is doing. Lets me run every plant at the optimal EC for the strain and stage of growth. More work to maintain but I only run 6 plants in perpetual grow.
Yeah, I am going to build another rdwc system. I have used big under current ,

if i ever go back to active hydro i'll build an undercurrent system. a couple years ago there was a few guys here running insane grows on them. we still have some great active hydro growers.

Every method can work great with the right grower in the right setting. I grew organic for a long time then started having more and more problems. Life took away my time and patience without me noticing. Switched everything to DWC around 10 years ago. Fit my schedule better and it turned back into enjoyment rather than a task.

it's why i'm in hempy right now. sometimes the circumstances dictate which grow style is best suited.

Yeah, I miss mine . Someone has two very large ones for sale in my town right now for like $1500 if I had it I would do it lol . They are the 13 gallon xxl system like what I had and ones a 20 bucket I think and the other one is 9 like mine. Crazy deal. But yeah I would love to just build one just hard to source some or the parts like the bulk head seals.
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