Help! am I about to ruin my crop?


Ok everyone, here is how frosty my bud is at the mo, its looking nice as is its just i get greedy and am a bit of a fussy one when it comes to my girl.
Also thank god someone else has found the humidity stress research, everyone on here was making me out to sound stupid, when the idea makes perfect sense to me
OK the light cycle point: The idea I read was that you can simply increase your yield by giving your plant more light. You do this by increasing the daytime part up to 21.36hrs then she has 12 dark then 21.36 and so on. It is apparently a trick from comercial fruit growers. The point being that because she is a photo strain, as long as she gets her 12 dark you could in theory mess around with her light period to whatever you want.
I only used this timing for 2 weeks, around week 5-6 of flowering. then reverted back to 12/12

It was simply a study i read somwhere and thought it made sense so gave it a whirl.
OK the light cycle point: The idea I read was that you can simply increase your yield by giving your plant more light. You do this by increasing the daytime part up to 21.36hrs then she has 12 dark then 21.36 and so on. It is apparently a trick from comercial fruit growers. The point being that because she is a photo strain, as long as she gets her 12 dark you could in theory mess around with her light period to whatever you want.
I only used this timing for 2 weeks, around week 5-6 of flowering. then reverted back to 12/12

It was simply a study i read somwhere and thought it made sense so gave it a whirl.

whilst your reasoning is fairly sound, the rules are a little stricter for MJ because we want in general seedless weed.
now the basic principle of MJ flowering is that there is a hormone that constantly builds up in the plant. daylight destroys this hormone and dark allows it to accumilate.

when we switch to 12+ hours of dark it is so that we can tip the balance of this hormone into flowering mode.
if we initiate flowering and then blast it with enough light to reduce the hormones to below flowering level, its my believe that your going to stress the plant and cause hermie. (advice applies to regular plants, rules are different for autos)
Hello my friend I havnt read every post but if you want to increase trichs you can add a bulb with a high uvb output like a repti glow .trichs are there to protect the plant from the harmful rays from the sun which are the uvb rays I allways add one for the last 3 weeks of 12/12 not for the whole 12 hours of light but for 6 hours during lights on and it makes a very noticeable difference .
so many different theories, never come across the 21.36-12 idea, ive always wondered if we can give plant more than 24 hours per day, so this would suggest that its been tried and tested, ill try and find it as ive been interested in this for a while,

ill try and find out what i can, its intereting for sure, but not sure id go as far as 21-12 though, maybe something like 14-12 or 16-12, maybe it works ill need to look more into this, could this be why its not showing orange hairs, could the plant of started to go back into veg for them 2 weeks, it would take around 3 weeks to go back into veg but it would at the very least stunt a plant if it did trigger the hormones to go back to a veg stage,

but if keeping the 12 hour dark period works then why couldnt other methods be used such as 24-12 or even 36-12, how much light would be to much, i thought a plant needed 12 hours of dark per 24 to keep it in flower or at least around 12 hours give or take an hour.

so 21.5 hours of light then 12 hours of dark is nearly a full 24 hours of light to 12 hours of dark, so it is getting more growing time but does it cause the plant to think its going into veg, id need to see what i can find out, plus how do you get a timer to do that, i guess it can be done on digital timer but would take some setting up.

i know if we interupt the dark cycle it makes the plant hermie very quick, not sure why this would be any different but as its something ive not heard of ill remain open minded, if you come aross the link anyone please post it so i can find it, ill try the search engine and see what i can find.
problem is it dont show any real proof it works, i could say something works without backing it up, without proof its a tough call to make, id have to lean with the hermie argument at this stage all though maybe keeping the 12 hour dark period stops it going hermie and also keeps it in flower, i guess thats why the flower time is a couple of weeks longer,

im thinking it maybe makes the plant think its in veg so it keeps growing instead of flower as such but then the 12 hour dark period forces it back into flower and stops it actually going into veg, so the extra growth would mean extra buds, but am i going to try this with a room full of budding plants, well not until i can find out more,

very interesting idea, if it works then i would try but it adds a few more weeks onto the harvest date,
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