Help! Fungal disease I can't stop


420 Member
This disease has effected almost everyone I know for the last few yrs and knowone has been able to stop it. It starts on the very bottom leaves, brown spots with a yellow edge. The leaves quickly turn yellow and fall off. It spreads rapidly in humid conditions and in some cases the plants will die. Has anyone had this problem and found the solution?? Please help




Septoria - there is no cure, all you can do is remove affected leaves or cull the plants altogether and burn
Use an alcohol wipe on your blade/hands between cuts
Sorry for you, it's a real persistent problem
Septoria - there is no cure, all you can do is remove affected leaves or cull the plants altogether and burn
Use an alcohol wipe on your blade/hands between cuts
Sorry for you, it's a real persistent problem
Ok so I've noticed that some of the bushes/small trees around the area have brown spots also. Is it possible that other plants also are spreading the spores?
Ok so I've noticed that some of the bushes/small trees around the area have brown spots also. Is it possible that other plants also are spreading the spores?
Yes, that's why it is so difficult to deal with
Similar to potato blight in that once an area or plot of land is infected it can be residual for years
If you can completely clean all of your kit, you might be able to get away with it by filtering the intake?
If you can completely clean all of your kit, you might be able to get away with it by filtering the intake?

by the looks of the corrugated metal wall i'd say the grow is outside and the ongoing issue is environmental. you might try vitamin c/citrus spray.
Ok so I've noticed that some of the bushes/small trees around the area have brown spots also. Is it possible that other plants also are spreading the spores?
Not always. I get trees and shrubs around the yard that develop spots on the leaves. Most of the time it will not spread beyond specific trees/shrubs so I don't end up with the spots on my couple of outdoor cannabis plants or anything else.

Come to think of it the "swamp milkweed" developed black spots which had a different look than the black spots on the maple trees. But, again, no similar looking black or brown spots on the marijuana plants.
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