that fan is an inline booster fan and may not move enough air to drop your humidity. if you couple it with a carbon scrubber it will have an even harder time.
it is a good brand and i've seen others use it as an extractor as well, though with no scrubber (filter) attached.
this is the type of fan required for use as an extractor if you add a carbon scrubber.
@VetSmoke85 posted a great graphic on how a tent is set up including extraction fan and carbon scrubber.
there's nothing wrong with using the fan you have, it just may not move enough air.
your light should be maintained about 18 - 24 inches from the canopy in flower. that light does look a bit small for the space. i'd have to look up the specs, but i'd venture you could use a second one.
without knowing your media and feed sched i can't comment on the ppm you are currently feeding. plant requirements go up in flower, not down, so i wouldn't drop it lower, and things look good right now. i don't see any plants currently having nutrient issues.