Normally when the plants show yellow on the new growth it is accepted as part of the way the plant grows. But, I feel that the amount of yellowing you have on those plants is way too much.Another question. These are in Veg. They were in solo cups until a week ago. (Ran them in way longer than expected). Any ideas what could be going on here with the deficiencies? Using Technaflora, boost, grow, magical. Any help appreciated
They are pretty dang big for having been in Solo Cups up until a week ago. They most likely were already running low on available nutrients in that soil mix. If whatever you did for the plants in your first msg that started this thread worked then my first suggestion is plan on doing it again to these. And some Nitrogen looks like it is going to help out.
Plus pick one plant that looks like it represents all the others and take a photo of that plant from the side so the group can see the leaves and stem from the soil line to the tops of the growing tips. This would help give an idea of the progression of some deficiencies that are not easy to see when looking down from above.